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Feb 5th, 1/2 no limit day

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ynot   United States. Feb 08 2012 17:30. Posts 209
So my last poker session was a bit more delightful than others. When I first entered the caino i was forced to sit down at a table where the largest chip stack some how, was mine. I bought in for 200 and already was leading the table chip wise. How in the F did this happen? No clue. But I did know that this was not the table I wanted to be at to win money. I was forced to play 1 orbit before I was able to move tables and the entire time I would just look at the other tables around me like a penguin outside of a fish market. Once I was finally able to move to the table I wanted I took a good look at the chip stacks and found myself in a familiar situation with my chipstack being one of the lowest at the table and across from me, a older gentlemen with over 1k in his stack. YAHTZEE! My position wasn't the greatest but I am coming off of a 800$ winning night and couldn't be more excited than to see the money around the table.

A few orbits around the table and I don't see much of anything in my hand range. I always go into new tables with a set hand range and use my time to study and do the best I can to get decent hand range read and pick up tendencies on the large stacks.

About 10 hands in to the table I look down at AsAc in the BB. The table to this point, has been raising preflop about 50% of the hands I have sat down for. Nothing too crazy has went on and I haven't really seen anyone showdown their cards yet. 4 people limp to me. I have seen that 154 raises have been called after players have limped and I want to knock down the 4 people who limped into about 2 people to call my bet. I decide to raise to 20$. Everyone folds. I kick myself thinking I should have raised 15. I was out of position and didn't want too many callers with a 15$ bet but I also didn't want everyone to fold to my 20$ bet. BAH! It has been a theme of mine to just sit at these tables for hours folding and watching big stacks increase their stack size while I shove any near by object in my face wondering how people could play so loose and wild.

As my day would continue i would not see hands within my range to play. As a new player I am trying to keep my range pretty tight and legit. My hand range is: Any pocket pair, any suited connector, Any suited ace in position, A,K,- A,Q,- K,Q - J,Q suited - K,J suited and in position. So, pretty legit and obvious. I don't play any gapped cards and try to stay away from trouble hands like A,T - , K,T- Q,T. Depends on how the table goes, I will open this hand range up quite a bit but more or less this is what i play.

A few hours in I find myself looking down at KdKc utg. Not too shabby right? Yeah, that's what I thought too... The position was shitty but I haven't seen a combination of face cards let alone matching ones. My table image at this point is very tight. I know that with an open raise to the pot any smart player would instantly be able to pick up on my hand. I open the pot to 15$, looking back i think this was a bit low. The table has been the same, people have been calling 15$ bets from time to time but i thought a 20$ raise from someone who hasn't raised in forever would show a big red flag even to the most doorknob of players. I get 2 callers including a big stack to my right who loves to call bets like this from position. I move to the left of this big stack earlier in the day to help my chances of playing a potentially better player from position more often. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't like this particular hand. Flop comes JsQs4s, 3 spades FML. To top it off I didn't have the Ks. I made a huge mistake here by betting into this pot. Among the two players left in this hand, one was a weak player with about 60 left in his stack and was just a silly player which i had put him on some pocket pair or Ace anything since i have seen him call with A,5 in a different raised pot OOP. My big stack to the right of me has been playing relatively solid. I have seen him steel a few pots from time to time but never would shove enough in to give bad pot odds. He was... so-so. Thats an oxymoron i know. "A good 1/2 player." But to me, he was. I decided to bet 40$ into this pot. I thought that the short stacked guy would call and the big stack was wise enough to know when to fold a beaten hand. However, the short stack called like i thought he would, in fact he shoved for an addition 20 over mine. But then the big stack shoved for an additional 500 over mine. I thought long and hard about why he would shove. I obviously knew i had to fold but i thought why he would shove. What hand? What could he put me on knowing how tight I have been. I fold my hand to find he had As2s while the bad player just had a pair of queens. The big stack called my pre flop bet with As2s, but thats what i get for him being in position and having a large stack. I know I should have checked the flop but i think going card dead for so long put a hindrance on my decision making. NEVER AGAIN

My night was like this for the most part. I won a few hands here and there but never really caught any string of hands. I had A,A early on, messed it up. got K,K later and messed that up too. I broke even tonight which isn't too bad. I managed to take some small pots here and there but nothing too big. I am continuing to do my best to improve and receive guidance from my coach. I don't mind if i lose hands or buy-in's, I just want to make sure I make the right decisions or close to it.

until next time, I hope you enjoyed this!!!

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ynot   United States. Feb 08 2012 17:31. Posts 209

I hope this was a little more well written than my last entry.

Tycho   Netherlands. Feb 08 2012 18:27. Posts 1553

push the enter button a bit more

Poker is fun. 

Kapol   Poland. Feb 08 2012 18:43. Posts 4696

Betting that flop with KK is perfectly fine. You're ahead a ton of the time and you don't want to give a free card.
I'm kind of confused how many players called pre in this hand, though. 2 or 3?

BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) 

ynot   United States. Feb 08 2012 18:45. Posts 209

  On February 08 2012 17:43 Kapol wrote:
Betting that flop with KK is perfectly fine. You're ahead a ton of the time and you don't want to give a free card.
I'm kind of confused how many players called pre in this hand, though. 2 or 3?

2 Callers.

vGl-CoW   Belgium. Feb 08 2012 19:13. Posts 101

in the KK hand, shouldn't the big stack player have been unable to reraise because the shorty's shove was not a full raise? i think that's how it works on stars and what the official rules say.. i guess the casino's don't care and a lot of people don't even know about it because it happens pretty rarely.

lol im a freaking cow 

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Feb 08 2012 19:57. Posts 10896

NewbSaibot   United States. Feb 08 2012 21:18. Posts 4946

  On February 08 2012 18:13 vGl-CoW wrote:
in the KK hand, shouldn't the big stack player have been unable to reraise because the shorty's shove was not a full raise? i think that's how it works on stars and what the official rules say.. i guess the casino's don't care and a lot of people don't even know about it because it happens pretty rarely.

Not if the action wasnt already closed. If the guy with $60 went allin in the BB after everyone called for example, then everyone else could only just call the $20.

I dont think you played either hand badly. Villain showing A2s is a perfect example of why. He was calling 100% of bets vs 100% of players holding this hand. He will never fold A2s to a single raise. You could show him KK and he'd still call. On the flop there are enough naked flush draws that you have to bet to charge them for seeing the turn. You cant just let them spike for free.

bye now 

Tensai176   Canada. Feb 08 2012 21:43. Posts 1018

KK was well played, good bet size too, you have to bet biggggggggg

gawdawaful   Canada. Feb 09 2012 01:55. Posts 9012

paragraphs dude, paragraphs

Im only good at poker when I run good 

gawdawaful   Canada. Feb 09 2012 01:59. Posts 9012

and on the whole, door being open or closed thing, the casino I go to has this silly 50% rule, where if the raise is more than 50% of the previous raise/bet, door is open (as opposed to the normal 100%)
So in this particular case, on pokerstars a minraise for the small stack would be 40 + (40-2) where the $2 is the minimum bet you can make, so if he ships for $78 or raises for $78, you guys can still raise. However in the casino I go to, they dont bother working in the $2 because they're silly hillbillies and go straight to 50% of $40, so 40+20, therefore a ship for $60 means the big stack (or you for that matter) can still re-raise.

Silly houserules. Just be sure to know which is it for next time and size your bets accordingly.

Im only good at poker when I run good 


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