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PT3 Question

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StArCuE   United States. Jan 25 2012 10:45. Posts 123
I just have a quick question about the hud display on pt3. I'm playing on hero but my hud stats are not properly aligned with other players at the table. For example my stats will be displayed under someone elses name and so on. I'm playing 6 max and have set the game type to 6 max with my preferred seat at #3. Thanks for the help. Chris.

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Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 25 2012 16:52. Posts 5647

right click n' drag those stats

PillPoppin   United States. Jan 25 2012 17:45. Posts 71

Yep, looks like theres no way around it. Its a bitch if you've got a lot of tables running, only HEM seems to handle preferred seats properly. Cant believe PT made a mac version before getting merge seating down, looks like nobody cares about us 'mericans these days.


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