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Call of Duty MWF by YouGoTGoT, October 14

Playing MWF 1 on XBL come add me if you want to play this or MWF2. Im high and bored bitches.

Gamertag: Y0ugotgot (thats a zero in Y0u)

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1000! by sodarayg, October 14

Finally achieved my goal! Going to withdraw 200 because that was my goal to begin with, next time I withdraw will be when I reach 2000! =]

Is there a doomswitch after withdrawing? =[[

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since I'm busto by gawdawaful, October 14

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another 2/5c blog by Gigabeef, October 14

Collection of thoughts:

As said in the rake thread, its pretty damn high, which I have thought before on many occasions myself as well. I seem to be getting raked at 7.5 BB/100 (like 75c/100! That's a big deal to me :D), which is pretty hideous. With rakeback, that turns into 6.2 BB/100 but it's still pretty immense.

So I'm kinda stuck at breakeven atm, with any edge that I have transferring directly into FTP's bank account, and as such can't seem to build my bankroll anywhere atm. However I am half re-learning the small amount that I knew before as a result of taking a large break from poker after getting frustrated last time, so I can dig it for now. Just trying to improve.

Also been thinking about some cbetting stuff, which I have been thinking about for a while.

Incoming splurge of maths thoughts beware (just about ev calculations and stuff):

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The main reason why I actually decided to think about how I am cbetting is because I took a look at my cbets when I have no pair at all, and I am actually slightly down (although this is probably because of variance, as I only have a smallish sample from recent play) and I just thought it would be an interesting thing to take a look at.

I'm also trying to figure out where I have leaks in my game (obviously everywhere seen as I'm not crushing tbh) and working out the best way to analyse my own game to work out where I'm losing money unnecessarily.

Anyway, I'm having fun and not spewing cash and that's what its all about right? :D

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ROFL black card? by mikeymoo, October 14

wtf I haven't played since Sept 5th, and ftp sends me a black card thing?

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Rush Pokar by sawseech, October 14

it fucking roolz

imma have a FTP roll in like 15 hours LOL

fucking 1 tabling LOL

on my "rest days" LOL

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wbcoop by Gsr_01_integ, October 14

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swingy month o_o by Bullshit, October 14

started down 12k at NL and plo for the first week or so won 44k the next 4 days and lost 18-19k the last 2 days 15k lost was due to a lot of stupidness (hyper turbos - 30/60 triple stud - 25/50 cap) lol we'll see what the rest of the month brings

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Mid month update by JSquids, October 14

poker wise i think i played for about 3 days total.... about 3K hands and im just about breakeven
(50NL HU)

got $300 in bets that im prob ganna lose (thinking of buying out tmrw for half with them all) but i think il just keep them to motivate me for the last half of the month.

havnt seen my gf in like a week, shes super fucking pissed. its ok , i think shes on her period for the last 4 days or so. kinda a good time to be on a hiatus. altho anal sex is fun... hope she lets me take her to dinnnnner tmrw. i hate having to rip off my own balls and gravel. i gave her a dozen roses a few days ago. she dint even really wanna take it.

i started working full time again. im an electrician. started up again mybe 3 weeks ago so it surely put a damper on my poker life. poker is great and all but i can easily make 3K a month working.

started the gym again 5 days a week for the last 3 weeks aswell... im usualy out of work by 3 thats the only benifit of starting at 630am. i been getting up at 6 am for the last 3 years probibly so my body is used too it kinda. i dont even need an alarm clock.

shit could be better, shit could be worse. i got a full stomach and some bread in my pocket.

oh yea and i stopped smoking weed for a week already. from like 2 blunts a day.

fuck i also forgot to say that i tryed SC2 over a freinds house and i been loving it. went back there a few times in the last month to play it again. he really wants me to buy it since i was a very good UD wc3 player. im affraid its ganna take over my life and il get obsesssed so im trying very hard to fight the urge to buy that shit.

k im done. gotta run to work.

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End of the week by attik34, October 14

Well...its been a pretty rough week as far as SnG's go. I'm running pretty bad, and may have forseeably been leaking a little. I've done some analyzing mah game and decided I needed to tighten somethings up. One thing im doing is playing some 180 and 90 mans in there need to start tightening playing way too loose...I say this as someone hits their gutshot on me for a big stack...hooray for baddies getting it in on the turn with gutshots...I don't feel like im playing bad though...Seems im losing ALOT of 60/40s I'm ahead in in really important spots. All in all i know there is money to be had, and i just need to stick with it....that being said I need to play at good times so i can hit some good tourneys up...I play well in them...they are full of fish...and i can bot them like SnGs Here is my graph for 45 mans:

as you can see been a rough last 80 sngs or so...but hey thats poker...and thats not a very big'll see waht happens...

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what happened by nolan, October 14

month been interesting

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Back at pokerstars. by wolfheart, October 14

For while all poker sites has been banned in estonia. Dunno how goverment though that stupid law here. But like 5 days ago pokerstars got licence in estonia but with few restrictions for players. First they have to use client, they have to vertify themselves with id card or passport id, no buddy transfers or tournament dollars transfers.

So i though yeah finally i can play with client what i like. Since they offering max 100$ deposite bonus. I transfered nearly 100$ to ps account. So then money arrived on account there was promotion tournaments going on 1k freeroll and 5$ +1k added. Last one was realy nice overlay since 153 players only bought in for total pricepool 1600 something. Both tournaments had same structure 1k chips in start 10/20 blinds in start. So i registred to both tournaments and Boom banked 1st place on 1k+ added after 4,5hours of play for 404$. This gave me really nice roll to play stakes where i used to grind alot. At first i had planned to play really solid bankroll managemnt and grind 5$ to 200 at least.

So i have played for now some 3k on 10nl and 2k hands on 25nl and i must admit its much toughter then it used to be. 10nl has much more fish while 25nl is though. Ppl 3betting light alot and often find in hard postion with 88 etc hands.
So far i have noticed 3 betting light myself is what makes money. Then i see like some aggro player raise 1$ and call after it, if hold decent holding what i would call with then i pop it up and so far it works good. Tho i have noticed i have big leaks holes since i havent played for long. So often i find myself in though spots.

Yesterday one hand kinda bugged me. Cand find that hand in HH. So i have 1$ raise on button and i hold AK on small blind and i pop it to 3,5$ on 250bb tables. Both had like 180bb stack. I get call and flop comes A23 one flushdraw. I bet like 4.5$ i get call. Turn 4.
Pot is 15$ both have like 35$ behind. I check and guy shoves 35$. I timebank and fold and guy shows AJ. Wut ever.

2nd hand where i found myself in really hard spot was also on 250 bb tables. We both had little over 200bb. Guy opens 3bb CO. I pop QQ sb to 12 bb 3$. Guy calls. Flop 877 with club flushdraw. i bet faily small 3.5$ looking if hes gonna raise me. He just calls. Turn T. Pot 13.25 i bet 7$. Guy just calls. River T .. so board is 77TT8 on flush on board. Pot 27$ i check. Guy bets 21.5$ and i tank forever. I beat really few hands but it didnt make sense to me why draw flush on paired board and why bet flush on fullhouse board so big. So finally called and he shows 56H straight draw. Hand link

So i have played like cash 2 days now and really not made real progress. Hope heater soon. At first i wanted to have 40 buyin bankroll managemnt, but atm lowered it to then i have above 500$ i play 25nl... if i go below i go back to 10$.

Gl to everyone

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Day 35 by player999, October 14

Today I registered for the BSOP (Brazilian Series of Poker) which is gonna happen next week. Will play the R$ 1.2k main event (= 710 usd), if I bust prob enter the R$ 3.4k (= 2k usd) and some juicy 25/25 live cash (= 15/15 usd), maybe the PLO event too. Should be fun.

Last 2 days:

From game 30 to 110 there, I ran as bad as one can possibly run. The last few games doesnt make up for it, that was just the fish who raped me from game 100 to 110 giving it back. If I had won any of these hands I wouldve pretty much doubled my winrate for these 123 sngs, fucking sngs man, anything below 10k is a small sample.

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58k VPPs so far, 220k FPPs, 4k bonus coming soon yay.

Also, losing to people like this guy is fucking with my brain, might snap and quit poker at any moment (tho I won this one):
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Shoryuken! by exalted, October 13

Real pleased obviously, sick to go from that valley and shoryuken back up. Finally puts me in the green this month. Had a couple of disappointingly close but no cigar runs in tournaments (Lamborghini grand final, WCOOP, 750k Guarantee) so it's nice to heater for sure.

Have been playing a lot of Super Street Fighter 4 on the Xbox. Have had 0 desire to play Starcraft 2 so SSF4 has become my latest gaming vice. I thought I would pick it up quickly having a fast WPM / piano fingers but solid execution is really difficult and there is a real steep learning curve. Doesn't help that I am in Asia and have to play tough Asian grinders (as opposed to American 10 y/o scrubs) otherwise it will lag. Of course it's great to play good players but it's majorly tilting to lose 10-11 matches in a row.

Also was happy with this purchase on ebay:

Altogether, I have been putting a lot more volume (thanks to black card marketing) and really look forward to what will happen before year's end!

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Super Turbo S&G's - rake = rapes you? by bro, October 13

I've seriously started believing that you simply can't keep up a decent ROI at shorthanded super turbo sit and go's. The outcome is just too random, meaning that you can't have enough edge in the long run to beat both the rake and the players.

All people I play against are worse than me. That's for sure. They have so many leaks in their games. Regulars are OK but nothing compared to players at Stars or Full Tilt. I haven't seen any regs who have a higher ROI than at max 1-2%.

So, I need to change site, or something. Because there's not enough single table tournament action in any other games than these super turbo shorthanded ones.

I'm stuck at Entraction for the rest of the month, though. I have this bonus I need to finish and I'm also kind of committed to the leaderboard. If I just get in a lot of volume I should be able to get 5th spot for €400. That's €600 guaranteed with my €200 bonus if I just keep playing (plus the rake-back I'll get). And I can even do it at the €1.1 level if I want to. Making that easy money when I basically have no bankroll I believe can't be matched by what other sites can offer me.

Blah, this is just a rant post. I'm taking tomorrow off and coming back for some serious grind on Friday when I get this week's rakeback.

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What's next? by GoTuNk, October 13


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excange $ anyone? by darckman, October 13

bump anyone can help me out,need 500$ PS i give FTP or UB,send first to someone that is for long time o this forum.thanks

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Supernova in 12 days!!! by Joeingram1, October 13

Just hit 100k vpp for the month!! Only took me 12 days to make it to supernova! I ended the session with about 104k vpp so im a little behind pace for 31 days. I posted my graph before my last session and obviously I played fucking horrible and lost a few K but thats what I get when I play like a fucking 3bet monkey idiot.

Here is supernovaaaaa

Graph for the month before last session, of course I running bad its plo


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Hate being stuck by sodarayg, October 13

Hey guys, im a long time lurker who started posting in the low stakes poker section recently.
I started off with 10 dollars and have been playing 25nl after i hit 20bi's. I'm doing a move up at 20 bi move down at 15bi rule for all stakes.

anyways, i've started playing 25nl when i hit 500 and now im at 870 including rakeback. started off well then had a really bad run, and now im going back up and playing well imo. I've been trying to fix my redline by 3betting more in position and just betting more in general and it's been working.

SO I think i'm going to start blogging more for fun =]

this post is about my 3 hour session, the longest I've had in a long time. Started off with me value betting flop and turn only to have the river complete all draws a few times, then that made me start going all in with marginal hands. I buckled down and started winning it back after that.

ended well =]
i would post hands but im lazy and ill do that next time

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Anyone Playing CCOOP? by SemPeR, October 13

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