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Can someone explain this by KeyleK_uk, September 14

As kc qs 6s 55.33% 557,642 86,399
Ac qh jc 7d 44.67% 441,967 86,399


As kc qs 6d 54.68% 550,627 86,399
Ac qh jc 7s 45.32% 448,982 86,399

I don't know if I'm just being really stupid

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Puzzles!! Inductive reasoning by Romm3l, September 13

This is the kind of thing I figure many of you smart people here get a kick out of. It's an inductive reasoning test, where you have to figure out the "rules" governing a sequence or collection of abstract images based on the evidence, then use your induced rules to predict what the next one in the sequence / right one fitting in the indicated position should be.

I'm hopeless at it and would love for you guys to try it out and explain how you arrive at your answers. You can try a full test at - but since you have to make an account and I know not everyone is going to bother with that, I'm attaching some of the tougher ones from the site here for you to have a crack at:













(ignore the fact I've highlighted an ánswer in this picture, this was a random click and doesn't mean anything)


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HM2 HUD by Santafairy, September 12

okay I bit the bullet and tried this software. before my attitude was I'm not a space shuttle pilot what do I need a HUD for

it took hours to import hands the first time but oh my god wow look at all this information it's like you can see their hole cards haha

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Working in Oracle by gororokgororok, September 12

Hey guys,

Haven't posted in a very long time and kind of quit playing poker 3 years ago. I've been working at Oracle since 2 years, right now I'm in the business of selling Middleware to Dutch customers. Since this forum contains a lot of higher educated people with perhaps an interest in IT I realized there may be a lot of potential colleagues lurking around here. Therefore I'm posting here, to see if there's an interest in any kind of job at Oracle.

Oracle is one of the largest IT vendors in the world and sell all kinds of solutions to business around the world. They offer jobs in any type of role in most countries in the world; sales, marketing, IT, product development, etc etc whatever u want. Working for this company has benefitted me a lot in my career and personal development.

What's in it for me? -> Referral bonus
What's in it for you? -> I know the job interview process, I can help you with this. Not only the process but also what kind of a company Oracle is and basically how you get hired.

Send me a pm if you're interested and let's see how we can help each other.


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Weird by Mortensen8, September 11

Colour coded myself as a fish, can't get rid of it.

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127 stars for paypal plz by Fujikura, September 11

help :D

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Need an article writer (paid) by capaneo, September 10

Need someone who can change my bullet points/brain dumb into article(s). The topics will be technical and engineering related.
Anyone interested here?

Biz related.

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Law, law, law law law by 2primenumbers, September 10


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Jazz? by k4ir0s, September 09

Anyone here listen to jazz? if so give me some recommendations!

It makes good grinding music.

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Javascript coach, any level of experience by SemPeR, September 09

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Taking shots at 10NL on Bovada! by lhr0909, September 08

So I have been very close to have 20 BIs on Bovada for 10NL for months (hovering around $150 since July) and I finally got pretty close ($185) yesterday. Played a session in the morning and I had a massive dip in the mornging to put me back to $174. In the afternoon, I got nothing going on, and it is Sunday, so I decided to do a Zone Poker (Bovada Anonymous Zoom Tables) session. Then this happened:

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So I got it to $198 after that session. Pretty good huh? I feel like I am ready to do the shots-taking on the next level, so I did today:

Really not too shabby! I think I am still very bad though, so I post my VOD here and I am ready to get torn apart on my fishiness. At the same time I am ready to learn if anyone can give me some constructive criticism

P.S. shameless plug for my stream lol. I usually do hearthstone on stream and some other games. Poker is really an off-and-on thing because I stress myself out when I stream (yeah while no one is watching)

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Pain & Sorrow by 2primenumbers, September 07


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Smartwatch v2 by NewbSaibot, September 07

My last blog I talked about the ugly square brick I purchased which did its job in relieving my tech anxiety. So now it's round 2 with a more refined level of watches available, the Moto 360 vs the LG G watch R. Which would you buy?

The 1st up is the Moto 360. This watch's main feature is a very thin bezel and "elegant" design. Due to technical limitations they had to cut off a sliver at the bottom of the screen to house the display hardware, which drives some people nuts. I myself am undecided. It's one of those "cannot be unseen" details. So far reviews say you get used to it and the super thin sexy bezel overall makes up for it.

The other option is the LG G Watch R. Rather than going for an edge to edge screen they simply let the bezel remain fat, and camouflaged it with chrono markings to make it blend in. As a result the screen is slightly smaller than the Moto 360, however because it is smaller the pixel density is higher, thus making the images theoretically seem sharper. Some people feel the markings around the bezel are chintzy and remind them of a cheaper department store watch. Others like the sporty feel of it.

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Emotional Control by Bejamin1, September 06

Lets face it guys, I'm a bit of a tilt monkey. What I mean rather... is not that I spazz around like a monkey on my tables when things don't go well, but instead that I simply let myself get way too emotionally affected by the results of this swingy game. My worst habit is the seemingly addictive sequence of checking my cashier page on a regular basis. As if registering my overall bankroll is somehow a useful or practical thing to do when I should be focusing on the hands being played at that moment. It's a habit I've had for seven years, and it's time to force myself to break it.

My greatest emotional demon seems to be that I let my results affect me. A very wise and talented player recently told me it takes years to get over this. Most people just pretend they don't get emotionally involved with their results. To truly master these emotions takes a lot of practice and a lot of learning about where the focus needs to be. I'm playing PLO25, so I'm not a superhero, and neither are my opponents. Even the regulars are bad regulars. Rake churns most of the money back to our inevitable host.

My focus needs to be on execution rather than my results. Therefore what I must do is check my cashier page only on the first of every month. I want to have no clue "where I'm at" for the month. It isn't productive. It isn't helpful. Desire clouds judgment, and fear halts our step.

I seem to play my worst after 2-3 good days in a row where I've been focused on executing my hands well and getting positive results. I start to think about all the money I could make if I was able to crush this game, or get one step higher. And then that desire leads to frustration when I run into a tough session filled with beats. My focus shifts, and so does my play. Maybe not in big donkey balls ways where I'm throwing money away into the fire, but in subtle ways where I'm not c-betting as much as I should be. Calling far too light in many small pots and then berating myself for being an idiot.

Emotional control is my demon, and I will defeat it. I will find a way to get myself focused on execution. My first attempt at this will be to not look at my results as I've already said. I feel like this might in the end be the first and best way to do it. It's not overly possible to not have some sense of where you are on a daily basis just because when you play you sort of know if you're doing well or not - but once the days blur into multiples I should have no clue what my roll actually is. Playing with a big enough bankroll allows me to not need to check. That way I can just focus on playing. I guess we'll see.

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paypal/PS $60/$50 by Santafairy, September 06

Hey, this is my Paypal ($60) for your PS ($50) so $10 vig for you. Previously I have traded with napoleono, the cleaner, k4ir0s. So PM me with any interest. thanks~

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Poker Progress August by lhr0909, September 05

Need to write one before I slack off. This month was not good for me. I played only half of the volume compared to July, and "variance"/"downswing" are ruining my motivation to play.

I started to play on two separate websites, SealsWithClubs (bitcoin poker waddup) and Bovada. I have around 500 chips (0.5 BTC, which is around $250), and I am playing 10NL/20NL there (which is in USD around 5NL/10NL), and still building up the bankroll on Bovada at 5NL. Multi-tabling-wise, I started off doing 3 tables of Bovada and 3 tables of Seals and I found myself not able to keep up with the actions. So I dialed down to around 4-5 tables, depending on traffic. Session length is about the same from last month (~2 to 4 hour sessions every day, split between a morning session and an evening session).

I think all these little changes made my game unstable last month.

1. I am playing half anonymous tables, half normal tables
2. I am mixing stakes
3. I am playing more tables than before

So I ended up playing around 5k hands for the month, which is LOL. I was a bit busy with work, and just finished moving to a new place. Was quite a hectic month :O

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I think my problem is still calling too much I kept having this thought where people are always raising/betting with weaker hands, and I just want to figure out and call them down with TPTK/TP/one pair hands trying to bluff-catch.

Things I am going to work on:
1. fold more
2. call less
3. play more hands
4. play fixed amount of tables (4) and fixed stakes (5NL on Bovada until I can take shots, 10NL on Seals for the whole month)

Going to start selling the plugin I wrote for Seals that enables them to use HEM/PT (currently only tech-savvy people like me and someone else can do this lol, going to see if I can capitalize it and make some money for playing poker haha)


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Easy $ by MiPwnYa, September 04

Nothing like a misleading title to get attention
Guys I need a favour. I wanna purchase an album in itunes store but for some reason I cant do it myself.
I'll pay $50 + 10.99 (thats the price of the album) on PokerStars to anyone who purchases it, zips it and sends it to me on Skype.
PM me if you're interested in helping.

Thanks in advance,


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when do these things stop by Gnarly, September 04

coolers suckouts and slowrolls all the time
the slowrolls really piss me the fuck off to where i want to beat the shit out of them or fuck with their car or something

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LEAKS! by spets1, September 03

Fuck the leaks.

All of them are ugly.

Where's Jessica Alba's and Selena Gomez nudes/vids.

Who the fuck are the rest of them anyway?

Give me some famous ones.

Anyway heres better leaks.

give us something like paris hilton tape. That was jsut amateur shiet.

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Stars for PP/Cash by SemPeR, September 02

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