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exalted   United States. Feb 03 2012 07:58. Posts 2918
Things have been a little rough lately, but I feel energized and positive about the future. To briefly summarize:

- Had a great December (~16k) mostly online but lost a fair amount back in January

- Lost ~9k in trip to Macau mostly from bad bankroll management (not bringing enough)

That said I have a lot to work and look towards. I'm going later to a live game in my city for the first time. I am a tad worried about safety / game-riggedness but I'll take it easy and walk away if necessary. Next month I plan to go to APPT Seoul so I need to harvest minerals for that.

As a potential blogsaver this is the gf's bungee jump off the Macau Tower:

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exalted from teamliquid :o 

the cleaner   Germany. Feb 03 2012 08:06. Posts 3014

Good luck in Seoul! Gutsy GF u got.

there are no facts only interpretations 

julep   Australia. Feb 03 2012 08:27. Posts 1274

dat bungy

iop   Sweden. Feb 03 2012 09:10. Posts 4951

My feet are numb

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Spicy   United States. Feb 03 2012 09:21. Posts 1027

need to try sky diving/bungee sometime

kingpowa   France. Feb 03 2012 11:47. Posts 1525

She clearly has bigger balls than mine.

sorry for shitty english. 

superfashion   United States. Feb 03 2012 12:59. Posts 918

just watching that video makes me woozy holy shit

shoving here as a bluff at 50NL is like explaning calcalus to a 6 month old cat wtf are you thinking - TalentedTom 

casinocasino   Canada. Feb 03 2012 13:13. Posts 3343

bungee jumping is scary i wouldent do it, but skydiving is kind of cool

okyougosu   Russian Federation. Feb 03 2012 20:18. Posts 963

that tower jump thing would be fun to do, but the question is is there any safety devices to make sure u dont hit the tower in case its windy weather or unlucky swing?


NeillyJQ   United States. Feb 03 2012 21:24. Posts 8947

ballsy girl there! esp for taiwanese?!?! ur a hero, hit me up soon bud

Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 

terrybunny19240   United States. Feb 04 2012 16:35. Posts 13829

  On February 03 2012 19:18 okyougosu wrote:
that tower jump thing would be fun to do, but the question is is there any safety devices to make sure u dont hit the tower in case its windy weather or unlucky swing?

I noticed after she jumped, there seemed to be another rope parallel to her jumping path, which she was connected to. I imagine that parallel rope is secured and her tether is short enough to prevent the jumper from swinging into the tower.

Bejamin1   Canada. Feb 05 2012 16:32. Posts 7042

I'm sure we've all seen this one before but it's still ridiculous.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

whamm!   Albania. Feb 06 2012 10:00. Posts 11625

Not for me. I would probably shit my pants upon landing.


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