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thewh00sel    United States. Jan 04 2012 12:48. Posts 2734
Online results: -300, 1500 hands

Puts me at -200 for the month online. Had a good start @ +600 and just didn't win any more hands after that.

Live results: -3.1k, 7.5 hours
Got to the casino at 5pm and had to wait 45 minutes to get into a game so an hour of waiting between the 20min drive and the wait. Played from 1745-0115

lost 900 doubling someone up with AQ on A587K just bet/bet/shoving into their set of 5's when I thought they had a weak A, also doubled up a shorty with KT on TJQ, prob was a fold but he only had 500 so I ran it vs the worst hand to see, KQ.

then played the hand of the night versus a guy I've played with a fair amount. He is really goofy. Prob like 70 years old and prone to spazz out when he doesn't play a hand in a while. That condition had been met as he hadn't played a hand in an hour. Here's the HH:

villain ($5000) limps utg
CO ($1000) limps
Hero ($2200) limps 4c 4d
SB calls
BB checks

Flop (50)
4s Td 8c

sb/bb check
villain bets $140
co folds
hero calls
sb/bb fold

My read here is that he either has a hand like a limped overpair and is scared (25%) or a weak two-pair/top pair type hand (30%) or some complete garbage hand like a gutshot or something (40%) or has me beat (5%).

Turn (330)
4s Td 8c 3s

Villain bets 550
Hero calls

I think I took long enough on the flop to convince him that I had a ten or a draw or something weak, so I think he's gonna keep barreling here if he has nothing. I think he'll also bet if he has a stronger hand but I think raising would be a mistake since it looks really strong and my best bet is to just take a long time and hope he ships it on the river.

River (1430)
4s Td 8c 3s 9d

Villain bets 1200
Hero calls

Pretty lame card and he definitely looked happy to see it but obv I'm pretty under repped and beat all two pairs and spazz outs so I'm not folding.

Villain shows Qd Jc
Hero shows sadface

And that was my day. He proceeded to talk about how 9's always come up in baccarat and how he always bets big when he needs a 9.
103,300 to go!

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Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 04 2012 14:46. Posts 5647

hero shows sadface, rofl

2nd nut sadfrace: "hah. <sniff>.. beat t-that."

I hope you pull through this, like Phil Galf said
"It's been said before, but it's so true: It's easy to play when things are going well. How a player deals with a bad run is what defines him as a poker player. "

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Jan 04 2012 18:47. Posts 8623

That's pretty funny. Hope it turns around though.

Araziel   Monaco. Jan 05 2012 21:44. Posts 1

i loled

im sure you will get there, you are good, i still remember when you beat me in a HU for an aussie package or something and you refused to make a deal bastard GLGL


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