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I miss poker by vasoline73, December 14

It's been such a long time since I've played. Never really did very well but I made "enough" for it to be fun and I really miss the critical thinking it gave me.

I'm going back to school in the spring and I've learned a lot about life (through bad experiences) in the time between now and my last "real" blog (Jan 19 2011) so I'm feeling good, finally moving forward in a way, but between poker being banned and not being able to purchase Djarum cigarettes I am apathetic about society here in the United States. Such small things to fret over but in the same sense such ridiculous things to ban. Why did it have to be 2 things I enjoyed in my life? Now they're gone.

Not mad about it... just apathetic.

Life goes on. I'll be where I want to be when the time comes and I put in the effort... and I can always import kreteks... so it's not so bad. Just weird. Still lurking LP and I always wish everyone here happiness and success for the fun times I've had here. Just wanted to say hi.

Oh... and Brood War. God I miss the it, for better or for worse. Zero and Woongjin gone, Free, Violet, Bluestorm, carriers... PL, OSL & MSL... I hate reading TL now, despite still loving the good times I spent (wasted?) there. Love hate love hate.

To the future, may I find new passions to enjoy and love in life while doing the necessary work to succeed.

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Hungary and spinal surgery by DustySwedeDude, December 14

So a while ago I went to Budapest with my gf, her dad and his new wife. It was kind of fun and that city is something like 90% London and 10% Mogadishu. It was weird but fun.

When we got home my gf had her spinal surgery at a place called Stockholm Spine Center. Due to the fuck ups the hospital in our hometown had made earlier they had sent us there, more or less free of charge. I think it was mostly their way of saying sorry and possibly also a fairly decent way to avoid some legal trouble. Whatever, at least they sent us to the best specialists in Sweden when it comes to backs.

First things first, so far so good and everything looks like the surgery was a success, even though it'll take a few months before we know how big of a success it was. They did both a spinal fusion and a what I think is called a "Lumbar Decompressive Laminectomy" due to Spinal stenosis and Degenerative disc disease. Not sure if I've gotten the translations right but basically her back was messed up in all kinds of ways it shouldn't be at her age, but for some dumb genetic reason she managed to get both.

They told us there where no point in visiting the first two days (the surgery day + day after) due to the fact that my girl would be sleeping most of the time so I got my ass on a train and arrived at the hospital early last Saturday. Before that I kept calling the hospital and asking how she was doing and she was even awake enough to talk to me a time or two.

I remember that I called just when she was out of surgery and a nurse assured me that everything had gone well, I was really confused by this because it sounded like she was telling me the truth but I was so used to things getting fucked up that I did not believe it before I talked to my girl later that evening. Spine Center has been by far the best hospital I've been in as far as information, good care etc goes. The doctors even called her on his day off and asked how she was doing. As far as quality of care etc goes everyone I've talked to and all data I have been able to get my hands on (and remember, I have a law degree, I'm fairly good at finding stuff) says they're the best or close to the best in Sweden in more or less all areas.

I wanted, and still want, to spend the maximum amount of time with her. Their visiting hours was 14-19 although since it was a weekend I figured I could probably get away with getting there a bit earlier and leaving a bit later. I'm very well mannered and likeable when I try so I figured that would help too. I started out calling up a flower store a day or two before I would get there and told them I wanted flowers for my girlfriend in the hospital. Next thing I said that I wanted a bunch red roses and whatever looked nice with that and that I'd just give them my cc-number and let the charge about 300 USD and do whatever they'd think would look nice and send it to my girl the day after surgery. With any luck that's the first and last time I spend more then 50 bux on flowers. Apparently one of the nurses commented on it that she'd been married for 18 years and that her better half never sent her flowers like that.

The next few days I spent as much time as I was allowed with my girlfriend and the rest at some hotel next to it. Had one very long and interesting conversation with a guy from Lebanon that worked nights at the hotel reception. Also got to hang out with a friend of mine I had not seen in 15 years who lived there. My gf sill can't walk much more then 100-200m and she's on pain medication for a week or two more, but within a month or two she'll be fit enough to work and within a year she'll be better then new.

We probably spent close to 10k on various treatments for her back, including physiotherapy, Naprapathy and all kinds of stuff like that and nothing has worked more then a little while and no one figured out wtf was wrong with her.

Anyway, gonna finish up my last milestone for the year now and then go for SNE next year. That feels nice.

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Skrill to Paypal Help by Loco, December 14

edit: taken care of with napoleono and Fayth.

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3.50 180K by GoldRush, December 13

Nevermind this just sold out at 100%.

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aquaculture - its the future brehs by whamm!, December 13

Anyone into it? 50% of the worlds fish are already from farms. Fact. Been to malaysia 2 months ago for some training and i might go to vietnam this summer also. Its good to be this obssessed about learning something which i can make money out of in the long term without worry of trends making it dated etc. Its food and basically healthier than factory meat and poultry. Fish farms can be organic and factory based at the same time unlike food inc bullshit.

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aaa by proph y, December 13

is wine bullshit?

I mean not really b/c it tastes fucking great and goes amazing with food if paired well but like when niggas start talking about all this bullshit and where the grapes come from come the fuck on.

All that matters is love, relationships, some sense of purpose, some excitement, some transcendence some inspirations.

Like if you gotta place to live with a patio or a porch or somethin, then like some good food to eat whether that is finding the spots or just cookin' up some shit in the kitchen then like we are all naked and it's against the rules to be naked so we gotta' wear something might as well be so fresh and so clean clean.

I mean if you gotta place to sleep, some food to eat, and some clothes that are comfortable and clean and takin' care of business then you just gotta hang with some cool people and contribute to something and do some new, exciting shit every now and then. The Recipe.

Experiment. Mad Scientist. Learn. Experience. Do stuff. Knowledge. Relationship. People. Human Beings. The World. Environments within that World. Yourself. ohmmmm...

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Weight Loss Blog #2 - Dat Plateau by Svenman87, December 13

Heyo LP

You can check #1 here

Anyways these past 30 days or so have been pretty rough - between two thanksgivings (divorced parents) and three birthdays (including my own) I've managed to lose a total of 1 lb as of this morning - so I'm sitting at 224. I'm not happy but not terribly disappointed in myself, if anything it has given me more motivation to really buckle down and get by this 220 plateau

Despite that some positives are new PR's for the three compounds of bench, squat, and deadlift

Last Months 1 Rep Max
Bench - 185 x 1 (started out barely doing 95 x 3 in August)
Squat - 275 x 1
Deadlift - 335 x 1

Current 1 Rep Max
Bench - 225 x 1
Squat - 300 x 1
Deadlift - 385 x 1

Very surprised at this months strength gains, but I've been working a lot more on form. I think I will take a break from pushing more weight any further until I really am positive that my form is as solid as possible to reduce risk of any injuries or creating any bad habits.

Anyways here's two current pics

Compared to last month

As always I hope everyone is doing well & feel free to comment or add tips/criticisms/advice

Take Care LP <3

edit: Although I do contribute my gains to a pretty awesome gym shirt (it's even approved by my dog Bagels)

Also here's a bonus pic of my Christmas Card for the year

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LEGGO! by jvilla777, December 13

GL to all the grinders for the weekend!

some motivation to help you brahs get up and do what you gotta do!

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3.50 180s 1k by GoldRush, December 13

So I'm kinda sittin here and just sux lookin at the games I am BR'd for, I talked to some of my backers and they all wanna do stuff over longterm, stuff that I really don't want to get involved in again. I figured I'd put something up here on the LP, I've had a couple good stakes through here with Jlost and Marshall etc, had 1 go bad (i paid it back in full w/ barbieman)

Btw - I ONLY Know ppl that wanna stake LONG TERM which is why I am/haven't been taking a stake.

There is 1 Form of a stake I WOULD/WANT to TAKE, a stake that Can/Should Yield a 2-8k profit over 2 weeks with very little Risk. I'll post it here. (3.5 180s 99% - $500 a pop, i can win manyyyyy, many chips in play, so many fish, this is all this is about)

I 12-15 table during day, 4 table end of sessions in these.

I'm looking for a 1k investment. If i lose it, i'll payback 50% (i once messed up a stake on here with barbieman for 4k, and paid back the full 4k to him, he can vouch for me here as well as tons of other ppl, I am 110% good for any amt, esp $500 quick payback if shitwinds were to swirl -LaHEY!)

I will only do a stake under those conditions, these are insanely high ROI games. My Roi is VERY BIG in these games. I can send you shark scope stuff if you need.

Can't afford to take longer than a 2 week stake and to spend more than 2 weeks in these games.

My graph is SNGs is a Nano graph.
My graph is MTT's is almost a Nano graph.

I play ~10 hr days.

I'll keep grinding 6max and $3.50 45 mans ti I hear if anyone wants to do a shortterm stake. I asked like 5 ppl on skype. Nobody wanted to do anything short term...only long term...

These games are a cakewalk. I'll be in them 50/50 on you or in a day or week or two on my own.

Send me a Private Message if you are interested. This is ONLY for

WBN tho - HonestyBloGSux@LP

We can do something higher btw, but this is as much of a "sure shot" as I can give someone to make the lowest risk few grand on there money in a couple weeks. If you want we can talk about anything higher if you'd like. Most likely first come first serve, wouldn't mind starting in the next day or two in just pure 3.50 180s with atleast 100bi (9.50 a bi w/ rebuy and addon)

So ya, If you want you can stake this, Private message me, 14 days.

Postin bout day 2 tomorrow, been very busy all night, had to run errands w/ a friend, go to bank etc, woke up at like 7pm lol..might need to just stay up til 9pm tonight to get back on normal sleep schedule.

ok so ya if u want u can stake 1k its 100bi for a sick high roi game (1.5k is a more steady br for the games but i can/will make 1k work about just as often so w/e -- just makin it more open to the public since less ppl will do shorter term staking deals)

This is the only time I believe I will/would ask for a stake for 3.50 180s or anything, I hate being staked in general, Its just a rush to make as much as possible and its very profitable.

i'd snapcall this if I could

I'll give you my previous backers skype info so you can talk with them to know the integrity and volume that i work with

i also coach any backers that are looking for mtt coaching for free, if that is something someone wants.

not beggin - puttin it out there cuz im low right now - but imma battle either way. be on my side or not, imma battle to the top. This will make it much easier, nicer, calmer and faster to the top, since the games I'm currently in will take me about a week to get to 1k in...

PS - My math has me at $800 a day which is $12k after 14 days.

Hope someone snatches this up.

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Day 1 by GoldRush, December 12

Starting BR : 363

Games played : $5.10 3k Hyper turbo. No ITM

NL10 - lost $8!

Played like 1 hour, I was not feeling well and energy has been very low.

I slept til 7pm tonight.

BR $351.65

I am going to watch Evil Dead (2013) - good reviews for a horror flick.

Going to be playing NL10 ZooM after that, maybe start mid movie.

answered some q+a's in previous blog;


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Snowdrop engine by NewbSaibot, December 12

Unfortunately no one can be told what the snowdrop engine is. You have to see it for yourself.

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Finally by thewh00sel, December 11

Been sweating this number a very long time but finally hit it. Lifetime profit graph HOLLA

And yes, end Oct 2009 through Dec 2012 was fun (not)

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Been a while by GoldRush, December 11

Hey guys, gonna do a write up on my first 4 months in Canada so far (3 months 28 days or so)

Key points - No More Rent Payments, at 100% with backup backers if need be, 60-65 days left.

So I got up here and stayed with a good friend, we were drinking alot, going out a lot, was a fun month, he charged me $100 a week and was very hospitable. He does really well in most 2/5 games around the city and has been playin around 10 years. That was a lot of fun.

After a month, his lease was up, he moved into a new apartment, it was a 1 BR, so I found a place on a craigslist like site (moved in with a Tibetan man and his French Canadian Wife. They had 2 kids, one dressed like a pirate all the time and was cool as heck, the other was a lil 2 year old girl, she was cute but never said much. she would just smile up at me though that house was speaking french,english and Tibetan. Tibetan mostly, kinda cool since my Father and step-mom are Tibetan Buddhists. Had a great insight. There was some sweet bike trails, was a safe nice neighborhood, but living with a family after being on my own for 10 yrs was really starting to cramp my stlye. The kids would scream so loud for sooo was sick.

I then went and found a 4 month lease downtown Ottawa, since its downtown its pretty steep (I just had a sick heater though so wasn't to worried about it) ~1200/month (paid 2400 move in - security deposit will be my Jan 14th - Feb 14th rent) - Paying rent again in ~3 days.

I was staked the Majority of the time I was up here which was cool, I made a solid 40k or so and things were great. I was very content and working hard non stop etc.

After moving into my new house...we hit quite the hick-up. I had an issue with getting my medication (Bi-Polar/OCD) - and had to go 2 weeks without playing. When I came back, my reads were off, my timing was off, everything was off.

After a few days, -5k or so...after a week....-15k or so...after 6 weeks...-28k or so in gameplay....

Nothing was going my way, AK vs AT on K77 boards, JQ turn riv, KK vs AK, A riv everytime etc, for thousands obviously.

I never took any time off, my heart knew I was in a semi manic state, I knew I needed time off, but also the ticking time frame of Canada (2 months 3 days before Jersey I imagine) (can stay 6mo/yr)

So I was off the stake, got a loan that I tilted into the ground, got another $500 loan and finally started playing decently. Thank god I paid off like 20k in debt prior, or there's no way in hell I would have had any credibility in the industry to stay afloat and I would have went home packing on the 14th most likely. Maybe a little silver lining of good karma there for working so hard for so long to rectify my past, always leaving myself with practically nothing..

SO ya, after I was off the stake, I was doing pretty bad, I lost for 3 weeks, then took 3 days off, that I knew I needed to take like a month ago.

Came back and fell into a good rhythm again, on a Very Low Bankroll ($500) I was playing mostly 45 man SNG's and NL10.

I managed to bink out a 3.5 180 and get 2nd in another one at the same time for a solid $800, and finish the night in some $4.40 1k max for 2nd for another $200 and something.

OK that was GOOD. Rent PAID.

No More Rent Payments in Canada for the following 2 months. Only expenses are food and a lil green.

Time to take this BR to the Roof.

So since I got off the stake, I've been thinking purely in terms of hourly.

I have been doing the grind in multiple ways, but ZooM is the most fitting.

I have been playing 90-120 minute zoom sessions, taking 30-90 minutes off, and doing the same. then going to SNG's at night (reg 10-20) and finish the night with a few mtts and look to bink out good.

So i have 2 months left, im low br'd - but i survived lol, i have ppl that want to back me if need be, but yeah, take my time and good br management and i shouldn't need to worry about much, although going back to work for John may happen in the future.

Lifes been nuts, 45k upswing, 30k downswing, kinda on like a lil swing up i guess now? uptickin a grand or more...2 months to get to 20-50k.

Workin hard...

Thx for everyones support via skype through the tough times, things are lookin up again, LI YOU WILL GET IT LOL! NO BULLSHIT! Sry didn't take care of you on that upswing sir! Get it to ya when I can

Respect guys,
I'm gonna Chronicle Everyday to Robusto or Busto with 60 days of blogging before I gotta bounce back to USA.

Yesterday - BR 1779 - +$81 NL10 + NL50. (3bi + 1bi)

Today - Cashout $1395 for rent and medication.

BR LEFT : $366.02

On my Own I make like 2-20k a month
Staked, I make like 15-50k a month...lets see if I can get to 5-20k by 30 days and 30-100k by 60 days. That'd be sweet.


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Still on CRDS train ~1 year later by 2c0ntent, December 11


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What if by uiCk, December 10

The result of allins pre river were determined by the winning % instead of drawing cards. for cash games as an alternative options to drawing x2

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I love job hunting by Gnarly, December 09

>be me
>be looking for job
>be putting in resumes
>go to a smoke shop one day to buy incense
>not even looking for a yob
>see two friends working there
>qt 3.14's all day
>they say that two people are going to be leaving, i should put in muh resume and they'll gimme a good word
>do just that, but miss the boss lady the day I put in my resume by literally one minute
>go next monday, today, to introduce myself
>"Hello, I'm person and I put in a resume last week. Have you had the chance to look it over?"
>"I didn't catch that?"
>"i donnn probbly what?"
>"Have you looked over my resume?"
>"...." continues looking at her phone
>not a single second I was in the store did she take her eyes off of it
>not even a glance at me
>I know this behavior
>she's fucking barred out
>find out the place was robbed a couple hours before I went up there after i left
>find out she's barred the fuck out, as assumed

I don't know if I should try again tomorrow or something? I wanted to rage so bad when I realized she was fucked up.

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Fantasy Football Manner Hatch by Rinny, December 08

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I love wireless internet by Gnarly, December 08

>be me
>play $1 for $11 coupon MTT
>first place out of 130
>wait until a couple weeks for 10k gtd $11 tourny
>be today
>be play tourny
>2k for first place pays up to like 50
>be doing semi bad, but making monster folds I wouldn't make in cash
>why the fuck isn't the hand oveR?
>can't open up lobby
>start getting mad
>try closing the client to restart it
>it's not closing
>go to task manager
>it's not even fucking there
>have to restart my computer
>ten minutes later
>open up client
>logging in...
>keep restarting client
>30 minutes later
>see that I'm down a fifth of my stack

I knew this shit was going to happen today. I don't even think it's my wireless internet since I was able to get on bovada and look on the internet.

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Cash game ranking by GameOverNoob, December 08

Is 20bb/100 at nl5 sh sustainable?

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Yolo by LemOn[5thF], December 08

You oughta Look Out? No my precious, this blog is about the proper douchey meaning.. There's a lot of people that are waiting for something. They are the far seer causality scientists of this world and speak in the "when" "then" terms. When the perfectly right moment arises, then I'll speak to that hot chick in my class. When i retire, then I'll start working on my dreamy model airplanes. When I get promoted or fired and change my job, then I'll be happy. What they don't realize is that they can be run over an ice cream truck tomorrow, and also how the human brain works.

The brain is constantly overwhelmed by an endless stream of information, ant it's constantly to process it and make sense of it all whilst projecting everything assimilated into the future in order to help you make decisions. In the process it simplifies, anchors to arbitrary things, and tries to see patterns even where there absolutely are none. It fabricates the projection of the future, but also manipulates the understanding of the present.

So fuck the when and then, either act and take the steps to shag that girl or build the model airplane RIGHT NOW. Or simply ask your brain often, loud and clear to perceive the present; not the fabricated projection of the future; as the time and place to be happy, as the time of opportunities, not problems. Because even when you are absolutely sure you know the "when" and "then" you are still probably wrong.

/end random bored on subway ramble.

Personal shit:
Went to Paris for 4 days, spent one watching 4 Star Wars movies in a row with my pal drinking their largest, 250ml beers. Yolo.

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