longple   Sweden. Feb 15 2012 23:33. Posts 4472 | | |
Ok so money is rolling in and im doing very well. The dautstake is cleared and my game feels super tip top right now and busting my roll + starting on stars have been a very positive longterm experience for me i think.
my game is better then ever before, learned alot from playing better regs on stars, adjusted well to 100bb again, and i can 24 table + gameselect some other tables from other clients on the side, without feeling that im missing to much. stars software <3
stars is also taxxfree now + ive lost 20kg + ive met a girl i like alot.
everything is just tiptop.
And the month is only halfway in, this month really have potential! :D
Swedish site graph (in SEK at rate 1usd=7sek)

Stars graph 24 tableing 2/4 - 5/10$

Im also up 1400€ on an italian site, dont feel the need to upload that graph but this means only 15 days in playing midstakes im up 82500$ at the tables and with rakeback too its probagbly closeing in on 90k$
(alltho im shipping some money to daut, dont know where its gonna end too laazy to do the math, maybe at 80k ish afterall from haveing 40% in my first 25k winnings or something from this month)
80 000 fucking us dolls
record month for me already, playing lower then usually. Life is good what can i tell you!
A buddy of mine (the pokerfriend i traveled with for 2.5 months in asia with earlier this winter) is comeing to visit over the weekend, if i got time over i will try and record the audio and compress the HU match against ket, otherwise i will try to get it up on monday/thuesday next week.
Thank you for your patience!
PokerStars luckiest flipper.
- Umeå Sweden
and oh yeah, on monday im makeing a chestpiece tattoo also thats gonna be sooo awesome, superpumped. I got an MMS on my phone today from my tattoist (er?) with a sketch of what we are gonna do the first sitting (about 4 hours), and then 2 weeks later or so we are gonna do the rest of the tattoo.

the image to the left is from an album i really enjoy and is a big part of my childhood/kansas will always be special to me. And he made an own version of it that i really dig it the more and more i look at it! cant wait to see how he wanna make the wings.
but basically im gonna do it on my chest, with the wings going up against my shoulders.
thoughts? :D
results halfway done!

| Last edit: 21/02/2012 08:48 |
Highcard   Canada. Feb 15 2012 23:35. Posts 5428 | | |
Good job man ^^ knew you would turn around |
I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time | |
wobbly_au   Australia. Feb 15 2012 23:56. Posts 6540 | | |
I had 100k month this month too (excluding the winning from D.N) but last 2 days dropped 60k playing HU at 5kNL vs some not so great players blarrrrg. |
Funktion   Australia. Feb 15 2012 23:57. Posts 1638 | | |
I know it's probably meant to be talons but it looks like some creepy bird spider chernobyl accident hybrid (minus half it's legs...or double its fangs!). It's kinda weird and kinda cool. |
longple   Sweden. Feb 15 2012 23:59. Posts 4472 | | |
| On February 15 2012 22:57 Funktion wrote:
I know it's probably meant to be talons but it looks like some creepy bird spider chernobyl accident hybrid (minus half it's legs...or double its fangs!). It's kinda weird and kinda cool. |
yea its alittlebit creepy, but i think its gonna look really cool with the big wings on the sides, with feathers and shit, now it just kinda looks like a giant eaglehead on 4 legs |
NeillyJQ   United States. Feb 16 2012 00:15. Posts 8947 | | |
less time thinking off tattoo, more time thinking creation of video! :-) |
Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 http://www.pocketfives.com/profiles/neillyaa/ | |
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 16 2012 00:42. Posts 5122 | | |
Monster ^^
May I ask what kind of diet u feel well playing on ? (Since u lost 20 kg and monstered the tables meanwhile) |
longple   Sweden. Feb 16 2012 00:50. Posts 4472 | | |
hehe i lost 20kg in thailand, training and eating well
now i just smoke weed everyday and play, maybe eat once everyday, and its not good food either, often just 2-3 sandwitches T_T |
handbanana21   United States. Feb 16 2012 01:04. Posts 3037 | | |
congrats man! Wat do u mean stars is taxfree? |
handbanana21   United States. Feb 16 2012 01:36. Posts 3037 | | |
Eluflop   Estonia. Feb 16 2012 03:41. Posts 3835 | | |
for the love of god, you rly are the illest ... |
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Feb 16 2012 03:47. Posts 5359 | | |
gj man. whats your winrate on stars, how many hands have you played there so far? |
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings | |
HaiVan   Bulgaria. Feb 16 2012 03:48. Posts 2083 | | |
Balzamon   Sweden. Feb 16 2012 05:53. Posts 2868 | | |
stop bustoing svenska spel!
nah but very nicely done |
morph1   Sierra Leone. Feb 16 2012 07:05. Posts 2352 | | |
sick men
but ur tattoo sucks |
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life | |
longple   Sweden. Feb 16 2012 07:26. Posts 4472 | | |
| On February 16 2012 06:05 morph1 wrote:
sick men
but ur tattoo sucks |
gtfo |
| Last edit: 16/02/2012 07:29 |
lekarz   . Feb 16 2012 10:03. Posts 9 | | |
you printed on blog ur stats some months ago, does it change after playing on 24 tables?
sick nonSD playing 24 tables, gl |
ggplz   Sweden. Feb 16 2012 10:41. Posts 16784 | | |
Tattoo looks a bit too creepy for my tastes. The album cover is an eagle, right? Looks a bit odd having a chick with huge talons with those eyes and that cute/creepy expression. Imagine someone taking your shirt off and seeing that creepy fucker sitting there. Just my honest opinion
+ Show Spoiler +
That is an eagle head to me. There's no fluffy bits on top of the head (that really makes it look like a chick), the beak has different proportions relative to the head, it's round topped at the skull instead of meeting at a point, nostrils are positioned different, there's more emphasis on the talons/beak than the actual head, the eyes are different and there's no crazy almost feminine looking eyelashes. Just a straight up boss eagle.
Compared to:
Anyways, sick month so far.. mad jelly etc gz:D
if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN | Last edit: 16/02/2012 11:20 |