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Attitude by LemOn[5thF], November 12

The importance of positive attitude.

During my over a yearlong sales “career” there was one thing that was by far the most important – positive attitude. In sales you face a lot of setbacks in the form of rejection. Sometimes even 96% sales attempts don’t go well because people don’t need what you sell, can’t afford it, don’t trust you or you plain used the wrong approach or you asked one wrong question. But even with 4% conversion rate you make a good living.
Now why is positive attitude important in a profession where you deal with a lot of setbacks?
Well in sales, you’d simply make more sales as nobody want to talk to a depressed dude with a frown on his face. But what was the real importance of attitude and what made the difference between the short comers and the people that stayed on and were successful was the effect of the true inner positive attitude – perseverance.
Because when you stay positive and you believe in what you are doing and you know it will lead you to the goals that you set for yourself you just don’t give up, no matter how many setbacks face you keep working hard, keep working on getting better and what’s more – you are enjoying the process itself.

Now I always imagined my attitude as an inner canister that gets depleted with every setback, every negative thing that happens, and gets replenished when positive things happen. Using immense computational power of the most modern computers I have analysed this thought and can bring you the results of my scientific approach in the form of the following diagrams:
Stage one: your cup is full
Remember last night? It was your first threesome. One of them was Asian. You just found out that you win the 25k AI shootout on stars. Your parents called, they overnight studied mathematics of poker and only now realize you have the most noble, not at all gambling like profession in the world and they are proud of you choosing dropping out of college.
Now your attitude is way there, you are confident, positive yet strangely in control. You went to a club and tried the most awesomest chat up line “feel my shirt –can you feel that? Yeah baby. Boyfriend material” while flashing your manly hair fluffy 150kg body. 10 girls told you to fuckoff yet you didn’t flinch.
Stage two half emptyfull
Well you woke up alone, had an okay breakfast, missed the bus but no big deal.
You go through your day as usual, nothing creative comes out of you your work just to do what you got to do and it feels fine. But then...
Stage 3
You skipped breakfast and decide to eat entire KFC bucket to “catch up”. Open your cashier – 2k is missing. Your mum called – did you get a normal job yet so we didn’t waste our money on your education? But wait it gets worse. You open the ROFL thread as every morning – all reposts. What’s more, you just found out that your revolver doesn’t fit her holster
Our attitude is really down now, any setback just sends you into frenzy or depression, everything seems forced you feel beat and don’t want to do anything.
Stage 4
Well it was too much, so many negatives that you depleted your reserves and you became this :
And we all know how that ends.

The fuck is your point man
Well why do I tell you this? I tell you that because poker, very much like sales, is one of the professions that actively drain your attitude. Human brain is dumb not logical, and no matter what you do the pain from losses will always be higher than the gain from wins:
+ Show Spoiler +

In other words, you are facing setbacks hundreds of time every day in your profession that deplete your attitude, your cup is being drained and as you all know if something external adds to that your results directly suffer. There are many processes that have influence on your performance but one thing setbacks have an effect on are the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain and you can fall into the vicious circle of setbacks causing lowering positive attitude and the processes in the body behind it and worse attitude causing setbacks as you lose control more often, give up faster and stop believing in what you are doing. You can just look at poker forums and you shall find all the negativity you need.

What to do
Well I’m not your doctor? This is my random midnight ramble of an idea that just popped into my mind from a career I failed in because I lost my attitude. But I was always a super depressed person and now I can act normally, and even be one of the best people to be around when I manage to get my attitude levels full. Things that work for me are generally those that are believed to raise the levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin in the brain – cardio vascular exercise, healthy carbs throughout the day, a social contact, but also accepting who I am and where I am, not being friends with negative people and instead of watching news reading a good book, or constructive audio. The most difficult part is not knowing what to do – but doing it regularly, as with depleted attitude comes depleted self-control and people that always have their attitudes levels high that do things right keep moving forward keep refilling their attitude cup and those that come near depletion often struggle to summon enough energy to keep it at present levels and not allowing it drop and balance every new bad beat, every new setback in life with something positive that will help keep the balance.

So the question I have for you is – how do you regain positive attitude?
How do you keep going when things are rough?
What tips do you have that people that are down from the latest downswing/regulation lockdown/too tight vagina discovery could use?

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Teamviewr Now by GoldRush, November 12

my Computer will be streaming all day today with myself running a 4 table mtt session today - will keep 4 up til around 11pm if u wanna watch n learn stuff, practice for tomorrows wsops (karma points!) 131 928 306 ID 8832 PW its on Teamviewer 8

I'm not doing the highest stakes MTT's since I'm on my own, the Big 109 (Fpps) 8r x2 30k Hot 16.50 Turbo (fpps) and lateregged $22 12k (its at +20k)

(Doing good gntd mtt's though)

Teamviewer ID : 131 928 306
Password : 8832

Its on screen 2 I believe

If anyone messes with the stream I will take it down and only let ppl I trust through skype watch.

Skype = NeillyAA74

I will 4 table MTT all day today, audio is in teamviewer 8 as well.

This is practice for the WSOP circuit events starting tomorrow.

A win today would be sweet, would really help 4 the series.

FT'd the $25 10k hyper after I closed stream (just 2 mtts left and was zooming) - got in AJss vs T8ss for chiplead. T8xx flop. GG 4th $1600.

the 5.5 2r1a 17.5k is good


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lol by ugly, November 12

a QE confession. .

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purging hands by LemOn[5thF], November 12

man my database is fucked takes like 2 minutes to loads can't play zoom with it, had to purge hands.

Last look at my graph after I came back and started grinding from$50 (this month not included-keeping that to track time)

mostly micros.

I hope purge+vacuum analyze will help, if not does re-installing HEM1 help at all? Or do I have to reinstall that database thing too (postgres)? It cost me a lot of money when I had the wrong stats for a couple minutes at normal tables but at zoom it's just a disaster.

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purging hands by LemOn[5thF], November 12

man my database is fucked takes like 2 minutes to loads can't play zoom with it, had to purge hands.

Last look at my graph after I came back and started grinding from$50 (this month not included-keeping that to track time)

mostly micros.

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Trouble by Gnarly, November 12

Do I let the game host know he's got a mechanic working for him? The host would in no way risk having a mechanic work for him. However, I'm sure the mechanic is also working in a much shadier game. Reminder: limp handshake, is armed. (the mechanic)

Do I let other people know? Probably not. However, if I don't tell the host, should I just simply not go to the game anymore? Do I stay and try to figure out how to profit off my new found information?

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Zoomin by GoldRush, November 11

I've been playing Zoom. Its a great game, extremely addictive though.

Tough to imagine playing on a platform without it.

I Figured it out pretty well thx to some good coaching and common sense, been calling the NL100/NL200 games home (4 tabling sometimes and 8 others)

Have had some pretty big swings, but the games are pretty straightforward, although they get pretty tough at times.

WSOP's are 10 minutes from my house in Ottawa circuit events Nov 13-Nov 24th (16th/18th/20th are the 1.5k bi) other days are 365-580)

doing mostly nl100/nl200 + mtts sundays (do a few random ones here n there too)

oh, im on my own etc too which is cool

graphs so was brutal..happens though. good at handling it by now.

I imagine this can get some good controversy going on. Come sit with me if you dispute me.

(unless ur a hsnler!)

I lost like 25k in MTT's for John after a 2 week break, (was sick) was the most brutal time of my life (felt like atleast!)...
Good ol CG's have been semi decent, so I'm just working there stayign up here, doing a few mtt's til things get flyin there again I imagine.

Playing Zoom has been something I been waiting to do anyways - although stars not getting into the states on the 26th sux, I will be here til February, so gives usa more time for the platform. IMO thats where all the $$ will be made during the boom..if/when we get Cali etc 2 grind w/ the 3 states...

Lifes been fun, I'm a lil tilted, be better when i wake up, you guys know how sick some of these sessions are... I haven't been posting hands, cuz I wasn't sure if i was going 2 be at NL200 and I don't really want to share my lines yet in most scenarios, like my edge... I'll start posting some interesting hands tomorrow though.

I'm gonna dedicate myself to this and keep getting as much coaching as I can, I think I can be a top nl100/nl200 zoom player very soon.

Run good play good, game change rant, so fucking sick of 15 hour mtt days, although will always do em sometimes. I've been beating online 6m cg's since 2009ish, was always just too greedy.


Sunday - lets do a teamviewer MTT session, I'll 6 table all day most likely and explain things. PM me for my skype; one time coaching gift @ MTT's for the LPers that want to be good at them/understand them.

gn gl

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Charity? by napoleono, November 11

Hey guys, hope all of you are doing well. I know for a fact that poker players like to donate for charity and what would be a better period for that, if not the Christmas holidays? So I thought we should be raising some funds and do something cool with it.

Yea, as you guess I already have in my mind something. I have a somewhat close relative (his father and my grandma were siblings), whose wife had been diagnosed with a brain tumor in early June. For a couple of weeks the husband moved to my place in Bucharest, while his wife was treated in the most performant hospital in Romania. The good news is, she is still alive, the bad is that she had a brain seizure a day after the 6 hour operation. Ever since she was operated once more with an aggravated pneumonia and spent the last 4 and a half months in the hospital, like 60 km away from the village they are from. Her husband was beside her almost every day (no extra beds in the hospital, so he was making the round trip every other day), sleeping on chairs or not sleeping at all. Finally 2 weeks ago, they would let her go home, but as a consequence of the seizure, her right side is immobile. And chances are she will never ever get back on feet. Needless to say, the husband quit his job and they have a low income. My parents are helping a lot, by cooking, driving them around, buying food, etc., and just the other day my dad told me, that their well, from which they are getting the water (living in rural area, makes you not having tap-water, dunno how's that in your country, but thats the case for the majority of the small villages of < 1000 inhabitants, here in Romania), will most probably shrink very soon. Currently they are bathing at my parents house. They have 2 sweet girls - one just started college in the nearest town, where a respected national university has a subsidiary(?) and the other one is in 9th grade, I think. So I thought about trying to help this family out by reaching out to you guys and perhaps try to raise the money necessary to fund this action. Also, I will try to buy them a wheelchair, something like this:

(the site is the Romanian ebay, you can click on it without fear, I use it almost everyday to search for different things).

So the chair would be something like 280$ and the well is around 200$. They have that pump thingy, that helps to get the water into the house from the well.

I would of course make photos (before, after) and present a receipt of anything that I would use the money (if I get one). I'm putting up 100$ for this. I can accept money on FullTilt, Pokerstars or Paypal.

Depending on the succes of this, we're planning some shoebox action with my wife, near Christmas. Were thinking about the local orphanage and some kids from the school we went to and know about their hard situation.

close relative having serious health issues
want to raise ~600$ for a wheelchair and a new well
putting up 100$ myself
further charity near X-mas

Thanks for reading and for consideration,
Take care guys!

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Implied odds question by NewbSaibot, November 11

Been playing on Bovada's "Zone Poker" tables, which is their equivalent to rush/zoom poker. Of course being bovada means all the players are anonymous too, so there's zero reads/tells other than stack size and preflop activity. Not even a HUD can be used for tracking. That being said, I've had some success half-stacking these games. 50BB is the minbuy, and it seems to me like there's not much point playing fullstacked or deepstacked because you have no idea who your opponents are and what they payoff with. By avoiding fullstack play you deny them the odds/opportunity to effectively draw against you, and can more comfortably stack off with top pair since you have no idea who you're up against and how they play postflop. Any time I double up I just reload the table to buy back in for 50BB's.

My understanding of deepstack poker and even draws for that matter is entirely predicated on if your opponent pays off when you hit. With no reads I just dont see how you can draw effectively because you never know if you're getting paid off anyway. But the risk of getting oversetted or AA/KK and stuff seems much worse 300BB's deep against random players who cover.

If every hand is essentially in a vacuum, does it make sense to buy in for less to limit your exposure to big losses?

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BIackj@k 0dds ? by RaiZ, November 09

Alright, here is the thing :

There is a casino near my town that opens 1 or 2 poker tables (mostly only one) at around 9 pm but sadly I can't get there in time because i'm busy so the table always happens to be full when I'm there.

But there's a blackj's table near it : 4 decks, stand on 17, double allowed, 3 to 2 odds when you hit a Blackj, there is no surrender and finally you cannot double on splitting aces, only one card hit after that. It's european's style so there is no peek.

Considering all of this, and that I learned the wizz.rd of odds' chart, what are my odds to win/lose against the house while I wait for a poker's seat, if you happen to know it ?
I don't plan to play BJ's professionally, I just want to kill time. But if I can win then so be it (I really doubt it though).

Edit : btw there's also another casino that gives 2 to 1 odds, but there is one open poker's table only on a specific day. Still not bad I guess ? But I fear i'll get banned in no time if I get to play there using that chart ?

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holdem manager 2 by drone666, November 07

how people can make such a buggy software
every fucking week there's a new bug in that shit and the bug keep coming, I wish I could beat the shit out of the programmer who made that piece of crap

I posted in their forum last week and the guy gave me 98 possibilities to solve my problem, so I have take 3 fucking days trying EVERY single step he gave me and become a computer genius to solve what they couldnt do right , and If I follow all their two thousand and twenty one steps and my holdem manager still dont work, I can contact them again so they can give me more eighty three new steps to try to play a goddam game

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Guys do I look like bane yet? by jvilla777, November 07


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Carlsen documentary by Mortensen8, November 06


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Marshall Mathers LP 2 by TheHuHu3, November 05

Super disappointed with the album so far save for a few songs. Lady Gaga and Katy Perry have sick albums. No homo.

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Another one bites the dust.. long busto post. by JohnnyBologna, November 05

I've been around poker for a while now. probably over couple million hands played. supernova on stars every month back then when it was still around. money wise, ive probably lost this much when i took shots at 5/10, 10/20 once or twice only back then for -15k. However, I played like a complete aggro spewtard and lost all of it in a day swearing i would never do that again. Fast forward to today, ive been losing for 2-3 months now feeling all shooken up to that point where you question yourself about your game.

It all started early in the year. I was doing quite pleasingly well despite being out the game since black friday(April, 2011 for those unfamiliar). i deposited 1k on bovada and grinded up to 20k or so using my 1 check cashout limit for 3k each month. I remember saying this is pretty cool. "im gona play and get a paycheck at the beginning of each month like a normal job" Then it all started.

So here I am winning, feeling all confident about my skills and whatnot, take a shot at 5/10. Thinking "It's probably the same game just more money to be won." I enter two table cautiously, maybe a little too cautiously that i already feel like im playing scared money fml. But i dont want to go crazy like before and instantly drop a few buyins.

I still remember the hand that started it. I get JJ in the small blind "okay not so bad." utg+1 limps hi-jack isolates him for a pretty big raise like 60-65. Of course everyone is anonymous and i dont know what the hell is going on and just smooth call like the girl i am cuz i dont want to raise and get it in. Long story short I lose like half my stalk if not more to A-7 offsuit. not too long later i get stacked by some running straight of the sort and am stuck two buyins.

Okay, these guys are too good for me time to go back to my 2/4. grind all night and lose 3k there. log off and mope around for a week feeling depressed now (yay for poker). Dust off my shoulders and say im okay lets go again. play another 10+ hour session down another 2k. rinse and repeat till im down to like my last 1600 bucks. Time to swallow my pride move down $1/$2

Days go by and im ready again. Nope, i cannot win this tug-o-war and i see myself slipping nearer as i lose 1100 at $1/$2 today. O-joy i got 500 bucks left and fire up nl .5/$1 and lose about 100 dollars there after another long session. Maybe you only remember certain things you want to remember when you lose, but all i can remember is 3-bet pot, flop set, guy check folds. i got K-J on a J-x-x bored and crying call river and losing of course. I raise, get re-raised i fold etc etc.
Replaying all the hands that went to showdown in my head, the money won@showdown was not just not there. And unless you can play like isildur, what can ya really do?

So here I am now. 390 bucks left on this account probably soon to be busto. Don't plan on depositing again if it does bust. Hopefully I get my ftp money back soon and stars can come back so I can play on there again. Anyways, just another sad story here. Pre-black friday poker was so good and profitable for me. Quit for 2 years to play a little live, haven't quit got the hang of that yet either lol, come back to these anonymous 4 tables max and run like this.


-Won maybe 1 or 2 sessions in last 3 months
-Run bad (So I say)

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Resume Board by GameOverNoob, November 04

i need more money.

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US Poker legal? -ish? by El_Tanque, November 04

Have they found a loophole in the online poker laws regulating the United States?

My apologies, I haven't played since like 2009... Just curious if I could legally get back into it.
Any info is accepted. Maybe I'll make a comeback!

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Product for resale to small businesses by GameOverNoob, November 04

I'd like to start a simple part time small business reselling one product to small businesses.

My city has too many restaurants, so I'm thinking restaurant apps(, or scheduling software(

I want to keep it as simple as possible. Focus on becoming good at sales.

Suggestions please.

Maybe I should be a referrer for business management applications through a blog. I could still cold call businesses in my area... ?

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might as well :) by spets1, November 04

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Bound by Blood by PuertoRican, November 03

Frank Shamrock: Bound By Blood

"Legendary mixed martial artist Frank Shamrock goes on an unforgettable journey into his tumultuous past. He recalls everything from his remarkable fighting career to his turbulent personal life."


Watch the YouTube version, but click this link so that the original video source gets the views too:

Anyway, as someone who wasn't around for Frank Shamrock's career, it was great to finally find out more about the man who was once considered one of the best MMA fighters alive.

In this 41-minute documentary, we get to learn about Frank's younger days before he started fighting, how he got into fighting, some of his most important matches, his love-hate relationship with his brother Ken, and there's also a cameo with Nick Diaz where he shows Frank a lot of respect, which is a rare thing in Nick Diaz's world.

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