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the weekend yay by LemOn[5thF], October 25

woke up 6:20
7:00 Gym
protein shake
bought loads of vegetables 2kg of lean pork/chicken frozen spinach and 1kg plain Muesli with nuts to last me whole weekend.
no distractions, just family lunch on Sunday. Might go for a run tomorrow morning

lets get this grind started, 30hrs is the goal this weekend pow pow pow. if I manage 55hrs in the next 8days I get to buy these puppeys for $160 (would finish my 100hr/14days thingy)

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FEDOR 2013 by jvilla777, October 24

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$20 to whoever can help me by TimDawg, October 22

Hey everyone,

Just wanted a little bit of help putting a video from another site up on YouTube. I'll ship $20 to whoever can help me out. Video is from where I played on Live at the Bike this past weekend. I'm a little preoccupied and lazy atm so if someone could help me out I'd appreciate it.



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Arrogant people by GameOverNoob, October 22

How do you reason with loud, arrogant people who bend the truth and twist words to give themselves justification for what they're saying?

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Sober Super Saiyan by GoTuNk, October 22


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Travel - Sweden/Norway/Chicago + Weight Loss by Svenman87, October 22

Hello LP'ers hope all is doing well!

Well since breaking up with my gf of almost 2 years, I've decided to really look at my life and make some major changes. The two main ones that I'll discuss are closely related and I'm sure if you've read my blogs in the past or seen about 1/4 my posts you could have guessed what one of the two would be.

1.) Get back into shape and start hitting the gym haaaaarrrrrdddd
-Been going nearly everyday for 45-60min cardio sessions in the morning and a second session Monday-Friday in the afternoon to lift with some friends.
-So far it's been really awesome - I've lost nearly 40 lbs in 4 months (I got fat as fuck... 6'1'' 265 lbs and didn't give a shit about myself)
-Also awesome to see some really big gains (to be expected the first year). To the point where I'm nearly caught up with my buddies who have been lifting for nearly 8 years, and in a few lifts I've already surpassed them.

2.) Stop binge drinking
-Have had an issue with alcohol ever since I was in high school, and it's only really gotten worse since turning 21.
-Hard to keep on a diet when you can drink nearly all your caloric allowance in a span of a single night (not including the drunk munchies that come w that)

So yeah that's basically the health side of things I wanted to discuss. I'll probably post pictures in the next few months or when I'm happy with my progress which is most important to me. I don't have a "weight goal" as I don't see that as a healthy way to lose weight. My goal is actually pretty simple, be happy with myself.

I realize that sounds fucking stupid to some, but I can honestly say I've hated myself and this person I've started portraying for a very long time. Have had depression most of my adult life and I'm honestly turning my life around and it's really exciting for me.

**PSSSSSSSST - another reason to get into shape is somewhat of a selfish reason and it has to do with the next portion of this blog**


Anyways this blog is getting kind of long and I had originally wanted to keep it cliffs... blahhh

Okay going to Chicago next weekend to visit my cousin, should be fun to go out and see her and her crew. Haven't been out there in a few years and it's always a lot of fun.

Also just bought my tickets to Swedeeeeeennnnnn for next year's Midsummer, will be out there for a little over 2 weeks. Still planning shit out of what I'll be doing, I want to visit Norway for a few days and see my relatives because I think that'd be fucking badass. Then I'll be heading over to my longtime online buddy who lives in Gusum and we'll be hanging out there and might be planning a road trip all around Sweden. When I get more of an idea of my schedule I'll probably create a thread since I'd want to have a beer with quite a few of you awesome Swedes! Also hopefully by mid June I'll be in a place where my fitness should help me with those legendary Swedish babes I hear so much about :3 hah

Anyways LP - I really hope everyone is doing well and as always take care! I'll leave you with this turrible picture of me from a few days ago.
slept for like 3 hours almost immediately after taking this (been getting my ass kicked in the gym)
Mustache should be pretty awesome come June in Sweden, and I can now finally go as the monopoly man for Halloween (cheapest costume evarrrr)

cute bonus pic

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RE wholesaler by GameOverNoob, October 21

A wholesaler is offering a form of expertise in there being able to find and negotiate good deals. Their ability to provide good estimates of rehab costs and their ability to find good comps in determining a likely ARV.

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I aint scurred by NewbSaibot, October 21

Ok I am scurred. I'm still writhing over a bad fold I made last night in a huge pot at a live NL200 game. I've been struggling to come to grips with what happened other than me making a somewhat questionable soul read.

You can see the hand here ->$1500_pot.html

Then it dawned on me moments ago what happened. While I had fully intended to shove any non-heart turn card (even as deep as we were), I froze when I got raised. I mean that just changed everything for me and suddenly there was a possibility I might actually lose this massive hand. Aside from the obvious complications of being 7 buyins deep which is certainly foreign territory to me, the simple fact of the matter is that I was playing SCARED MONEY.

My quandary is that the lowest live limit available is NL200, which is right on the cusp of affordability for me. My job pays me more than the average NL200 winrate, but not so much more that I can risk thousands of dollars on a bankroll. Plus I have bills, duh. Since my bankroll is theoretically infinite due to having this thing called a job, I go ahead and take 3 buyin shots and stuff because hey, I might flop a set in a $1700 pot. The only problem is that because these are home games I'm obligated to stay a certain amount of time. I cant hit n run, which is what I really should be doing to build my bankroll. I would never sit with $1000 live or online, not at least if nobody else covered. But this is a rather frequent occurrence in the home game arena. I've run my stack up to 1k on dozens of occasions, only to piss it away and maybe cash out $200 profit at the end of the night.

I fucked up that hand so bad because I was too scared to see it through. Had this been for $400 or so, ez peasy. Had I been able to change tables once I won around $600, ez peasy. So where does that leave me? I cant hit n run or else I'll never be invited back. There are no casinos nearby, and I'm not such a donkey that I should quit. Well for the time being I think that means I have absolutely no choice but to go back to playing online again. I dont really require a full bankroll since as mentioned, I can just reload. I think I'll just deposit what would ordinarily be my stop-loss to avoid tilt, which is around 3 buyins. Having $0 in my account should really help prevent spewing. It's also a bit of a chore for me to deposit online, as I have to execute a bank wire which takes a few days to complete, a perfect opportunity to cool down and retrospect.

My other option is to just take trips to the nearest casino which is 4 hours away like once per month or something. This will probably be pretty bad for my growth as a player by having such huge breaks between sessions. Not to mention the resources exhausted just in getting there. At least I can always hop tables though. I apologize to the poker community at large for hit n' running, but the simple fact is I neither know how to play deepstacked, nor have the bankroll to risk multiple buyins on a single hand.

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pretty cool ps1-4 commercial by mnj, October 21

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Carbon knows what I drive. by Gnarly, October 21

>be me
>be redepositing
>have to do questionnaire
>they ask me is this your car
>they get my car correct

That's a little weird. Anyone else get this?

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Trend Setting and Job Update by chris, October 20

I looked through the posted hands when bored and away from home. Nothing is on TV. I had nothing else to I trolled. Yep, I made a long post and I did my best not to make it too obvious of a troll.

Dammit, I get called out on it.

A couple of days later? EVERYONE is trolling in the hand posting section.

Yeah, I'm cool.

On a non-trolling / serious note: I just flew back from Bismarck, North Dakota. It's a quaint place. Everyone seems to be friendly, the landscape is pretty, and it is easy to get around. I met with the company vice president, controller, assistant controller and payroll manager. They were all pretty awesome and I could see myself really enjoying working with them. The company builds and provides maintenance for power plants, pipelines and other industrial type construction. I would be working in payroll.

The downsides to Bismark are that, while it is a city (sort of) and is the second highest populated place in the state, it is only about 100k people. It doesn't feel like it - it does not have the small town feel, but certainly does not feel like a city. The weather is cold. I found it chilly when there (around 40 degrees F) but I am told that the winters get really windy and lots of snow. I could expect, with the wind chill, 10-30 degrees F below 0.

I can deal with that. The craziest part? It is the housing situation. IN the entire city, there are something like 4 or 5 houses available for sale (at least that was what I was told by realtor) and just about every apartment I contacted was full and had waiting list. Of the apartments that were available, I am looking at rents of $1k+ for small one bedroom units.
I was able to find a place - brand new construction - that had a decent 2 br for $1160 a month - practically a steal price wise and for the quality. The problem is that wages haven't quite caught up to the rent. Now, even though there is virtually no unemployment and every place of business has a help wanted / now hiring sign up, it is still difficult to afford rent. I could get a decent place in LA for what I would have to pay in Bismarck, but I would make more money in LA. McDonald's is starting people at 15 an hour part time, and something like 12.50-15 full time, with a $500 bonus, but even on wages like that, how could someone afford $1k for a rent?

I have figured that I will pay ~ 14k in rent a year, but before taxes, that accounts for about 19k of my salary. I am expecting to earn a first year salary in the mid to high 40s. That is insane, about half of my salary will go to rent!

Got some estimates on shipping my belongings up there, as well. That will cost ~ 4.3k plus I have to find a way to get my car up there (i am not driving it 1.5k miles). the simple solution is to sell everything and replace it when arriving (if that is what I choose), because that would be more cost effective. I have a nice car, but it is getting older and up there in miles, so it is also replaceable.

My step dad thinks that, no matter what, I should go to North Dakota. I feel like he is serious, but there is a chance he, too, is trolling. What a sick troll that would be. My mom thinks I should chase the money. My father thinks I should chase the money.

The job and the people I would work for in ND are certainly better, no doubt. The cost of living is ridiculous, mainly because of the rent. That is what is causing me trouble at the moment, because even though Wilmington, NC pays quite a bit less, I would have a larger discretionary income, with much better weather.

ultimately, i want to choose what will be better for me down the road. the job in bismarck, ND offers that, but because of the high costs, i will likely struggle financially for the next couple of years while earning raises. i do not think the company is going to blow me away with their offer by throwing way more money at me.

someone made the point that, in wilmington, i could always look for another job. this is a good point. in ND, i would need to be committed to that job for at least 3 to 5 years. in wilmington, i would leave in 1 year if i found better.

i am supposed to receive an offer either monday or tuesday. a person i trust said to make sure i get details on certain perks, like the offer for them to pay for my masters degree, so that i do not get stuck agreeing to something where i wouldnt be eligible for raises while in the degree program, or if i leave the company before so much time, i have to repay the costs of my masters.

he also suggested i investigate the target bonus size and raise size, as i might start out at X but get a significant bump in each pay raise (eligible for a raise every 6 months).

Time to make the tough decision; I get my offer Monday. I have to decide by Wednesday (for either job) as I would need to move next weekend or just after.

Also, special thanks to BigRedHoss

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explain by ugly, October 20

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How long can I go? by Gnarly, October 19

Without seeing pocket aces? For my cash game, I haven't seen aces in 1200 hands so far. Statistics say I should see one in every 250 or so. I really hope I can make it to 2k hands without seeing aces. Oh, wait. As soon as I'm typing this, I get aces. What the fuck. So weird.

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Looking for stake AND mentoring. by napoleono, October 19

Some of you may be aware (from the ranting of posting the hands), that I made some deep runs this week in several micro stakes MTT's, namely:

2.2E - 13th out of 766
2.2$ - 47/5757
1.1$ - 22/8957
2.2$ - 39/3585

There were some more in the area of 100-200th position out of a couple K, but those are irrelevant. So what Im looking for is to get some coaching/hand reviews/something along that line, to fare better in these tourneys and do better in the late part as I feel pretty lost and play like a pussy pretty much, thus giving up +EV situations. I REALLY WANT to win a tourney and am willing to work hard for it. I dunno really how staking works, but we could do something like 50/50 of the risk, and 60/40 of profits in my favour. I play only up to 3$ currently, but would like to play some Big 4.4, Hot 5.5 (so up to 5$ at max). But we can figure these out if there is somebody willing to help me.

# of tournies:


Have skype, will provide anyhing needed. I'm sure we can work out the details, I'm really flexible and looking for this, because of needing that little edge (and also cause I dont want to pay 150-200$ for an hour of coaching - I dont need a real pro to help me through the problems I have)

Much <3
Take care

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real estate deal analysis by GameOverNoob, October 19

This might be reliable information on real estate deal analysis, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

I haven't read it yet, so I can't comment but the community has a good reputation.

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final hands from this morning by GameOverNoob, October 19

Submitted by : GameOverNoob

PokerStars Hand #105724357059: Tournament #801472420, $3.00+$0.30 USD Holdem No Limit - Level VII (75/150) - 2013/10/19 9:39:25 ET
Table 801472420 627 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: airnmen (801 in chips)
Seat 2: Hero (2105 in chips)
Seat 3: vasilich1967 (22816 in chips)
Seat 4: ododos31 (2183 in chips)
Seat 5: ghiko777 (8798 in chips)
Seat 6: KotoKotunio (6718 in chips)
Seat 7: china2702 (1705 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 8: vrabac 2008 (10783 in chips)
Seat 9: Duaneoxo (8061 in chips)
airnmen: posts the ante 15
Hero: posts the ante 15
vasilich1967: posts the ante 15
ododos31: posts the ante 15
ghiko777: posts the ante 15
KotoKotunio: posts the ante 15
china2702: posts the ante 15
vrabac 2008: posts the ante 15
Duaneoxo: posts the ante 15
airnmen: posts small blind 75
Hero: posts big blind 150

Dealt to Hero KcKh
vasilich1967: raises 150 to 300
ododos31: raises 1868 to 2168 and is all-in
ghiko777: folds
KotoKotunio: folds
china2702: folds
vrabac 2008: folds
Duaneoxo: calls 2168
airnmen: calls 711 and is all-in
Hero: calls 1940 and is all-in
vasilich1967: calls 1868

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $9,515.00)

vasilich1967: checks
Duaneoxo: bets 3750
vasilich1967: folds
Uncalled bet (3750) returned to Duaneoxo

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $9,515.00)


River (Pot : $9,515.00)


ododos31: shows 8h8s (two pair, Eights and Deuces)
Duaneoxo: shows 9hAh (two pair, Aces and Deuces)
Duaneoxo collected 234 from side pot-2
Hero: shows KcKh (two pair, Kings and Deuces)
Duaneoxo collected 5216 from side pot-1
airnmen: shows TcTh (a full house, Tens full of Deuces)
airnmen collected 4065 from main pot
ododos31 finished the tournament in 5273rd place
Hero finished the tournament in 5274th place

Total pot 9515 Main pot 4065. Side pot-1 5216. Side pot-2 234. | Rake 0
Board  As2cTd6c2h
Seat 1: airnmen (small blind) showed TcTh and won (4065) with a full house, Tens full of Deuces
Seat 2: Hero (big blind) showed KcKh and lost with two pair, Kings and Deuces
Seat 3: vasilich1967 folded on the Flop
Seat 4: ododos31 showed 8h8s and lost with two pair, Eights and Deuces
Seat 5: ghiko777 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: KotoKotunio folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 7: china2702 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 8: vrabac 2008 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 9: Duaneoxo (button) showed 9hAh and won (5450) with two pair, Aces and Deuces

No specific info on villain. This was a mistake. He's calling too often here with his 8's and 6's to justify giving him 2-1 with his stack. I like my line with 2-3k+

Submitted by : GameOverNoob

PokerStars Hand #105726596738: Tournament #801475619, $10+$1 USD Holdem No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2013/10/19 10:35:37 ET
Table 801475619 18 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Happykril (25964 in chips)
Seat 2: Hero (6324 in chips)
Seat 3: noreturnback (26893 in chips)
Seat 4: baira87 (23002 in chips)
Seat 5: NadnarwiankA (20417 in chips)
Seat 6: datrue (30041 in chips)
Seat 7: Feni4kin (2324 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 8: nifty90 (3346 in chips)
Seat 9: KMart696 (15115 in chips)
Happykril: posts the ante 50
Hero: posts the ante 50
noreturnback: posts the ante 50
baira87: posts the ante 50
NadnarwiankA: posts the ante 50
datrue: posts the ante 50
Feni4kin: posts the ante 50
nifty90: posts the ante 50
KMart696: posts the ante 50
noreturnback: posts small blind 200
baira87: posts big blind 400

Dealt to Hero JdQs
NadnarwiankA: folds
datrue: folds
Feni4kin: folds
nifty90: folds
KMart696: folds
Happykril: folds
Hero: raises 400 to 800
noreturnback: calls 600
baira87: calls 400

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $2,850.00)

noreturnback: bets 1200
baira87: folds
Hero: raises 4274 to 5474 and is all-in
noreturnback: calls 4274

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $13,798.00)


River (Pot : $13,798.00)


noreturnback: shows 8cAc (two pair, Eights and Sixes)
Hero: shows JdQs (a pair of Sixes)
noreturnback collected 13798 from pot
Hero finished the tournament in 179th place

Total pot 13798 | Rake 0
Board  6hTc8s5c6s
Seat 1: Happykril folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 2: Hero (button) showed JdQs and lost with a pair of Sixes
Seat 3: noreturnback (small blind) showed 8cAc and won (13798) with two pair, Eights and Sixes
Seat 4: baira87 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: NadnarwiankA folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: datrue folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 7: Feni4kin folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 8: nifty90 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 9: KMart696 folded before Flop (didnt bet)

Submitted by : GameOverNoob

PokerStars Hand #105731101413: Tournament #800659271, $8.00+$0.80 USD Holdem No Limit - Level VI (40/80) - 2013/10/19 12:20:21 ET
Table 800659271 242 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: natashka054 (2084 in chips)
Seat 2: mysliwiec82 (4614 in chips)
Seat 3: hinder5150 (9240 in chips)
Seat 4: BennoOnline (6189 in chips)
Seat 5: DJT313 (1483 in chips)
Seat 6: olegbac (9174 in chips)
Seat 7: Hero (2091 in chips)
Seat 8: autofold79 (1738 in chips)
Seat 9: Wh0AndBeni (4440 in chips)
natashka054: posts the ante 10
mysliwiec82: posts the ante 10
hinder5150: posts the ante 10
BennoOnline: posts the ante 10
DJT313: posts the ante 10
olegbac: posts the ante 10
Hero: posts the ante 10
autofold79: posts the ante 10
Wh0AndBeni: posts the ante 10
autofold79: posts small blind 40
Wh0AndBeni: posts big blind 80

Dealt to Hero JdJc
natashka054: raises 160 to 240
mysliwiec82: folds
hinder5150: folds
BennoOnline: folds
DJT313: calls 240
olegbac: folds
Hero: raises 579 to 819
autofold79: folds
Wh0AndBeni: folds
natashka054: calls 579
DJT313: raises 654 to 1473 and is all-in
Hero: raises 608 to 2081 and is all-in
natashka054: calls 1255 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (7) returned to Hero

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $5,831.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $5,831.00)


River (Pot : $5,831.00)


natashka054: shows AhQd (two pair, Kings and Queens)
Hero: shows JdJc (two pair, Kings and Jacks)
natashka054 collected 1202 from side pot
DJT313: shows KhTh (three of a kind, Kings)
DJT313 collected 4629 from main pot

Total pot 5831 Main pot 4629. Side pot 1202. | Rake 0
Board  4dKsKcQc8c
Seat 1: natashka054 showed AhQd and won (1202) with two pair, Kings and Queens
Seat 2: mysliwiec82 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 3: hinder5150 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 4: BennoOnline folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: DJT313 showed KhTh and won (4629) with three of a kind, Kings
Seat 6: olegbac folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 7: Hero (button) showed JdJc and lost with two pair, Kings and Jacks
Seat 8: autofold79 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: Wh0AndBeni (big blind) folded before Flop

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Poker Update by GoTuNk, October 18


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Dog Walking.This is the big leagues! :P by GameOverNoob, October 18

I started a local dog walking service.

Much appreciation to anyone who likes the page on facebook.

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LAPT Finals Pta del Este by locoo, October 17

Hello LPers, I'm flying to Punta to play the finals of LAPT this November 21-25. I think it's insane value but because I have to pay 900$ flight and MTT variance I wanna sell 60% of my 2500$ buyin, so 1500$ with 1.2 mark up = 1800$

I believe theres good value as I've played some LAPTs before and I'm already experienced in the field etc which according to a reg friend of mine who just went to London for the EPT theres no comparison in skill level (hint: SA sucks at poker).

Anyway send to locoo20 on pokerstars

5% = 150$
10% = 300$
20% = 600%

SOLD OUT. Thanks!


10% - adam001 (received)
10% - longple (received)
10% - Twisted22 (received)
10% - hneves182 (received)
10% - Fayth (received)
10% - AndrewSong (received)

Thanks all! hopefully I'll be giving back lots of monies!

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Stake Request by GameOverNoob, October 17

Are you interested in staking me for this weekends micro stakes MTT's?

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