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norcal bad beat jackpot by traxamillion, December 24

So last night i go to the local cardroom Lucky Chances in Colma near San Francisco with my brother and my best friend bake. About five minutes after sitting down there is commotion at an adjacent table. The bad beat jackpot of 113,000 dollars has been hit. I see the winning hand is quad aces (that hit running aces on the turn / river to quad up) versus a flopped quad 5s. My mind is pretty blown that this thing has even hit,

then i see that my boy Bake had the aces for 20% of the bad beat pot!

he gets cashed out in a fat mound of high denomination chips that i have never even seen in play at 5-10 (highest that usually runs other than 10-20 on weekend) and we cash out and get escorts to the cage and car from security.

Just absolutely crazy to be playing 1-1-2 and to ship that amount; none of us are rich so that is a lot of money and my friend was very generous to my brother and I (made more from the bbj than i ever have in even my best 1-1-2 session)
never thought i'd see this thing hit

good luck guys

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fuckheads by D_Zoo, December 23

have a good xmas

Ubereem vs Brock!

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Baldur's gate 2 by LikeASet, December 23

Anyone know a reliable site where I can dl Baldur's Gate 2. I feel like playing it, only played the first one and it's one of the funnest rpg's I've ever played.

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1k profit at NL10 in 30days by SoC, December 23

Well after a lot of bad BRM decisions, that fortunately ran VERY well due to being over EV and playing like durr I've decided to go back to basics and actually play properly.

Withdrew ~700euros and bought a new PC that doesn't freeze every 10minutes and a new phone (Sony XP Play)

I want to be back at Nl25 by february, 40 buyins should be enough to smash it and survive variance!

So 100euro -> 1000 euro in 30days! (well until 26th Jan as I go budapest then)

1k hands so far +40 euros! Hope to keep crushing

Merry christmas to everyone and enjoy the festive holidays! (And hopefully you get more time off work than me)

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My goals for the restart of my poker career by ynot, December 22

It has been about a year since I last sat down at the tables with the drive and determination that I have now. I went to my book shelf and dusted off my Harrington on holdem books, my little black, green and blue books, and began to skim over all the highlights i previously made in the super system 1 & 2. (Although they seemed pretty much the same) A lot of my books were for tournament play since I found the most success playing in tournaments last years winning honestly about 1 of everything 3 tournaments cashing in about 1,400- 1,700 a tournament. (usually 200$ freeze outs)

Since I have made it my goal to become a strong cash game player I have been running into some troubles. My books cover lightly on cash games and the games they do cover are for limits much higher than I am going to being playing. My casino's in town run 1/2 and 2/4 with the occasional 5-10 if enough people want to do it. Usually a full poker room with 1/2 tables.

I have been skimming online, reading forums, asking my friends questions and trying to put my self through a super course of cash games. I like to think the reason i was never too successful at 1/2 was that I over thought the game too much. I would do my best to make reads, judge hand ranges, always play from position and try to take money from players who "seemed weak". I never really saw "fish". I have seen some bad players before but even a bad player can take your money in a 1/2 game before you get the chance to build your stack. From what I have been gathering are just a few things.

1.) Play tight. Players skill at 1/2 isn't high enough to understand when to fold. They value their hand much more than they should.

2.) Value bet your pots. When you have it, get it in. No slow playing your hands.

3.) Be patient. Depending of the style of your table, playing tight and value betting will cause you to be watching a lot from the sidelines. Just make sure to use that time to study your opponents and try to catch tendencies.

4.) Don't over play. Don't try to trap or bluff your opponent since he will think his top pair is a royal flush.

5.) Never be the first player to limp in. You can limp in after others. Just never be the first.

Of course, all of these ideas are subject to change due to the type of player and way the table is going.Of course, all of these ideas are subject to change due to the type of player and way the table is going.

From my first post on here I got some real nice responses. More specifically from Carthac and another individual who posted a really informative link about the value of your play and what it means to make the right decision even if you lose the hand. Others, posted.. well, nothing important enough to type.

Prior to coming back into poker I played online on both Full Tilt and Poker Stars before it was illegal and spent my days playing casino cash games and tournaments. I don't like to think of myself and a new beginner with the experiences that I have but maybe I am since a year is a long time to stay away.

As I have been looking around for books, threads, and pm people about good tactics to crush 1/2 i still find myself looking around. Some things I have decided and questions I have are:

- My bank roll will be 2k. Even though the buy-in is 200.00$ I will have a lot to play with since I don't expect to have all my knowledge suddenly return as the hands are dealt.

- I will "generally" go into my first few tables playing tight. Keeping a relatively strong range of hands to play with and always from position. I will do my best to identify the lose and tight players and try to punish them when I hit a hand. No bluffing. (unless he's a tool)

- From your experiences, what were the best ways you crushed 1/2 tables?

- What are some good books you have read that helped you in your success to pass 1/2?

- Anyone interested in coaching me? (gotta try ;-p)

- I will be updating my blog on here talking about tough hands, my win/loss, and any questions I had at the poker table. I am bring pen and paper along with me so I can write it down as it happens so I don't forget.

I always wondered how all of you think 1/2 is such a low skill level. It fascinates me a little bit. But if you took the time to read this entire thing, thank you. For anyone who responds with intentions of helping me, thank you. I'll do my best to keep updating as I play.

Thanks for reading!!

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Quick help!!! by El_Tanque, December 22

At a sushi bar for the first time and got the sake pairing. It came out as a shot. Do I shoot this or gingerly drink along with food???

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29K Hand Session of 2/4 PLO!! by Joeingram1, December 22

thanksss for the glll wishes in my comments when i update the blog for this challenge guys, def helps me get up that extra motivation when I read them all

Longest session of the month officially over, wanted to get to 800k VPP by the end of tonights session so would leave me with 10 days/200k VPP and I was successful. Played 29k hands with a 2 hour break in between so not actually sure if it all counts as one session but at least 20k of them were in one. Went through random spurts where I played terrible ie 3betting junk OOP and 3betting junk on BTN and getting it in with any piece, those times account for the random 5k dips and then i got refocused and those resulting 5k ups are from that. Finished it off with some deep table madness and a miracle of a hand to secure the win and up for the day. It is pretty sick that I made 150k fpps in one fucking session lol, thats like 2.5k/2.7k from that alone. Feel pretty great right now and don't think I'll have much of a problem getting there. I could have played a few more hours if i needed to so I know I have a potential 50k vpp session in me if I need to. Going to try to get some sleep now and wake up to do it all again tomorrow

O YEA and i banned my chat for a week because i tilt sooo hard when i start swearing at the god mode regs, i did it after the first session I lost 7k, probably should have done it alot sooner

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league of legends (rant warning) by K40Cheddar, December 22

Greetings k40cheddar,

Certain in-Game activity on your account has been found to be in violation of the Summoner’s Code by the Tribunal.

The most common cause for this warning is either harassment or disruption of gameplay (intentional feeding, etc.). Bear in mind that the definition of harassment can range from direct, overt verbal harassment, to intentionally creating an unpleasant gameplay environment.

This is a friendly warning to encourage you to respect the Summoner's Code and contribute to the community in a positive light.

Thanks for your understanding, and best of luck on the Fields of Justice!

Maybe if people ACTUALLY FUCKING COMMUNICATED and didn't FEED EVERY FUCKING GAME it would be easier to be nice. I get reported one game cause early game I "took someone's farm". No it doesn't fucking matter that I go 10/2/8 and single handedly wield my team to a win I GUESS I JUST CAN'T TAKE FARM FROM PEOPLE WHO CAN'T LAST HIT FOR SHIT ANYWAY. WTF MAN this game is so addicting as fuck but everyone is just A HUGE RETARD and can't do anything OMFG. Play draft pick and get 4 fucking retards THAT ALL GET FUCKING SQUISHY ASS AD HEROES WTF. LEARN HOW TO BUILD A TEAM COMP HOLY SHIT. Enter the fucking game and all like "yo guys I kinda wanna play mid anyone got a problem with that?" As usual, NOBODY FUCKING REPLIES. I'm all like "ok I guess thats cool". Pick my mid hero. Get a dude on the team that picks a hero. FUCKING TAKES MY FUCKING LANE AT THE START OF THE GAME AND IS ALL LIKE "YO MAN I WANNA MID". WELL FUCK WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING YOU DUMB FUCKING SHIT. Solo top like a boss. Get a dude weak. Ask jungle "Yo man can i get a gank? DOESN'T FUCKING COME THE ENTIRE GAME AND BLAMES YOU FOR LOSING WHEN THE OTHER TWO LANES GET FUCKED IN THE ASS AND I HOLD MY OWN LANE AND EVERYONE ELSE FEEDS LIKE A MOTHER. WTF BOOM MAN.

/end rant

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time to pack..! by tutz, December 21

Hey guise,

We made the decision: we are going to Bangkok. Tomorrow I'm gonna flight to my hometown (Saint Louis) to spend Christmas and New Year with my parents and Desirée (my gf) is gonna stay here (Brasilia) with her family. Then in January first she is gonna flight to Saint Louis to meet me there and spend a couple days getting to know my family (she never met then since they dont live in the same city as us). We are gonna spend a good 14 days there together.

Saint Louis (São Luís in portuguese) is not a big city, but its has some nice beaches and a lot of stuff to do so its gonna be quite fun.

On January 15th we will come back to Brasilia to pack our stuff and leave to Thailand. We are gonna fly Qatar Airlines (heard they are sick good) and its gonna take more than 30 hours from the time we leave Brasilia to the time we get to Bangkok. January 24th is the big date!

I'm very excited about this, never been to Asia before and now I'm gonna live there! I already sold almost all of my stuff and just annouced my car for sale. I own a Hyundai i30, I'm asking R$47000 for it, that's about $27,000 USD. Yeah you might think thats a lot but cars here in Brazil are very very very very very expensive. I bought my car for R$58,000 (~$33,000 USD) 2 years ago, correct me if I'm wrong but a car like mine in the United States cost something like $15k lol. For those who dont know what car I'm talking about here is a pic:

Pokerwise things are OK, not great, just OK. I have some plans to achieve, but I rather not share them, maybe if I achieve them
One thing I will say is that I have been putting some volume in MTT's lately and playing less NL50.

I feeling really good about everything in general, the future looks promising!

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marry christmas by applejuice03, December 21

I just wish you guys a marry christmas

Song's name: Born To Die By: lana del rey

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snookie still wants smoosh smoosh by YoMeR, December 21


she actually looks decent now wtf. With a tit job i think she'll be fairly hot for sho

edit: adding in a floofy poll to make this post not fail as hard...gotta fail harder.
Poll: Would you now hit that?
(Vote): Hell yes...
(Vote): Maybe with 0-100 drinks
(Vote): Nope ;(
(Vote): I woulda hit that before anyways...

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It's christmas time! by DustySwedeDude, December 21

For the 3rd year in a row poker in December has been horrible. That kind of sucks but everything usually gets brighter when the new year starts.

Here's a few things I'm grateful for:

When I got signed by I got an idea about how to make really affordable group coaching possible and for the last week I've been getting people interested and so far I've got about 10 people in total for 3 or different groups. This will be very cheap and aimed mostly to people who plays fairly low, something like NL/PLO20 and up till 1/2.

My plan to begin with was to make 2 groups, one for omaha in Swedish and one in English. Due to much more demand then I thought I'll do it like this:

1. Omaha in Swedish - group coaching
2. Omaha in English - group coaching
3. A No Limit studygroup in English where we'll spend slightly more time on hand discussions and such relative to the amount of theory
4. NL in Swedish - group coaching

Depending on how many people who'll sign up this following week I might turn group 3 and 4 into one big group or do something cool with that in some other way. I did not actually think that I'd get so much requests for NL considering how I haven't played it very much the last year or so but apparently people feel that my poker mind is good enough so that they'll get a lot from picking it anyway. I got really excited when I found this out and decided that I'll get back to grinding both games actually just to learn it better so that I will not disappoint anyone. If anyone (only non-US, sorry ) wants to join just send me a PM and I'll get back to you at some point before New Years (but probably a lot sooner).

I'm really excited to try and teach some of the things I've learned in my 5+ years of online poker, not primarily theory and such (even though there'll be lots of that too!) but mostly stuff that has to do with the right mind set, the correct ways of thinking and such. I haven't really had much that I've been feeling super excited for in a while but this might be one of those things I'll get a lot of fulfilment from.

I'll also have a few other cool projects going on as their new "team pro"/blogger and if I find something with decent value I'll be sure to keep you posted.

2. It's Christmas. I get to listen to my Christmas play-list which I started with back in 09.

A girl I know from school made this list: I found it surprisingly well made.

3. Despite becoming a fat fuck (not to worry, I'll get back in the gym after X-mas. 2012 will be less hectic) I'm fairly healthy and no one in my family died or got seriously ill this year. That's a first one in a while.

I don't know how much I'll be at the computer during X-mas but I'll try to answer stuff as soon as I can.


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Microsoft Entertainment Pack by edzwoo, December 21

Someone brought up an old game I played a long time ago called Skyroads:

I had the sickest case of nostalgia and remembered all the games I used to play from the Microsoft Entertainment Pack. Anyone else remember these awesome games?

Rattler's Race:

Pipe Dream:

Chip's Challenge:


Rodent's Revenge:

Best games ever.

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Getting back into Poker. by ynot, December 20

As I contemplate typing this, I think to myself "how should I start this off?".

I would like to start by talking about my prior experience playing holdem. The town I live in is made up of 3 things: casinos, restaurants and more casinos. (Shreveport, LA) The main live game played is 1/2 and 2/4 no limit. I understand how a lot of the members of this site are well beyond 1/2 and 2/4 and consider them newbish games but I would that me a "fish" or a newby. I have played in more tournaments than i can count. Just simple 200 dollar buy-ins with about 60-70 people. A dream for some of you pros on here who would make an easy 2k.

During my poker time I had to go to Iraq for a year and have yet to get back into poker. I wasn't incredibly successful at 1/2 cash games breaking more even than winning. I won multiple tournaments somehow finding it easier to play and more strategic. I never wanted to play poker leisurely. I did my best to acquire the most knowledge of the game I could. I bought multiple books, went though and highlighted what i thought was consistent in all the books. I folded pages with good information and did my best to include the tips and tricks into my play.

Now that I decided to get back into the game I have been re-reading my books, trying to re-understand everything. I have the bank roll to play the 1/2 cash games but I don't want to have the same thing happen as last time. I don't want to come out breaking even, every once in awhile doubling my stack at 1/2. I am posting this looking for guidance and help. As I read these forums and browse through the threads you all seems to be very skilled players. I want to be like you guys. I want to view 1/2 as low limit and a game where the easy money is.

I was looking for guidance from you guys. Any help you could offer. Any thought of good material for 1/2 no limit? Any good threads you could refer me to? Any tips or play styles you guys could give to help me become a better player and finally surpass 1/2 and move up the ladder.

Thank you guys for reading this and I really want to become a great poker player and lose my fish mentality. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks again guys!!

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Mission Impossible by julep, December 20

Contender for worst movie ever. ever. ever. I can't really get over how bad it was.

Nevertheless it has quite high ratings on (94%) and (7.9/10)

Anyone else seen it?

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Got a job! by hneaz, December 20

2 days after graduating from college, I received a phone call saying that I got a full time offer. I nearly crapped myself when they told me how much they were paying me. I never expected to get paid that much with a liberal arts degree (Statistics and Economics). My head is still spinning. All the dreams I had 2 years ago are coming true. I plan on playing live poker at the casino on the weekends to supplement my income from my job so that I can make more money and hopefully play in the big tournaments and also start saving for the future. I cant believe I can actually get to live my dreams. I am still not sure how to feel. I have not been this happy in the longest time.

Full time job and a part-time poker player, sounds really good.

EDIT - Ok, $52 K is what I am getting paid. That's why I nearly crapped myself.

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$24.50 for $20 by tutz, December 20

done, thanks Defrag!

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12 Days Left, need 20k Vpp/day by Joeingram1, December 20

Thought I was updating my blog then looked and realized it hasnt been since day 3/4. Im awlays updating my SNE prop bet thread on 2p2 pretty daily so if you want to follow more along with this then can do it there

brain feels dead, cant think, cant move, body sore, tired as fuck. Month started up up up then breakeven then up up and now down down down. Still up about 15k at tables for the month but can't think right now. I was sick for a good 4 day stretch and dont think i played much at all, was hanging out with a new person of interest here in vancouver as well during that time so combine those 2 and not a good recipe for the grind. Luckily I am all better now, the person of interest went back to states and now it is me back grinding 12 hour/20k vpp days for the rest of the month. 12 MORE DAYS, 12 MORE DAYS 12 MORE DAYS keep saying that its only 12 MORE DAYS lol w/e gridning is fun

there are some 2/4 regs i fucking hate and if i had the chance to beat them up or get beat up by them i might take it, for example, raymond wu (fuck u) podox (fuck u fuck u fuck u) , alex3344 (go fuck yourself in your moms basement), cantbeat (cheating piece of shit)

thats my rant

graph for this day, FOUGHT HARDDDDDDDDDDD to get back up

sleep time

753K VPPPPPPP total

270 something to go

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Day9 from LP/TL makes Forbes' Top 30 under 30 by Carthac, December 20

Pretty crazy how far himself and SC2 has come in such a short time span. Congratulations buddy!

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well after not playing poker, at least i won money by moonk379, December 19

on fantasy football! whooo just won the league and won it with top score too haha wasn't too big only 300 bux but still better than nothing! xD

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