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The Key to Happiness by RiKD, November 18

Comments (11)       read entire blog by Gnarly, November 18

anyone play on this skin? how are cashouts? i think they offer a deposit bonus, but what about a reload?

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Video Blog by Ryan Neilly, November 17

gl lp stay positive


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League of Legends by MyAnacondaDont, November 16

Anyone want to get a liquidpoker league of legends game going? inhouse?

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T$ trade by LemOn[5thF], November 16

Edit: Thanks Devon <3
Cool site

Here's a vid I liked instead:

A key thing from Canfield's book and his video is this a great mindset to have, at the poker tables or in life:
Event+Your Reaction of the event = Outcome

Well no shit Sherlock you might say, but if you think about it and accept the mindset it only ever makes sense to always focus on the solutions and things you can change and virtually never worry/feel bad/even talk about events that happened that you have no control over. Like Variance. Or being broke. Or the news.

Basically it means you will be always positive, except when shit hits the fan and the best reactions also become hard and uncomfortable.

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It is on a day like this one... by RiKD, November 14

a little later, a little earlier,
that you discover, without surprise,
that something is wrong...

That you do not know how to live and that you never will know.

You sleep, you walk, you continue to live,
like a laboratory rat abandoned in its maze by some absent-minded scientist.

But rats do not spend hours trying to get to sleep.
Rats do not wake up with a start, gripped by panic, bathed in sweat.
Rats do not dream and what can you do to protect yourself against your dreams?

Time, which sees to everything, has provided the solution, despite yourself.

Time, that knows the answer, has continued to flow.

You are afraid,
you are waiting. - Narrator (The Man Who Sleeps)

You are waiting,

you are waiting for?

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freestyle rap fun! by Ryan Neilly, November 13

lost 20 lbs in canada lol, gaining it back !

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The Simpsons by Bobosaur, November 12

There's been too much talk about rake, hating pokerstars, and the games dying. We should all just watch some of the older seasons of the Simpsons. I swear I started watching some again because of old rebroadcasts on tv, but I don't remember them being so good/funny when I was a kid.

Some random clips for nostalgia:

(cant find one with the whole clip)

Good resources: (also pretty good site overall for checking episode ratings, info, etc) (I use this site to watch episodes - good for the lazy)

Some episodes off the top of my head if you want to get started:
-Season 2: One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
-Season 2: Bart Gets An 'F'
-Season 2: Dead Putting Society
-Season 2: Lisa's Substitute
-Season 3: Bart the Lover
-Season 4: Homer the Heretic
-Season 6: Bart's Comet
-Season 6: Homer the Great
-Season 7: Homer the Smithers
-Season 7: King Size Homer
-Season 8: Mountain of Madness

For myself, most episodes involving Mr Burns, Homer, Homer+Lisa, Bart, or Moe being the main characters usually end up being pretty decent for the most part.

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lowering rake won't help by Romm3l, November 12

  On November 12 2014 11:32 ggplz wrote:
I think there are a lot of reasons. Some people just change nickname or move sites. Others can't keep up with the evolution of the game and go bust or get tired/burned out. Some finish University and go into real work. Also, i think generally people think of poker in a temporary and short term way so it's often dropped when other things in life demand more of them. I think there's also a sort of pre/midlife crisis people have between like 24-30 where they feel the game has or is meant to have ran it's course for them and they see something else they want to or feel obligated to do.

Just a few things about PS: PS games are just bad to play due to the rake, seat scripting, multi tablers everywhere and the fish to reg ratio. PS don't care about the quality of the games and no advertising budget in the world will draw enough players to feed 90+% regs 12+ tabling the site. I feel AMAYA care even less than PS previously did but with their massive debt they are so limited in what they can actually do as well. The thing is that the AMAYA deal kinda sealed their fate and not because AMAYA are bad but because what currently sustains PS i.e. the mass volume fish chasing nit culture will slowly die off but until it does they won't change. Sorry but the advertisement budget or whatever else people say justifies their rake paid is just plain wrong.

When I play there I have to open 40+tables per session and start another 8-10 per session to find decent fish at low stakes. That's at low stakes, I mean, come the fuck on! Any reg with a brain will seek fish the same way b/c the rake will eat you up playing vs regs. That's NOT fun for players or the fish but that's how the rake structure makes people play. The structure of the cash games forces you to play non-competitively and that's just wrong.

What PS need to do to improve the games and make it better for players is to lower the rake at low/mid stakes to allow players to actually climb up stakes and allow weaker players to do slightly better. This will result in better midstakes games and more shot taking. You know, allow players to actually have a shot at becoming poker "stars"? They also need to cap the number of tables people can play to 4-6 and revamp their VIP system to be easier to climb (due to reduced volume) and to actually feel rewarding. That means the 10(?) fish 1 tabling your limit will be easier to play with too. The reason 12+ tabling became so popular was because there were enough fish on each table to justify it but now it's kind of evolved where the regs that couldn't multitable have mostly quit leaving mostly multi tabling regs. Since everyone is multi tabling, the fish are incredibly hard to find and play against and seat scripting grows in popularity every day, making it even harder. That means 1 person (not seat scripting) can search/compete on 12+ tables to find 1 fish whereas in days gone by it may have been only 5-15% of players were 12+tabling and the rest 1-6 with fish mostly 1-2 tabling in amazement. PS'll never make these kinds of changes in the near future though so your option is either crush HSNL or midstakes+ PLO, high stakes tourneys, go play eurosites or quit / do stuff IRL.

im quoting this post because it's the last one I saw, but it seems to be a common line of thinking. everyone who makes the argument "lower rake -> healthier games" totally ignores the fact many people who quit previously will re-enter because it becomes worth their time playing again, and many new regs will be attracted and successful in entering. sure you'll get a short term boost in your profitability and "health of the games" or whatever, but in the long run poker will converge to an equilibrium where only the best and hungriest players will be making any reasonable kind of money (it'll be mainly people who are too scared to leave their house or people in poor countries with internet access and at least some education but few other prospects, e.g. eastern europe, since these types have the fewest alternative viable options).

a situation where a mediocre person can make a decent living at poker is inherently unsustainable because the world is full of mediocre people who want to make easy money and poker has zero barriers to entry. in the long run it doesn't matter what you do to rake. lowering rake just attracts more new young regs prepared to throw their lives into the game and dilute out the easy money. point the finger at amaya all you want, but the fact is gravy trains need barriers to entry to last and a poker grinder doesn't have them.

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Dedication by Ryan Neilly, November 11

I am Jacks dedication

Fact is, you can do ANYTHING you want to in this world.

Reality is - it takes EVERY RUDIMENT OF YOUR BEING, if you are shooting for the stars, not 9-5 and fun all night, it takes dedication, 15 hours a day, days off are 5-7 hour work days, constant hard work. Never good enough, can always be done better.

This is the fundamental flaw in the society that wants everything handed to them. There millions in the rat race. Only a few make it to the top. Why? Dedication. . I will play hundreds more hours this month and crush as much as possible, as I do every month, understanding there are so many others slacking. The "raises" are definitely worth it. I'd work this hard at any job to constantly RAISE.

Live your life with NO CEILINGS. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING, TAKE IT. (don't steal it)

You are in control of your own destiny, so make every moment count.

And for the love of god stay in the moment at all times and don't think. ***************

Most of us are do-ers, not thinkers. You're hands know more than your head ever will. **************

Trust Your Instincts, they wouldn't be there if they were wrong. Just saying.

Its 100% True, anything one man can do, another can do (within limits - weight, intellect, etc)

Making things happen is not the same as letting things happen for you, let the world guide you, don't force things. Nobody can control every situation in life and work. Laugh, have fun, and smoke lots of weed, or drink, or be a saint and just sit and smile

Won back like 1500 of 2k i was down this month in last couple days, ballinnnnnnnn
Fuckin lovin the game tho!
havin fun!
Maybe I hold?


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Fired for Redundancy. by oldmemory, November 10

Yep, last friday I got a letter from my employer saying that my job is now redundant because they have cancelled the expansion project I was leading therefore our meeting tomorrow could result in my dismissal.

1.- I was living abroad - he is in the UK, he wanted to hire me expand his business in a foreign country. (my home country)
2.- Being the best oppty I had - I flew over myself and started working for them (we had arranged so that he paid for relocation costs however at the very last minute he turned it into a loan, not a grant. (we settled that as a misunderstanding but left me a bitter-taste tbh).
3.- Worked for him for 6 months in the UK (the only reason those 6 months existed is because he wanted to build on his current product so that once we expand we had a stronger beginning - I was agaisnt this but he insisted that I waited for him until everything was ready according to his plans and so he just asked me to help with whatever possible in the meantime).
4.- 6 months after he said it was time for me to go to my home country so we could start the expansion project.
5.- He paid for my flight (not all luggage/other expenses)
6.- 1 month after, he has now cancelled the expansion project. I spent money on the travels, I lost my tenancy deposit, etc.

I wish he had told me that while I was still there - so I could look for biz opptys in the UK given I had already invested in a fucking flight/accomodation costs.

Also im a bit confused, isn't he legally required to fucking return me back to the country he hired me in?

He also never gave me any written contract at all. But he was indeed paying taxes and had me employed "properly" as I got payslips with my taxcode etc.

To be fair, I was working from home all the time and barely did anything in the 8 months with some spreadsheet exceptions and stupid-ass work.

In the sense of hours worked vs my payment this was more than +EV for me every month - as I sat playing worms armageddon/starcraft/ did other paid work whilst he was paying me to work from home.

So whatever, fair deal? fuck it, I dont know. I guess I had an ideal job for a while - such things can't last forever can they?

While in the UK - I did all the potential revenue numbers and research on the project. I had warned him with MATH that while it was still a profitable expansion it would take longer and a bigger investment than what he had in mind to achieve it. He said it was fine.

I think he just got scared of going ahead with it because of his local competitors taking away market in his UK brand. But I also think he sent me away and then fired me this way to make it easier/cheaper for him.

What a dick.

Life goes on I guess - time for me to move forward with my digital marketing biz/consultancy.

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what are some good sites to visit while working? by Into Infinity, November 10

i started my first "real" job as a business analyst back in september and i find myself not doing shit all day.

what are some good sites? need other sites to browse besides misc and bbv

poker related: playing nl25 again on bovada for dat dere side cash. keeping track in excel because pt doesn't work as far as i know. running at 10 BB/100. join me as i pray to the based god

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taking a shot -live poker- by carlosdiaz, November 09

blinds @50/100mxn min buy-in 10k
13mxn=1usd so this is like playing 4/8

Session started pretty good for me, my third hand straddle is on, utg limps, I make it 1100 from utg+1 with KK, btn and limper calls, 3 way flop 898r, checks to me I fire 1800 they both fold. Was nice to be able to pickup a hand and show aggression at the beginning of the session, again I felt very comfortable playing this table even tho I'm not rolled as I'd like to play it but there was really no good players as I could see so far the level is equal to a nl200 table, or at least that's how I feel in that game, very small sample tho, the only con this table has is that dealers are damn slooow! but besides that the action is good, there are fishes around, and everyone's at least 100bb deep, rake is ok.

So after a couple of orbits I'm up a bit, the guy on my right was catching some good cards and he was vbetting his hands correctly, he's the only one I would be aware of and being in position was good, after an hour he racks up and leave with a good profit, I hear the table says something about another player coming they call "gringo" (that's how we mexicans call north-americans), so el gringo shows up and to my surprise I recognize him as he's a well known tournament pro, so in my mind I'm like.. wtf is this guy doing here? he buys in for 10k and sits right next to me, just his second hand he gets dealt he opens up to 400 from UTG, guy in late position 3bets to 1400, he quickly 4bets to 2900 *inside my head I'm thinking haha! this motherf*cker probably has air right now* but no, it goes insta shove call, kings over ases gg, he just turns and look at me with a small smile on his face like saying really?? I smiled back like.. yeah.. lmao.

A couple of orbits later we're down to 6handed and I'm thinking about leaving since most of the moneys from the fishes is already off the table, I pick up TT in the btn all limps and I raise to 800, two callers flop comes K73r I cbet and take it down.
One orbit later pro raises over a limper to 600 in the cutoff, I'm on the btn with Ac9c, my first thought was to 3bet and try to take down the pot right there, at this point I know he has the highest PFR from the table and I was confident he was just isolating the fish but then I gave it a 2nd thought and decided I didn't want to play a big pot and probably wouldn't know what to do against a 4-bet plus A9s plays good postflop shorthanded, so I didn't put myself on gay position and just call, even tho I think a raise was good also, blinds folds and limper (lose passive fish) calls. 3way flop J73r one club, fish checks pro tanks 5 secs and checks to me, I'm thinking it's a good spot to rep JX since I've been playing snug my image was good for me to fire flop and was planning on firing turn on any clubs or overcards if heads up, also their range will be very narrow if they go ch call on that dry board so it's easier for me to play the hand this way, I bet 950 into 1950, fish thinks a bit and call, pro acting very casually looking at some college football on tv calls as well (wtf no cbet but calling over?), turn is a Jd, again both check to me and I quickly realize how good that J was, I was giving up on most turns but not on that J, I bet 2100 very confident knowing they almost never have JX and since there are no draws I don't expect them to put the sheriff hat and call me down with middle pair or low pps, both insta folded, I left a couple of hands later, cashed out 15kish.

after 4 sessions
+ Show Spoiler +

I'll be on Vegas next week, I'm planning on playing some wsopc low buy-in events @planet hollywood, hopefully get a good score that boosts my roll, also I'll be grinding NL1/3 2/5, if the run good is with me and I'm feeling confident with my game as I am so far I'll try a shot @5/10 but its all castles in the sky right now, I'll try to make a trip report when I come back, if anyone wanna catch up @Vegas just let me know, I'll be from Nov 12-18.

Cheers LP,

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varianacementsARG by Ryan Neilly, November 08

Ok New approach.


Sunday 4 table w/ gud roi MTTs

No more fucking 90 tabling all day

this just might work


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Sit out next BB by Bobosaur, November 07

Man I hate it when I'm finishing my session and then tick off this option in zoom just to be put in the small blind right before it sits me out, I swear it makes my blood boil more than anything else.

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Classical music by k4ir0s, November 07

Share some!

Here are some of my favorites right now. I tend to prefer the less cheerful sounds

I close my eyes and listen to this.. complete and utter bliss

he plays it with such passion..

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lveyleague vs RunltOnce by Nitewin, November 06

I've come to a point where i need to rework my game if I want to stay competitive. Do any LP members have experience with their premium packages? Which site would you recommend? Both sites have big pro names. Thanks!

I play on Merge and Bovada. Highest stakes there is 600NL. I'd be playing 200-600 NL, about 4-10 tables. Bovada has higher stakes than 600NL but their software is tilting and players are anonymous so the games much different IMO. You have to guess who's the type to run bluffs and who's the type to nit it up, so I tend to stay on Merge more often after realizing I lose focus when playing on both simultaneously. I'm also interested in PLO and tournies but as a side game and not for profit, for now.

Any advice or logins are appreciated!

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Worst Day, Rant (sort of) by Trav94, November 06

So I need to vent. Go from having a 13 buy in day, to dropping 18 buy ins in less then 36 hours. Didn't even think it was possible to lose this much in such a short period of time. Ran like complete shit, tilted off a couple buy ins as well. Fuck I didn't even play that bad I just couldn't hold, couldn't get there with draws. Every fucking hand was a cooler. Bleh.
Fire away LP on how no one cares and Im terrible. Im ready for it.

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Grab today by the balls by LemOn[5thF], November 06

Hello peoples.

End of October got really hectic, I was hardcore hunting plat star, got it but got into the habit of eating junk food, drinking and constantly worrying about stuff, which led to procrastination, and basically I achieved my volume goal at around 80k hands and 7,500 VPP but It burnt me out a bit and I knew it's time for some good ol' improvement and change to get back on track. This is what I've been doing last few days, and what I will keep doing for the rest of the month - I am posting more to make a commitment to myself to better use the opportunity to a great life that poker gives me.

Now before you puke and turn away at this cheesy quote, bear with me people

Let's pretend we agree with this, and say "fuck it, today is today and I'm going to make it the best damn day possible"

If only it were this simple

Life is complicated. Let's start with...

The past.
Past events and emotions mold as as people, and constantly occupy our head space. That person you pissed off, the money you wasted, those mistakes you made, those unjust bad beats that happened to you, that relationship that fell off. All those things leave residue emotion that keeps coming back, like...regret?

If this wasn't bad enough there of course is
The Future
More importantly, the human brain's natural tendency to project future events and estimate them. How will I pay my bills. How will I deal with that meeting I have in a week's time. How will I deal with these people about this "job" I have. What will I cook for dinner, when will I call that bank, when will I meet that chick.
The brain constantly worries, plans, estimates, in other words, it sucks you out of your presence and into the future.

But focusing on the present doesn't exactly mean that we will focus on what we are doing right now. For example you can worry about what other people think about you, invoke bad emotions when losing, think about spet's boobs thread etc.

If only there were a way to somehow dump all that worry about the future, past and the present, and enjoy what we are doing Right now in the moment, without worrying about other things.

Well, I am no life scientist? You guys tell me. I just came here to make a commitment, and tell you that for the remainder of the month I will do this one simple thing that should make living in the present easier.
Basically I know my goals which I thought about and written down after much thought few weeks ago. They are three and Poker and Fitness are the top2.

Now the thing I have been doing this week is super simple -
1) after waking up I sit down, think about all the things I can do that day that I should do, that are in line with those goals. And I dump them on a piece of paper. This includes stuff like cleaning, watching a video, gym etc. I pick the ones that are most important, I feel like/can manage that day and write them down. They do include fun tasks like planning a party or a beer with a friend, cinema, volunteering in the community...

2) Second step is breaking my day into manageable chunks. I used to do this for a while back in Scotland, and it's so incredibly simple that I have no clue why I stopped. - I break down my day based on Food
pretty much


Whether you believe in the science behind speeding up your metabolism by eating more frequently or not doesn't really matter. What this thing does is create natural time slots, broken down by a break filled by food.
If possible, by mindful eating as well where you concentrate on the food, which can act as almost a form of meditation, but it pulls you out of the routine for sure.

The activities that need to be done can be slotted into these time intervals, and/or you can have a list of them that you can do as you feel like.

The biggest thing that is losing me personally money is procrastinating on facebook, skype, etc. the idea is that you have both a schedule and a backlog of possible varied productive things you can do that you can focus on at all times. Variety is important, so having gym, poker related stuff and normal life related stuff like cleaning, street workout, beer with pals, visiting family or even a nap to always be in the mood is something I am aiming for.

here is an example from today. It's super simple, and a mix of Czech and English because, sadly, this is how my brain operates right now.
+ Show Spoiler +

rest is dedicated to grind.
When I did this for the first time this week, I wrote down 17 things I had to do before my head would be ready to focus on the present and I could go for poker properly. It took me 70% of the day.
The next day it took me 10% of the day and the best thing is it cleared tons of my head space - I messaged who I wanted to message to, arranged what needed to be arranged, cleaned what needed to be cleaned, and when I finally sat down at the tables the past, future and the present worry and distractions were muted down.

- The days feels like it has a purpose when you sit down, say today will be great and then plan it to be great.
- during the day you have nothing to worry about as you already planned in the morning. When you play, you play, when you are at the gym, you are at the gym. When you clean dishes, you clean dishes and don't worry about losing playing time.
- During the day it feels great to tick of what you set out for yourself in the morning. A sense of achievement floods your system with the attached chemicals that boost your mood even though you just managed a banality like buy a new outfit.
- At the end of the day, when you finished what you needed to you again feel great, and the day had a purpose no matter if you won or lost at the tables. You made a plan, stuck to it, focused when it counted and there is nothing more you could have done.

Except when you wake up the next day, see it as a new opportunity and improve on what can work better and what will make it great.

The beautiful thing about poker
is that Youmake the day. You have the burden and the opportunity to make it great. There is no schedule. There is no boss telling you what to do. It really is a blank canvass that you can fill however the hell you want.

And for me personally it's time to grab that brush and start to make the painting that people call today if not great, then at lest meaningful.

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>all in blind pre by Gnarly, November 06

i can't believe how tilted i am right now
honestly the entire fucking city scene is about to die
and the last couple of games there are left there happens to be one person who makes it 10bb+ pre blind every fucking hand and when the people who want to actually think about what they are doing see this guy, they take their money and leave. ive never seen anyone get so fucking lucky every fucking time he played. ive never seen people walk out of a game at the sight of someone, and now it's killing too much action.

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