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old skool emo blog redone! by 2primenumbers, July 01


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Party Report by LemOn[5thF], June 30

Here you go guys promised reposted report from that VIP party I went to in Prague with PS. around 40 poker players (1female + 1 wife )

The day has finally arrived, my first Pokerstrategy VIP party.

This was me meeting any online regs for the first time ever for that matter. Since I started in 2009. Thanks to my now worldwide recognized victory in the PS HU Championship and my freshly acquired diamond status I made the list.
Damn you dota that took 2 weeks off my grind this month else I'd go to Wroclaw as well

First order of business still in my home located town about an hour on the victory bus away from the glorious capital was quite naturally The Gym because granted some of the players were expected to be better than me, but DO THEY EVEN LIFT?

I've arrived 75 minutes too early, just to be sure. I decide, quite naturally to meditate on a bench next to some local homeless gypsies for half an hour because granted some of the players were expected to be better than me, but are they ZEN even?

I've mindfully observed the local muff passing by and also a large pigeon performing a mating dance next to a female pigeon. Dude scored and they pigeon french kissed. Foolproof way to pickup females for the inevitable night club appearance later? Acquired.

The meeting point was ingeniously selected as "Franta's cafe". It wasn't a cafe at all, at least not for several generations it hasn't been. It looked more like this

Thank you Jesus for making me a douche bag and wearing a stars black chip hoodie - One of the Czech Community freelancers has thankfully approached me. We've become great friends since then, but naturally I have no clue what his name was anymore

Then, finally we've approached the main group of poker players. Obviously I have been expecting a massive flock of nerds with spots and nerd glasses, but the reality couldn't be further from that assumption. This was the coolest looking group of men and women ripped with muscle and haircuts executed by Justin Bieber's very own hairdresser. I have naturally snatched a picture for you guys

Finally we were off to the place of the event. It was a place beyond Prague in the middle of nowhere with abandoned buildings around. It looked like we are going to become stars and make a continuation of this piece of art, but actually in real life

That did not transpire, and instead we were graced with a beautiful view of an ancient castle where the food and drinks would be served. It actually turned out that someone has built this castle 12 years ago from scratch, because why the fuck not, making it four times younger than the chick I hooked up with later that night, but I am getting ahead of myself here.

What happened inside is a word of legend now - a magnificent feast, anything your taste buds could desire was there - pork goulash, pork roast, cooked pork, more pork. I could go on.

The conversations were sharp, the moods were high and many intellectual topics were attacked from all angles, I learned many many things that night like:

1) FL still exists, and people make money at it. Christuff and FirstTsunami are basically rock stars at this ancient form that many thought waslong lost in history, along with Atlantis. They even received praise from fanboys all night long.

2) Pointless theory arguments irl drunk are just like your usual skype group and forum clusterfucks. Except you are actually cool when you're power drinking and all people at the table are nerds as well. About 65% of the time, I won these every time by the way.

3) Two people in the room, me and FirstTsunami come from Starcraft background, with elky and Grrr... also playing this proves you can't achieve greatness unless you have said background.

4) When Germans and polish get shots of vodkas, they say "cheers" drink half of it gently, say "cheers" half an hour later and gracefully finish the second part of the shot, even slower that time.Up until that point I was not aware men in those countries get blessed with gentle female organs upon birth.

5) People have not really even heard of liquidpoker. Even the guy that played starcraft was like "team liquid oh yeah of course I know team liquid what kind of a question is that". And had no clue that liquidpoker might be related. Of course I've tried to convince folk it's the best forum in the wrld

After moods were powerfully enhanced by rich fibre, quality carbohydrates and the perfect mix of B vitamins contained in served free beer served we moved over to a retro arcade to compare skills. I destroyed everyone at Tekken 3, and even induced tears in some people's eyes. With Jin Kazama and one buttons when he does that totally op spin. There were Dance offs ( I din't beat anyone, but got the highest subjective artistic marks. From myself.) I almost managed to kill the T rex female in Jurrasic park, no big deal.

Around 11pm with our nerdy sides, shot drinking and poker argument sides satisfied the bus has returned us back to the capital. The night did not end there though. After the Czech community folk departed for some local club, us 3 English speakers headed off to Karlovy Lazne, to score some strange. This club was dubbed "shit with 13y olds" by the locals from pokerstrategy, but we paid no attention to those haters. As literally countless scientific studies have shown* Poker players are the most desirable group of people to the other sex known to man - and with less of them there we had better chance at scoring.

The average age was actually 18, all foreign chicks there. Immediately I went in to test a hypothesis of a couple cheesy pickup lines, and went to use the surefire way to score that macho pigeon taught me earlier. I tried hard to balance my ranges by
- hitting on 16y olds
- hitting on fatties
- hitting on hotties
- hitting on the same chick twice in a row with the same line without knowing
- telling chicks I hate them but my pal told me I'm wrong

When all seemed lost and frankly in theory hot dumb 18y olds are the dream but it just wasn't the case anymore I have decided to widen my range considerably and approached a group of women in their 40s, just for a laugh. Now as you might recall earlier in the story where I was telling you about the age of that castle - that didn't end there

She was around 20, with about 23 more bonus years of experience on top of that as well, and I totally love her and would have babies with her, except she already has two . One of them almost the same age as me of course
And we are meeting again at some point :D

After the club I had 1 hour until the first metro, so I naturally sat down in drunk meditation at Charles Bridge, and even got photographed by someone, possibly by a journalist creating a masterpiece on homless people of Prague.

After that I got lost obviously, but luckily 2 chicks I strongly complimented by calling them "semi-hot" (which they didn't appreciate for some reason?) and some Irish fanboy who said he was a bronze star showed me the way.

I made it still heavily steaming to my 90year old great aunt's flat at 6am to her great delight, and fell asleep, happy, and satisfied, thinking of my antique lady.

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First month back by Vivi57, June 28


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69,000 ppl live speedrun Zelda A link to the past by 2primenumbers, June 28

20 pit

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great end to the month by Gnarly, June 28

I'm trying to work on my 3betting, but I can't get any good table dynamics. I had one table last night where I had someone to my right that was a bad player and I could 3bet light against, but then he found out I was playing light against him and went from 50/40 to 5/0.

Though, I just got a second job while typing this.

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Stars 4 wire Free $250 by GoldRush, June 27

got it taken care of thx Ryan - 2p2 works like a charm

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xfer stars/wire by GoldRush, June 27


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omg another life blog by mnj, June 27

Chapter I: it all started with a car
+ Show Spoiler +

Chapter II: What is fun must be good!
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Chapter III: My first love
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Chapter IV: Crossfit Revisited
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Chapter V: Clothes and other "worthless passions"
+ Show Spoiler +

Chapter VI: Holy fuck no one ever told me adult acne would last this long
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Chapter VII: Other stuff and recap
+ Show Spoiler +

Think I worked on this 3-4 days. Had some parts that I wrote out a long time ago. Iono how it all fits but I'm tired of looking/editing this garbage. Iono is any of this worth posting? Is any of this worth having other people read? I don’t know if I ever will dig up some of the photos but I may in the future when work gets overbearing again. There are some parts I feel I under elaborated on. There are parts that are straight up missing. Iono I hope you guys like this though. Maybe I can stop blogging till next year lmao.

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300 Buyins in 31 days at 50plo prop bet??? by Joeingram1, June 27

I was coming on here to reply to comments left on my last blog where I said Hello but after reading Defrag's comment I was inspired to write something. I've said a few different times over the years that I would like to start blogging more but inevitably it never actually ends up happening I am going to try this again as I am going to get started on a new project which will require me to start writing much much more

I was just at the gym working on my basketball game while listening to one of my fave podcast series by James Altucher. I can't quite pinpoint what was said by a guest he had on but it inspired me to write about a prop bet I have mentioned a couple times on the forums and briefly on twitter.

The prop bet I was thinking of trying was trying to make either 300 or 400 buyins at either 50plo or 100plo on Pokerstars in a 31 day time period. Those that are not familiar with online PLO will have no idea if this is hard or how hard it actually is but to my knowledge no one has ever had this amount of buyins at these limits before. One of the reasons for this is because anyone that could ever make that much at these stakes would surely move up before the end of the month. Everyone I have talked to about doing this says with the rake I have absolutely no chance of succeeding at it. Another of the reasons is that the rake bb/100 at these limits is so high that it really makes it hard for anyone to win pre-rake. I do believe that this plays a pretty large part in the success of people playing these limits but I also think its very over blown in the SSPLO community on 2p2 just how big of a factor rake at low stakes plays. I think it is in everyone's best nature to continue to argue this point on the forums in hopes that at some point the poker sites might actually do something about it and lower the rake but I also think that many people will read all this doom & gloom being posted and get turned off to the idea of even trying to make it at the game. Yes the rake does suck at these limits compared to NL but its very very beatable and with some hard work it can be done. I think attempting this prop bet might show people to stop reading all the negative things people repeat nonstop but instead see what I was able to do and know that it is very possible to make money at these stakes while getting better and moving up the ranks at some point.

I've thought about the actual chances of being able to do this and to be honest I really have no idea if I could actually do it. In every prop bet I've tried I had no idea if I could do it going into it. I am pretty confident I could get some action at this bet at 3-1 but I am not really sure if I want to gamble it up that much with the most likely outcome being that I don't succeed and in the process costing me money that I would otherwise make grinding my normal stakes and hours.

My question I have for you guys is if you were going to try to make 300-400 buyins in 31 days at 50PLO, what would be your strategy to do it? Assuming it is all normal tables (no zoom or HU tables) but you could play deep games and also start tables. Would you try to maximize your hands/hr and play many many hands in that month while going for a lower winrate? Would you split up your sessions into different ones or would you try to grind out one big one/build up big stacks on tables? Assuming you COULD play 24 tables at once competently, would you do that for many hr/s per day, set a goal of xxx,xxx thousands of hands for the month and then adjust depending on how the results were going? Would you want to do it at 50plo or 100plo?? It is a pretty simple task but there are so many ways you could attack it from a strategic stand point. If only Urubu would have had 1 strategy going into his prop bet maybe he wouldn't have given up


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Metamoris 4 hype by PuertoRican, June 27

The GOAT vs. The Bad Guy

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PLOLOLOL FUUUUU by Bejamin1, June 26

You know, it's really hard to beat PLO25 in this move up if I'm going to have to beat 10pt/bb rake, and 10pt/bb bad-beats. In today's session, I lost 7 buy-ins to EV in 700 hands. That's 1 buy-in for every 100 hands. You know what that works out to? Fighting against 50pt/bb per 100 hands of bad beats. Great. Fucking great. That puts me down about 60 buy-ins of EV on my move up. About 28k hands of misery waiting until it ends. BR is at 1300 (took shot at 1400) so overall it's not death like. Just frustrating. Have to keep trying. Have to find a way to stop sucking so much in 3-bet pots. I just flop and run-out like death.

Obligatory Graph For Today.

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most positive article I've ever read & CRDS by 2primenumbers, June 26


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GEOGUESSR! by nolan, June 23

Sup dudes,

Anyone ever mess about with Geoguessr?.

I figure since probably a decent part of the userbase here has traveled or gone on some neat road trips people here would do pretty well at it. I find it funny how addicting this pretty simple game is.

If you don't know, basically it puts you at a random location of google street view and your goal is to try and guess as close as possible on a map where you are. Some people put their own little rules into play about how far you can move around on street view (if at all) and if you're allowed to google any roadsigns or other things you can see from where you are.

I believe this is a current depiction of their street view coverage to give you an idea of where it could put you. I'd note that the Maldives is also covered but hard to see on that map.

Once in awhile you get dropped in some pretty ridiculous spots, including occasionally inside buildings.

Anyways, been grinding a mega geoguessr session and figured I'd share in case it would interest anyone.

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Hello by Joeingram1, June 21

Hi LPers!

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New personal best by gawdawaful, June 21

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Amaya gaming stock? by ReDDcaFFe, June 20

It is ~$20 a piece.
Any stock experts?
What do you think?

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Burnout+dota2 by LemOn[5thF], June 19

Had my biggest month last month since restart at nl5
some $1400 or sth across the limits
All felt great, ignoring results completely doing sports etc. Met a pal from Scotland in Prague, did Spartan Race, loads of good stuff.

I started doing some heavy reading thinking about philosophy and science - I picked up this book,BottomRight,13,73_AA300_.jpg
history of science and how different branches were discovered from astronomy physics, geology etc. thinking about all that. Meditating as well quite a bit.
started watching dota2, game of thrones (seen all of em in last 2.5weeks YEEZ )
learned shit ton done math on many hands, crawled forums,skype a lot, started playing zoom (moar volumes, that thing's crazy bad for my slow brain. I beat it pretty well tho 25 and small sample 50)
basically overloaded my brain shit loads, and my concentration started deteriorating, I started caring about results again and couldn't force myself to stop. Plus they closed down sauna over the summer except the weekend so there went a big part of my Monday off.
Soon enough I just kinda imploded one session and had -13BI in 1.5hrs total spewage and my brain told me to stahp.

The next day I went to the gym to buy 10x entry pass, and bough a monthly pass by accident.
I've been 5 times in 6 days since
Also I went to a cafe on Saturday to relax playing some dota.
I've played 47games since then
didn't play the game for 9 months, yet was given 4k MMR right away so was getting hammered but picked it up since then had some 22-2 viper and 20-0 SF games, no big deal

Oh well random rant over.
I've uninstalled Dota again, and shall bid it goodbye until TI4 which I simply have to watch, it's a HUGE thing 10mil+prize pool is just sick. I sure love the new kid, Excalibur his Tinker and Meepo are out of this world, seeing him rape Alliance with both was awesome.
But as for me playing - I simply can't. It's way too addictive and although it was awesome when I needed a break from poker, I can never do both at the same time unfortunately. I mean 40hrs in 6 days with 10hrs of gym inbetween come on bro

Going forward
Tomorrow I plan on keeping up my gym regime - go at least 4x per week. I focus on sprints and large muscle groups.
And most of all Keep shit simple
I don't have to read duper heavy books that tax my brain so bad (modern physics is a HUGE CLUSTERFUCK for example. Just read some of the stuff. The people must be doing drugs.)
exercise, family, friends, poker.
Spending a ton of time on LP is counter productive too but it's where I shall keep trying to break down my ranges. I played a short sesh only to find out I'm too emotional still (fear mostly) but I realized I don't know what my ranges are in loads of spots nor what I really do with the edges of them - I pretty much click buttons, so instead of learning anything new at all looking at what I do already and tinker with that shall be my focus now. There's no need for new ideas for maybe a few months - just watchign vids to see what other people's ranges are really.

Well thanks for reading guys. If anyone actually has I'd be surprised I had to get it out and get ready for a massive restart - mandatory blog saving ladies follow. I'll be opening Skype tomorrow too so sorry for being AFK

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Yo Bros I went Hard by 2primenumbers, June 17


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boring stuff by Seobombisgay, June 16


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golden gate bridge by JosephCalgary, June 16

if these people knew what was going to happen when they hit the water, this is the bravest shit ive ever seen. Their bones shatter piercing their vital organs. That is some wolverine adamantium pain right there. Some of them dont die from impact and flail in the water trying to not drown cause if u want to die u dont want to fucking drown. they fatigue and drown. really bad way to go. Nembutal should be legal. So these people shouldnt have to go through unimaginable horrifying pain. There aint no pain from being homeless that can compare to having bones shattered and piercing your vital organs.

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