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Paypal for Stars Help by oldmemory, August 20

I send first to regulars..

Looking for $116.88 or whatever you can below that.

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the game I studied most, and didnt finished by Forrest Gump, August 20

This is Triple draw 2014 graph. I lost last year hands but I lost 2K trying to learn the game from 0. Key things about the graph:
- first 17K hands are 1/2 - 5/10
- then its 2/4 - 30/60 and started table selecting better
- average is 1BB/100

here it is:

What I learnt from this game:
-Best EV drawing decisions
-Think about ranges
-When to 3b with 2 card draw pre
-Avoid dangerous instaplays
-Card removal and blockers dont change the game a lot (unless you saw the 4 cards of that rank)

What I need to review:
-The never ending search for the best way to split ranges
-How people is biased with the first hands you play against them
-Automatize my HU lines

Thanks for your time, I just needed to write something somewhere and kill time

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Proper Blogs LOL by 2primenumbers, August 19


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what is wrong with me? by Gnarly, August 19

i just don't get it
there i am on the turn
and im barreling out like usual
but then he decides to call
and im like, great, this didn't work out, AGAIN
i show my hand, and he his kings

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how do u de-tilt by fira, August 18

on massive gaming tilt atm after some fucking stupid sc2 games

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BJJ & Poker synergy by Stim_Abuser, August 18

So I've gone back to training again after a long break and I've been playing lots of live poker over the last two years as well. I seem to have a problem thought with playing poker after training. It's like my adrenaline is way up and I don't think as clearly, play often on instinct, and am much more reckless with my play.

I know there are several guys on here who also do both, was wonder if anyone had the same issues and hoping maybe they had come up with some solutions. Other than the standard get a nice post work out meal in and kick back for an hour or two before playing. Even when I do both of these I still run into the same issues.

Any help and or ideas would be much appreciated.


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Some things of whatever importance by 2primenumbers, August 17


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Stars for Paypal by Fujikura, August 16

Can anybody do 300 to 1k paypal for my stars? I'll send first if you are reputable, otherwise you send first.

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Small Live Victory by lhr0909, August 16

TL;DR - I took some flu drug before going to a poker room with my buddy and somehow got a heater lololol

There are a couple things that I don't like about my state:

1. no online poker
2. live poker has no NL (only spread limit, although big casinos do something like $2/$5-$500 spread limit, which kinda feels like NL)
3. there is an admission to go to strip clubs and you cannot buy alcohol there (although dancers can be bottom-less :O)

But anyway, so my buddy Tao likes to play poker. He is more of the gambler type, but recently he said he started to read some tournament books and wanted to try it out. More importantly, he just quit today for another job in Calif. and this is his last weekend here. Despite the fact that I had been sneezing all day and didn't feel too well (left work at around 2pm because I didn't wanna just sneeze in the office and somehow get everyone sick), I decided to go with him and play a $50 small tourney (4-5 tables MTT) because that is the only NLHE you can get. Before I go I took a pill of this flu drug I got from China, and it is called Contac NT in English (picture in spoiler).

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At about 6pm, we arrived at this poker room we usually go to. Interesting to see there are a bunch of holdem cash games running (usually there is only one game going because tournament starts at 7pm), and when we asked to join the tournament we found that it is the poker room's 6th anniversary and there was only cash game for the week with awesome high hand bonuses and whatnot. With only $50 in my wallet hoping to play a tournament, I was like, dang it but let's do it. Went to ATM and got $300 and sat down at a $1/$3-$20 spread limit holdem game.

If you haven't played these kinds of low spread limit poker before, it feels like a shit show. You don't really want to bluff much because you can't raise enough to get people out of the pot. $20 raise? ez pz call. by the time we get to turn/river, it is just like a $5/$10 limit game where you just do $20 big bets lololol. I didn't have much success prior to this, breakeven at best. But today I sat down at this juicy juicy table. Oh boy, this guy with a sick mustache is a real drooler with sick luck. He would get in with some A2s and got trips on the turn, and he pretty much turned the game into a $10/$20 limit game preflop. Fun times! From 6-9pm my whole table was just juicy. My cards were pretty good as well, flop went to my way quite a bit when I opened/called in preflop. My buddy Tao and I took a couple of huge pots vs the mustache drooler guy and I was up about $200 by that point, while Tao was up $300. (he has tighten up a bit and applied what he read into the game which I think it is a big step for him haha). chip counts in spoiler:

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Around 8:30pm I felt a very weird high, didn't do anything but staying hydrated with water and getting some Chinese food by the table. My body felt warm and I was a little bit dizzy, but still pretty concentrated still. I put my hood up and just sat there folding hands, waiting for another big pot to come. At the same time I was just enjoying myself, chit-chatting with people around me, etc. but the droolers started to leave one by one, and more and more grinders started to join the table. Had an interesting hand with this big nerdy dude, he called my EP AQss open with pocket pair and made a set on the flop. I had one spade and two overcards on the flop so I decided to c/c, but bricked turn so I decided to give up. He was suddenly all excited and was like 'good fold buddy'. I was like, 'well sure'. About maybe an hour later, he opened from MP and with 2 callers, and I decided to 3bet squeeze with AKo. He called 3 streets and was like "woah I have never seen people 3bet AKo before, I thought you didn't have the ace man". I lol'ed. I was so into arranging my chips at one point in time for some reason. chip counts in spoiler:

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The high was still going on, and my hands were going strong. But I started to play small because of the table is full of grinders now. Taking down a couple of small pots here and there, but the weird high started making me feel sick, so I decided to stop playing at around 10:30pm. Cashed out with $777. Didn't try to make that number, just kinda happened haha. Then I was just waiting for Tao to finish his game (he was my ride because I am a cheap-ass). He moved to another table because he recognized some fish he wanted to catch. At the end of the night he was up about $200. Not a bad day at all. final chip counts in spoiler:

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When I got back home, this weird high is still going strong, so I decided to look up the drug I took, and realized that it was pseudo LOL. Apparently the drug is an upper and I was playing my A game because of it, while I thought I was sick and playing my C game and got insanely lucky :O (or maybe a bit of both because I am fish). Fun night! 8/10 will do it again (without the drug next time LOL)

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so much tilt by Gnarly, August 15

got it in on the turn 94% fucking equity

pretty much how ive been doing lately

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Car broken by chris, August 14

Hey guys.

My car was broken into this morning. The fact this happened is accepted and I am not here to talk about it. I want to talk about the how.

I have a new(er) car with the smart key. I had my car locked remotely and the alarm should, in theory, be set. I go to bed at a little after midnight, and I had seen my car locked just before. At 6:28 AM I got a text from a neighbor saying my doors and trunk were open. I woke to see this text at 7:00.

Sure enough, the trunk was popped and the front windows were down. I initially thought they broke them out until I was close enough to see. I believe you'd have to start the car, or at least initiate the electronics, to lower the window. The alarm never went off.

The police say they haven't seen anything like it before. We have had other break ins on cars in the area recently, but none that had the windows down. The officer said he was certain I had left them down, and that was how the thief got in, but I showed him my auto settings for air conditioner, which I had been using. I had three other people witness and vouch my car was locked and windows were up. I am known for being quite cautious about that sort of thing.

When dealing with my bank today, a teller mentioned she had her newer car broken into a few days ago, herself. She, like myself, had the windows rolled down, no sign of forced entry (my back driver side door was pried open, or half shut, but I did not touch that door, and there were not marks from tools on the paint or seal). She said the police mentioned to her they hadn't seen anything like it, either.

I went to Google and got some results about an app to hack a car used by car thieves, but am not certain what it is, and I haven't finished the articles, but will post them here:

So I ask you, clever LP - how do you think this was done? How did the car thief access my car and put the windows down. If you think that access didn't deal with the windows being lowered, why and how would the thief then lower the front windows?

We need to assume I am a random target, or at least that it was not personal. I have only one key, and it was in my locked bedroom with me, on my bedside table. I have roommates, they are not suspects.

Need to think about method for gaining access.

It has me really curious.

Specs are a 2013 Dodge Dart SXT. Has one traditional key entry, driver door. It has remote start and a built in alarm. It was parked in front of my condo and under a street light.
It happened between ~ 2am and 6am. Other cars in the lot were hit, most were earlier 2000's models, other new ones had doors popped, but not necessarily a sign of slim-jim (tool used for opening cars). Mine was the only one with windows down.

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Math Question? by SeanBam, August 13

My cousin needs help with this equation and I do not know anything in this area.

I need the mean of [alpha]*exp(-[beta] *x ), since the standard equation for an exponential is [lambda]*e(-[lambda]*x) and the mean of that is [lambda]**(-1), I can then state that the mean of my equation is [alpha]/[beta] * [beta] ** (-1) which is alpha ... right? RIGHT??

edit: [alpha]/[beta**2] .... which doesn't make sense in light of my data

I know some of you guys are really smart, and not many people have tried to help her with this.

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Self Thoughts Blog by 2primenumbers, August 12


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first hand bust by Gnarly, August 11

>play first live game in a couple months
>just a simple 20$ shootout
>first hand
>im utg on my table
>pocket tens
>raise 3 blinds
>five calls
>flop comes low rainbow
>bet again
>two callers
>turn comes
>get called
>guy to my left turned his gutshot with 74o

i hope the guy bubbles.

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Poker Progress July by lhr0909, August 10

Got some decent volume in this month playing after work. I usually tried to do a 2 hour session every day, 4-tabling on Bovada. It is not a whole lot, but that's how much I am playing. Work is very draining sometimes, and I tried to play tired after work and it usually ended up very shitty sessions because I was just yawning the whole damn time folding hands lol.

I think my flop play has gotten tons better thanks to Lemon. He told me to keep around 60% cbet flop and I started doing that, and I think I have a much better time dealing with turn/river by cbetting less on the flop because the pot is much smaller when I don't flop huge. I still had a lot of trouble on the turn and river, especially facing a raise. On these readless games I think I just tended to call a bit more than I should have. I really need to plug this leak ASAP.

Bovada's anonymous tables really got me at first because I couldn't do stuff I used to do on SealsWithClubs when I have 1000+ hands on a given villain. I felt like I could exploit just a bit more against certain villain, and on Bovada I had to play slightly more defensive most of the time. From the graph I think it took me about 2k hands to adjust. From then on I think I started getting a hang of it and winning more and more. So at the end of this week I am netting +10BI with 8.63bb/100 winrate. So much rake on Bovada though!

Other than that, everything is going well, except for work lol. On a nasty project that couldn't get away with. Kept having production issues and couldn't have my code running. I needed to keep going back trying to fix bugs, and it takes a week to see my bugfixes go live, which sucks balls. Oh well we will see this week.

I am writing a plugin that allows SealsWithClubs players to use HEM/PT HUDs which I am going to sell for 60 chips a pop (60 chips = 0.06BTC = $36). That way I can use the money for playing bitcoin poker on Seals from time to time lol. On the other hand, I am also planning on writing a plugin for Bovada that enables HEM/PT HUD use. Although it is not going to be as good because the of anonymous bullshit but I think it will still help quite a few people online if they want to see more stats/import their hands on the fly. the Bovada converter from acepokersolutions had issues importing to HEM2 so I am pretty pissed about it. Not sure if they are going to fix that any time soon.

Posting my Bovada cash game graph here. You can also checkout to see my progress on various games if you wish haha.

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need help with windows language settings by bigredhoss, August 08

alright, so i've had this problem for a while but never bothered trying to fix it because because i know some spanish and it wasn't a big deal...but lately i've been trying to teach myself some stuff, and running into more technical language in spanish can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

language setting in control panel is set to english but all the menu bars etc. show up in spanish. anyone know how to fix this?

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Is this bluff crazy or good by Nitewin, August 07

He had ~60 dollars behind. I was going with a soul read.

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Nuclear Reasonings Blog by 2primenumbers, August 07


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3-Bet Pot Analysis PLO25 by Bejamin1, August 06

Just over two months ago now I made the decision to start putting some serious time into poker. I decided I no longer wanted to use my free time spent at home on a less productive hobby. I play for fun and for the excitement of piecing together the puzzle of how to become a consistent winner in today's poker climate. One really interesting and yet disturbing trend in my game that I've noticed over the past two months is very poor results in 3-bet pots. Here are some graphs, I'd love to discuss with whoever is in the mood about how to rectify what I think is a fairly significant leak in the way I play the game. Although to be honest I've already taken some steps and done some tinkering with how I handle these situations.

Plausible Explanations:
1. Calling too wide vs. Strong PF 3-bet Ranges. Even weaker players aren't especially 3-betting trashy hands.
2. Calling without positional advantage on a regular basis.
3. Not stacking off enough on flops where I have better equity than I realize.
4. Stacking off too much on the wrong type of boards for my AAxx hands.
5. Taking poor post-flop lines in general

Here Are Some Stats & The Graph - The majority of All-In's are happening on the flop, so EV is decently accurate I suppose. One potential issue of course is we don't have any calculator for determining how lucky or unlucky we're getting in terms of just what we flop vs. what villains flop. So luck becomes impossible to estimate in some ways. When we are getting all in though, it's not going so well.



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two spots open on TL's dota team... by Into Infinity, August 05

feel free to contact me nazgul i'm sure we can work something out

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