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Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 29 2012 23:29. Posts 5647

So Its the end of the prop bet today, deciding who has to embassas themself with public speaking to attractive females. And I am up only $500 in EV, Stroggos is up $2000 in EV

My face today:

we both ran pretty bad but stroggos crushed a few leggo coaches HU and made a nice comeback

graphs of my 'soft' euro site
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so all my imaginary money winnings came from PS this time
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So, now I until tormorrow when I hit the mall, I will be figuring out some good stories to tell to fill in 2 minutues with a random stranger. I am thinking of having a range of topics like: { Hipster music, running/health, things to do in Dunedin City } something like that. Just opening with "Hi" and asking if they have 2 mintues, explain the situation a bit, then when the convo drops, plug a story in the gap. And just aim for a lighthearted energentic tone overall.
Main problem areas are going to be "umm"s and "ahh"s, avoiding saying something retarded, and keeping confident body positioning.

Easy game? I hope so

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rubbago   Mexico. Jan 29 2012 23:35. Posts 257

videocam one time!

Twitter: @rubbago 

spets1   Australia. Jan 30 2012 00:04. Posts 2179

just pretend your a tourist and tell em ur lost


Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 30 2012 01:53. Posts 4742

I heard if you go to girl and ask for fashion tips, or what clothes to get, it's a good starter.

Like you're invited to something, and you want a girls help, her opinion and stuff. They just want excuse to talk like crazy, just give them some and you're all set xD

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 30 2012 01:53. Posts 4742

And take a big wank before you go, then you won't be nervous.

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 30 2012 03:25. Posts 5647

  On January 30 2012 00:53 Mariuslol wrote:
And take a big wank before you go, then you won't be nervous.

lol, I will take the biggest possible wank.

I will try to setup some covert-ops voice recording, video is a going to be too hard and/or creepy

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Jan 30 2012 05:24. Posts 14026

I think its a bit of a cop-out to just pretend to be a foreign tourist and ask for directions somewhere.

be careful though, its fucking jailbait season right now and theyre out in force. Its quite shocking what parents let their kids wear these days and makes their age very deceptive

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jan 31 2012 00:32. Posts 5647

Yeah, gotta dodge those high schoolers.
So did 5 approaches over about an hour today, got blown off 3 times and managed to do the 2 minutes the other times. going to go for some more tomorrow.

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Jan 31 2012 01:53. Posts 14026

you gotta bag some digits too

eestwood   United Kingdom. Jan 31 2012 07:56. Posts 702

great stunt dude gl! and yeah try to squeeze some date out of it

can we all ball 


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