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update by GameOverNoob, November 19

The last time I wrote something, aside from the very last post to get a free subscription to workflowy (thanks yo!) I've done a bit of seemingly random stuff I consider positive and a step forward. Still I'm a little frustrated I have no income being generated from something I built or am doing aside from my regular work for some company job, which i only just started.

I became interested in real estate investing about a month ago. I learned about some successes people achevied buying distressed properties in vegas and renting them out on airbnb for a 20% annual return. I bet a few people are thinking that's great, speak to me first because las vegas doesn't like people taking business away from their hotels and you have to act accordingly. Leins and deeds are sweet in texas, the hybrid state that allows folks to buy back their property for a 25% premium, which apparently happens about 15% of the time. And then there's wholesaling, which has no barrier to entry and the only strategy I could do myself in the short term, only I don't think i'll have success negotiating in french.

Last week I began talking to a 150 year local boutique that's being run my a new owner about building their website. I got really into the project, which expanded into digital strategy, and marketing, and have a solid start to viable business plan. Hopefully I can persuade him to let me build the website and go from there.

I bought drawing software. I want to create drawings for a clothing line inspired by power.

Got one client for my dog walking service.

Can't seem to find an area of to focus on aside from REI, which is a tough space to start with no money.

Got any ideas ?


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LF 180s/low mtts stake by SPEWTARD, November 19

hey guys the deal i was on just ended in good terms so im in the need of lookin for another mid term stake.

as u may see in my stars sharkscope i had a rough start but i came from playin eurosites mtts and super small fields and softest games, i have improved a lot since i took part of the stable got coached and played a lot so my skill level is higher now obv.

i can play full time and run up to 100 games per day 4-5 days a week.

im willin to get a stake at stars for turbo 180s (3.5r and 8s) and low stake mtts (up to 22 fo regspeed, 11r regspeed, and 3r and 11 fo turbos) only open to play soft mtts at 888 if the backer is interested.

enough talkin, here come the graphs.

stars last 3 months (as i said moved from playin exclusively eurosites + learnin 180s)

180s from 3.5r to 8s (learned from zero, got pretty good coachin)

as i mentioned before i had a rough start but then i adjusted to huge fields and tougher opponents.

last month:

ive got many deep runs at big 22, warm up etc, but as u all may know, "almost" is never great at mtts.

im honest, hard worker and i learn fast,im always doin reviews of my game and discussin with better players than me about hands, strategy, etc.

have good references and will provide more information if needed.

if u are interested plz pm me or post here and i will give my contact information.

i am pretty sure i can make money for the backer and myself, i have a lot of motivation and my mind is on the grind.

thanks for readin..

here u have my pre stars results (i used them for my last application)

+ Show Spoiler +

screen names:

ongame: BOOOOO0OOM
pacific (888): HUEHUAHUEHUA, ewalium, NoChops
FTP: iLiKeToCaLL_777
pocket5s profile:

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mtts teamviewer by GoldRush, November 19

just 2 tabling 2 good mtts if u wanna watch

mtting on screen 2 in options at top

teamviewer 8
131 928 306 id
9eke26 pw

lol my stats are like 50/38 20%3b AF INF

one is me playing the 4.4 4x chance 100k micromillions (79bb)
other is 8.8 x2rebuy 30k great mtt (40bb)

mid stages of both mtt's.

takin it easy today - good games to watch/learn if you mtt.

remote presentation

if u mess with it i will insta take it down

wish me lux!


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Asian poker house.... by JohnnyNYC, November 19

so i ended up going to a 5/5 on friday with my friend, i was going to get some rest for a wedding saturday but my gf was just generally being a cunt so i decided to have my friend pick me up and go play.

a little background of the game, its a game i have never been to before but it was ALL asian (mostly philipean/koreans) who are semi recreational players composed of either fancy play asians that make fancy plays for no reason or degen gamblers.

raises were generally $20-25 preflop and there are players with like 10-15% 3bet preflops that would pop to like $70+ and half the time show their J10s or pocket 7's ect.

i started well up around $500 within the first 2 hours, then eventually got into a few drawy hands that missed, had to lay down a set on the river to an obv flush and got AA cracked by K10 pre. its ok tho i still walked out with almost $200.

il be going to a 1/3 at a different spot tonight who my freind swares its 1000x softer. i could really use the money at this point in my life.

in a game like this, im only playing my hand for value.

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Drink mouthwash by Gnarly, November 18

then choose liquor over your family, then almost get kidnapped by a black dude, THEN blame it on your family, not yourself. This is how to be a great mother.

And to think, I was disappointed that she didn't get kidnapped.

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Weekly Update by GoldRush, November 18

This week was pretty good, I kinda quit MTT's most days now, this recent swing @ MTT's was so soulcrushing. (~ -25k/7days )

Was very tired and took this Sunday off, after grinding 11am-4am Sat-Sun morning.

Going to be grinding a ton more cg's this week.

Here's that weekly graph I promised you;

(just gonna post the full graph in entirety weekly)

Gonna relax a bit n get OTG,

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more updates by Arirang, November 18

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Siri by ugly, November 18

Too late - already been whitewashed

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bovada adventures by mnj, November 17

Hi LP,

Finishing up my last semester of school. Only 2 classes, so i had a lot of free time. Decided to put 100 into bovada and started playing .5/.10 just to get a feel of the platform.

kept randomly shoving all in since if you try and type in your bets, a lot of times you'll type to the left of the decimal, so you'll randomly jam more than your stack.

anyway immediately moved to .1/.25 and so far it's been super soft. played maybe 2-3 hours for the past 3 days. i've been spewing a buy in every session, so i guess the outlook looks great.

anyway was wondering:

1) is there a hand history converter to put into heM?

2) is there any rakeback promos? i'm getting murdered with up to 3 dollar rake. really makes me miss ftp/ps where the cap iirc was .5

3) does anyone know the probability of hitting an Axx or better on the flop with Ax?

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just 2 by spets1, November 17

bitcoin is $500 fuck me daed...

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The Raid 2 by NewbSaibot, November 17

Oh goddamn. Holy fuck.. i mean... jesus... fucking.. sh... shi.... shit... for the love of... somebody pass me a cigarette.. because I just came..

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Help me find an article. by SpasticInk, November 16

For some reason I just can't get ahold of this document through my university despite being logged in and everything. I just need to check a few things before using it as a source.

The article is called

Effects of Different Brain Lesions on Card Sorting
The Role of the Frontal Lobes (1963)

by Brenda Milner


If someone could get ahold of it and send to I would be pleased.

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AA KK AK always getting stacked live by Gnarly, November 16

every time this month fucking insane i have literally a fucking 0% win rate on each of them. holy shit.

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Weight Loss Blog #1 - Moob/gross warning? by Svenman87, November 15

Ha well shit I figured I'd like to document my personal weight loss to keep me motivated by the trolls as well as the progress

I'll be the first one to say that prior to joining a gym in July, I had NEVER lifted.

Anyways a intro would probably be nice.

I had always been a bigger kid growing up, not huge but never slim or muscular. I played sports as a kid but got super depressed and reclusive when my parents divorced at age 15, instead I trapped myself away in my room playing StarCraft and Counter-Strike. This was pretty much my life for years; along with depression I over time had developed terrible anxiety. When I was a senior in high school it was so bad that I couldn't eat lunch in the cafeteria due to a horrible stomach ache I would get immediately seeing all these people around me (probably had paranoia issues as well) anyways as a result I rarely ate lunch, and I never at breakfast and my dinners were always small and on the go since I had almost a full time job on top of school. I dropped to 160, and not a lean 160...
like a skeletor 160 haha that was me at my grad party with my (now deceased grandparents)

Anyways at the time I wasn't into drinking and didn't really have any friends, I kept to myself and I didn't get bothered which was fine. I did have girlfriends all through high school so I kept pretty busy between 30-40hr work weeks plus school and a girlfriend.

Upon entering college I found this fun thing called Alcohol - which turns your shitty life, to a not so shitty life for a bit, then generally makes it even shittier at the end. Drank a lot alone in college or with my roommate (Skot) when he would go out to a party I would rather stay inside and play poker and get wasted. I ended up dropping out during the 2nd semester and moved back home. This is where the initial weight gain began, since prior to being home all I could afford was cheap vodka and no food vs now that I was home I had all the food I could eat plus alcohol. Was basically drunk 5-6x a week most days when I wasn't working - really didn't give a fuck about my life.

Anyways we can fast forward a bit because nothing about this so far is 'brief,' weight slowly came on, and I didn't give a fuck. I got to the point where I was eating fast food for my weekly diet.

I got up to 265 over this past Summer and caught this image of me at a wedding was really fucking tired of feeling bad about myself and tired of being the nice funny fat friend.
I remember thinking how could I let myself get to that point.

I joined a gym and proceeded to do what every fat ass does after joining a gym, never go - ha. I would make up every excuse to myself not to go to the gym for a few months. Until October I committed to going every fucking day (M-F) from now on and I have. Luckily my roommate now and other good friend both go to the same gym, so it's nice to have gym buddies and people to help you out. I also vowed to get my diet on point in October, was okay at that time but I was still eating shit foods and binged a lot after drunken nights.

I started taking supplments (just creatine and beta-alanine) and hit the gym hard. I remember for the first two weeks thinking why the fuck am I doing this!? I was fucking sore all day, if we did arms that day, I knew I would barely be able to move them for the next few days. But after that first few hellish weeks things got better I checked the scale again to see 236 - Damn! Almost 30 lbs since July just from working out and also by starting to keep my diet in check.

This is me October 15th - 236
Still no where I want to be, but def going in the right direction for once in my life!

By this time for the first time since I can honestly remember I've been consistently happy, despite other external factors that are pretty fucking shitty in my life at the moment, it's like all that shit is washed away with this new self worth.

Right around then I decided to cut my intake of alcohol - not become sober, but to get that shit under wraps, since I was still going out getting wasted and eating everything I could find. Basically all that hard work during the week was negated by my drunk ass.

So kept up the diet, excersize, lifting, and not getting drunk anymore has really pushed me down a positive path.

This is from this morning 11/15 @ 226

Anyways again this is more for me to keep tabs so I can look back and easily see my progress as well as my thoughts at the time. If you wish to join in on my weight loss trip that'd be great as well, it's always nice to have some added commitment and motivation.

Current 1 Rep Max
Bench - 185 x 1 (started out barely doing 95 x 3 in August)
Squat - 275 x 1
Deadlift - 335 x 1

Here's a bonus pic from the movember thread

I'll probably make monthly updates - so see you all in December!

As always take care LP! <3

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Congrats to Sean Nolan by mnj, November 14

for winning master chef junior!,p0,d1

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This productivity website changed my life! by GameOverNoob, November 14

Let it change yours! See what google founder says helps him on a daily basis.

Sign up with this affiliate link and I'll get 250 more lines!

Basic is free.

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Live poker in NYC by JohnnyNYC, November 14

i have been getting tired of driving 2+ hours to play poker in another state. its frustrating to be in new york city and be surrounded by neighboring states where table gambling is legal.
i have linked up again with one of my old d-gen friends from childhood (we both got our poker starts in high school online) to get into some 'card clubs' around the city. there are 3 running games he explained to me, a saturday and sunday 5/5 and then a 1/3 on tuesdays. i think they have hourly charge to play but no rake.
i would play in the saturday one but im going to a fuckin wedding (second time my cousin is getting married in 5 years) out in long island an hour away. im taking my gf and my mother along aswell. should be ok. il certainly be drunk considering we have a room out there to stay.
hope to pick up a few hundo. gambowll

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For sale: Oculus Rift by NewbSaibot, November 13

I have an Oculus Rift with Razer Hydra game controllers. Anyone in to this sorta thing needs no description. I've had it for a couple of months now, had my fun with it and am ready to pass it on to the next soul. Everything in mint condition, no problems whatsoever. I'll even include a thumb drive with what I feel are the best demos (about 20) to save you some time hunting it all down. Figured I'd go ahead and let you guys get first stab at it before I throw it up on ebay.


Pretty sure this is a good deal. Current and completed ebay listings seem to go for about 375-500 without the controllers or shipping.

Here's my ebay history -

Will ship within 1 day and provide tracking # etc. Reputable LP'ers only please.

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WSOP Circuit Event #1 by GoldRush, November 13

Wsop event #1 circuit Ottawa, won 1st pot 10k - 15k. 2nd pot get AA vs AJhh. he opens 250, i go 600 on button. he calls. K62 no draws. i bet 700 he call. turn Q heart. i bet 1200 - he goes all-in. I make the right call. he has AJhh (turned a flush draw) - River 7heart. The pain =[. Just another tournament, the venue is awesome and well, if I win that 70/30, good chance at the 20k. maybe next time. It is what it is.

a $580 tomorrow...kinda degected tho. I can play it cheap if I want.....prolly just grind online. I hate that feeling so bad.

guy that beat me reads LP and knew who I was too.. hes From Ottawa, whoever it is Asian guy, wouldn't tell me who he was.

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life progress by hiems, November 13

I graduated in 2010...I think there are a couple of other people on this board that graduated around that time and many have took varying paths. I worked a corporate accounting job for roughly a year but for whatever reason i was pretty depressed doing that and i ended up moving on from that in the summer of 2012.

Anyway I had lived in Jersey and went to State school and it was pretty toxic to think about being a joe in New Jeresy. I moved to San Diego for life experience stuff and pretty much paid the bills for awhile working at yet another crap accounting position at a small firm. I wasn't doing very well and I was exploring life options but I was still lost and didn't know what to do with my life at this point...I got to backgrounds with SDPD, considered the CPA/CFA, etc. In a pretty random series of events involving my parked car getting hit as a third party to an accident, I drove to vegas to play poker as a vacation. I arrived around Sep 30th and have stayed since then.

Right now I am playing live poker with a bankroll of ~22k (though close to 7k is locked up in long-term stocks so effectively ~15k). I am doing ok and paying my bills while saving a bit for my bankroll. I had bought roughly 800 dollars in BTC which is probably around $2500 now but I think I forgot my tormail password so I'm trying to get that unlocked fml, lol..

It was pretty random but I played a top-5 german live tourney crusher at low-stakes cash recently. He was killing time with his non-professional friends while getting free drinks. It was pretty fun poker and a bit of motivation, but depressing that others are so robusto and I'm sooo busto at the moment, lol.

I've been through a lot of shit since graduating in 2010. I think as a person I have progressed quite a bit but still have to figure out how to make it in the ultra-competitive world. It is depressing to think about the probabilities of that. It is also a bit frustrating playing live poker. My online experience was pretty derailed once I decided to (do the smart thing) of getting a job after graduating and the subsequent onset of black friday and I think my game has been ok at times but I have to work to have it not break down. Improvements are difficult for various reasons and I have inexperience in certain spots that translate to leaks and not great logic.

So pretty much right now I'm a pos paying my bills saving a bit and waiting on a modest trust fund, lol fml.

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