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100nlsofar by hiems, December 08

I'm sort of tilted after downswing breakevening for the past 10k hands. I'm doing a lot of experimenting with my basic strategy and static ranges and maybe getting better maybe not, but there has been some growing pains and while Holdem is alot simpler than something like Omaha there are still quite a bit of situations to standardize and its been alot of mindpower trying to get that under control. Im insanely behind whatever curve there is in the poker world and its kind of depressing thinking about how good probably some of the regs are on this site (Song,Longple,Marshall, etc). I had a shitty session yesterday and today so I'm blogging to be a little less annoyed. I guess this is a late november results post. Made around 2.2k live and a bit online as you can see by the graph. Some hands got lost from the 23rd I guess from Bovada's customer service getting raided. I think I was at around 3.7k in October and with bonuses a bit over 4k for November. December is starting out pretty shitty so far. Anyway I wanted to make a winning month blog post just in case December keeps going like this and I never win at poker ever.
+ $500.00 in lost hands.

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pt4 help by Gnarly, December 06

butts got it

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lol I know nothing by NewbSaibot, December 06

So I just finished a proud blog last week about how I'm playing zone poker and taking advantage of all the dead money I see going around, with the biggest element that I buy in for 50BB's to limit my losses when I get coolered. I figured if everyone is anonymous then there's no incentive to play big deep pots because you dont know if your opponent is the type to pay off with a 3rd nut flush draw. So I post all these stats and stuff as evidence of my playstyle when I realized I missed the most important stat of all, showdown value hands. A quick glimpse at what REALLY makes me money, and surprise surprise, flushes and sets top the list. Well obviously these are the kinds of hands you want to be playing big pots for, ergo implied odds really do exist even in a completely anonymous structure.

While the button still proves to be the most profitable position for me, I need to start buying back in full and playing all those drawing hands, BUT ONLY those drawing hands. I knew there was a reason I stopped buying in full, and it wasnt because my draws never get there. It's because I keep hemorrhaging money with 2nd pair or worse. This sounds pretty asinine but I dont see how I didnt notice this on my own. I do relatively well with top pair, but apparently I'm down like $500 at NL25 and NL50 playing less than top pair, with no draw! Upon looking over the hands I can tell what I was doing, and that was just lots of bluffcatching in retarded spots where villain 3 barrel donkbets Q8o on a QJ57T board. I mean my "read" is often right in these situations, villain was turning his hand into a bluff, the problem is *he didnt know that*. I've also lost quite a bit on bluff attempts that probably arent necessary. I dont know how to quantify it but I'd be surprised if I'm even breakeven on my bluffs, so I'm just gonna stop. By bluff, I mean like a 3 street allin type bluff.

Anyway the kinds of hands paying off my flushes have actually been surprisingly bad, so I've decided that any 2 suited will do, so I'm either raising or calling any standard open with literally any 2 suited. People still fold to cbets a lot in zone poker.

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Just to let u know by MARSHALL28, December 05

I signed a deal to make 18 videos at runitonce over the next 12 months. Thought some of you might like to know.

Been running kind of bad in poker the last few weeks. Funny that whenever I post about big wins I seem to hit a downswing almost right after maybe 4 times out of 5. Very weird. Looks like only going to profit 15k for last month. Also I busted my ACR roll trying to play 25/50 and have run like 10k under expectation @ PLO so probably need to find a way to get some more funds on there.

That's all, GL

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Just to let u know by MARSHALL28, December 05

I signed a deal to make 18 videos at runitonce over the next 12 months. Thought some of you might like to know.

Been running kind of bad in poker the last few weeks. Funny that whenever I post about big wins I seem to hit a downswing almost right after maybe 4 times out of 5. Very weird. Looks like only going to profit 15k for last month. Also I busted my ACR roll trying to play 25/50 and have run like 10k under expectation @ PLO so probably need to find a way to get some more funds on there.

That's all, GL

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Bitcoin Faucet by jchysk, December 04

Built a promotional page for LaunchKey that gives free Bitcoins. Check it out and give me your thoughts.

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life update to the 6 LPers that are still here by Seobombisgay, December 04

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Chilean Powerlifting Nationals 2013 by GoTuNk, December 03


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Quarterly Update by thewh00sel, December 03

As usual, my dedication to updating this blog is pretty well synced up with my desire for cleaning the house. Both are useful and similar, as I can organize my things and thoughts; but the motivation to do either is often out of my grasp. Ah, procrastination, you made up word that makes me feel less guilty about my laziness...

On to the content. Since my last update, I have dabbled in sports betting a bit with no success at first. Then with stricter guidelines on bet-sizing and more research I've upswung and wiped out all of my losses. I've made 235 bets so for a total profit of 3 units. Nothing to be proud of really, but considering I was down about 50 units and recovered I'm pretty happy with how things have progressed.

In poker, I've recovered from the downswing I blogged about in August, and have been taking occasional shots at 10/20 in good games. Sunday was such a day.

I played 13 hours at 10/20 in a great game. Unfortunately, being in a great game never guarantees victory, and I was taking the worst of it. I was in for 10k after a few 3k buyins and had worked my stack up to 7500 and was grinding away. I took a short break and was chatting up a friend when I returned to the table and posted in the cutoff. The whale at the table limps in under the gun, and it folds to me. I look down at two red kings and raise it up to 120. A button-clicking regular makes it 380 in the big blind and the whale cold calls. Both players have me covered, and I can't afford to take a flop 3 handed. Also, with the whale calling, my hand will look much weaker if I put in a raise, potentially attempting to get HU with the whale or just take down the dead money.

"1300" I announce as I slide 12 more black chips into the pot. Button clicker sizes up my stack and nonchalantly tosses two yellow chips and a purple chip into the pot.

"$2,880" the dealer says as the whale pretends to go all-in; his three of hearts flashes as he throws his cards toward the muck. I announce all-in despite that fear in the back of my mind that he has me dead to rights. But....

We agree to run it twice. The first board comes down Qd 3c Qh Js As. I can't imagine winning on that board unless he has the other two kings...The next board comes down Qs 8h Ac Ad 4d and I reluctantly flip my hand over as my mind races to think of some combination of a hand he could have that involves me getting at least half the pot. I hear a quiet chuckle from my opponent as he flips over the Ks, and what seemed like five minutes later, the Ah.


And with that, I left, and sent myself back to the coal mines to grind out that 10k loss at 5/10 the rest of this month.

Year to Date
Days Played
Hours played-Cash
Hourly (total)
Hourly (cash only)
MTTs played
% win rate for cash 54.19%
ITM rate for MTTs 16.28%
Cash Net Winnings 124,393
MTT Net Winnings (64,547.70) (this is the total, including money given to me for selling pieces)

Looking forward to finishing this year off strong with a lot of hours before the baby comes. I'll try to post an end-of-year update in early January.

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Optimism,Realisim,Cynisism by GoldRush, December 03

I say lets all be optimistic, stop being cynical about everything because things that have attached to our ego's over time, let it all go, be real, keep workin our asses off 24/7, never forget you are a student of the game, you choose this game cuz you love it (at least deep down, you did at one time!) and keep ur fckin nose to the grindstone!

btw im doing tons of SNG's now - cg sometimes but rarely, MTT's make me a lil sick recently, 5, 2 hour, 6 tabling 6max SNG sessions, or a stackmixture of 45mans and 180 mans.

Been working on finding the best hourly for my game with the lowest variance and obviously highest net worth per month

idk if i'll make more hourly doing the 6max sngs (can do about 88 every 4 hours, so yeah over 100 a day in some soft fields maybe vv gud hourly)

I'll be doing this til mid month (rent) - spend most the time doing 6max sng's (turbos) - and sometimes stacking all the sng's etc

oh, ya, i lost alot, i won some back thankfully cuz im a fish and fish get lucky, but i got a long way to go. hobbit road!

ne ways, time to remember why we play,
have fun with the game again!
Stop Stressin shit you can't control
Have fun

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anyone in Peru or have advice? by bigredhoss, December 02

hi guys, i am in Sucre, Bolivia right now but plan on going to Cusco in a couple days. My question is, with roughly 12-14 days in Peru, are there any other places i should visit (besides Machhu Pichu obviously) or should I just stick with Cusco. i'm going by bus so that time includes travel times. i am going through Arequipa on the way back to Argentina but don't know much about it or have plans to spend much time there as of now.

also does anyone have opinions on which option in Bolivia is better between Yungas Road or Lake Titicaca if i only have time to do 1?


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ev at 100k hands by voodoouser, December 01

shouldnt my ev line match my win line at that point?
100k+ hands... i'm terrible at math but it seems like it defies statistic laws.
to poker veterans: is it something quite common?

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Online For Fun by Xervean, December 01

The last few months I've been missing poker a lot. I tried playing chess pretty hardcore but it really wasn't doing it for me. I decided to put some money on a site that has good reviews on 2+2. Here are my November results. I managed to play 40k hands and it went pretty well. The plan is to keep grinding 100nl for another week or two and then try out 200nl. I'll post an update when I hit 100k hands.

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Physical training by Forrest Gump, November 30

I had ups and downs. But since Im starting to play poker again I want to find the perfect balance. I have problems concentrating after doing some sport or physical activity (including sex). Is there any routine or training method that allows you to stay sharp for a poker session later? Even Im not in my 100% for the next day sometimes.

Also, I notice that some activities are not compatible for poker.
For example I noticed that Table tennis puts you in the mood of reacting fast without thinking too deep and I translate that to the table, which is like tilting. If I do something like bouldering I work a lot of small painfull fibers but dont drain all my energy becouse my forearm gets tired first. Also the moves are more controlled, so I can sustaing a poker session with that mindset.

Im overthinking too much and just have to give up the games and rest?
What do you think? What's the best sport/activity to combine in a poker lifestyle and why?

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FUCK November by GoldRush, November 30

Duh, I should win every single MTT I enter.

Guess I'll win the next one.


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Lé November by NewbSaibot, November 30

It's Bovada "zone poker" which is their version of "zoom poker". This is all NL50 and it only runs maybe three times per week so I cant get much volume in. I deposited $100 to get my feet wet with the intention of depositing more to play higher stakes, but said fuck it I might as well see if I can run up my $100 a little. My bankroll is actually $646 but some hands havent been importing. Bovada lets you download everyones holecards 24 hours later so there was lots of valuable information to gather about how your average fish plays. In a nutshell, it's just very very weak. I dont really know how to describe it, just stupid random play. They'll minraise UTG with like A3s, or min3bet you with 22 from the BB, limp QQ and check/call 3 streets, overjam 88 after limping from EP, open ship a AJ5 flop with KJo, etc. I'm sorta able to piece together their likely thought process after analyzing the hand, but they're all just so very very bad there's almost no point.

I sorta developed my own "system" that basically involved playing the button as much as humanly possible and then using standard telltale signs of weakness to take the pot. If they dont cbet, I'll steal. If they bet something retarded, I'll raise. I probably cost myself a good 100 pots or so trying to pick off bluffs because I feel compelled to call river shoves when the hands play out completely randomly. I'd say 10% of the time I was right, 50% of the time I was "sorta right" because they were turning their hands into bluffs but probably didnt look at it that way, and the other % I was just owned by the nuts. Many of these spots were easily foldable but I'd call anyway just to prove how bad I run.

Anyway NL50 has been dead for almost 2 weeks now so I think I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet and do what I originally intended to which was move up limits where they respect my raises. I'm gonna give NL100 a shot and maybe mix in some shortstack NL200 to see if I'm comfortable there or not.

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fuck november by drone666, November 30

[ ] at least I'm up

+ Show Spoiler +

next month goals:

1 - 40bi under ev
2 - busto
3 - have a heart attack

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Micros is hard :( - November by LemOn[5thF], November 30

First proper fulltime month in years.
Just poker, floorball and gym besides that went clubbing 3x and met family peoples like 8 times and went running with sis a couple times.

I think with the competitive sports/gym and poker dual goals my life seems pretty balanced. Lost 12kg since I got here too 4mo ago and overall feel happy. Even to the tune of pissing my 30+y old team mates off with my positivism even when our team loses 9:3 - people with normal jobs tend to be rly negative I find

next step: nutrition Im at about 2/10 right now so biggest room for improvement.
And of course the Christmas and new year's! I am expecting lots of presents. To me. From fathers of families spewing their holiday money.

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OMGRAPH by Gnarly, November 30

Maybe Gus Hansen should take some coaching lessons from me.

>tfw short stack scum

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Poker by GameOverNoob, November 29

Been chilling this past week playing poker on my time off. <3 I forgot how my I enjoyed winning. Made a depo on FTP to play NL2. Found comfort on 12 tables and basically made a point to experiment with strategies.

I started off hot. Winning something like 80bb @ the 2k mark. Major regression soon after. At 4k I swooped down to 18bb and leveled out at 30 at 10k hands.

Moved up to nl5. This time tightening my opening range a little bit, but widening my flatting range, and also opening up my 3/4 betting ranges. I guess I didn't tighten up my opening range cause my stats for the session are 60-40-18.

I wasn't getting folds from light 3bettors when I 4bet. And they always had A rag

Thinking about bet sizing a lot. I know my vbets are bad ott and otr. Im going to try shoving more rivers and see what happens. My 4bets are 2.5x.

NL2 was a lot of stealing ip. Low redline. Lost value betting too much in some places.

My big pots were mostly against spazzes but there weren't many. Winnings were mostly from people c/c c/c c/f'ing.

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