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1/2 Live Niagara Trip

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Tensai176   Canada. Feb 24 2012 18:28. Posts 1018
Hey guys, I just got back from a trip to Niagara Falls and I decided to play the 1/2 game they have there at the Niagara Casino.

I arrive, I'm a bit tired but nothing a large Tim Horton's coffee couldn't solve. It was a Thursday night so it wasn't too busy, I went there with a friend who doesn't really know anything about poker. I gave her $60 (The min buy-in) to splash around with to have some fun and apply some concepts I kind of nonchalantly been teaching her about.

I sit down at a table and my friend sits at the one next to mine. As I take my seat, I recognize one of the players there: a girl that played at the CNE casino I've been dealing at in the summer. I remember her because she's cute, funny, very friendly and talks a lot.

Oh yeah, she's also a massive, massive whale.

There's five hands until I'm the big blind so I observe the table. A ~30-year old black man in seat 7, from the table-talk, he is very tight and from the way hes putting in bets pf and post, I'm assuming he's nitty-TAG. The white-man to my immediate right has tattoos, and the way the dealer knows his name I assume he's a regular. He's in a hand with an older white man ~40-50, where he gets it all-in on the river and Showdowns the J10 nut straight. The older white man from the way hes looking had a very very badly played Two pair. He re-buys for $260

The white man to my left is around ~20-30 enjoyed talking about poker and he threw around terms like equity, set-mine, and pot odds so I assumed he was a bad-but-thinks-hes-good player.

So I post the big blind. UTG White Poker Player (~$350) limps, and the Friendly Whale (~$170) limps when the Black Man(~$200) raises to 16. It folds to me where I peel an Ad. Then I think about the ranges I'm continuing with hoping for another A, where I peel a Ks.

I wanted to play longer than this for my first real decision since my friend was still splashing around learning and having fun and my stop loss was only at $260 and I didn't have any REAL reads. My initial reads weren't really concrete but I decided to just flat OOP (which is probably a mistake) than the other option of re-raising where I didn't really expect anyone to fold and playing OOP in a large pot. UTG flats and we see a flop of:

Pot (~$55)
10h 9h 5d

I check, Poker-Player checks, Black-man checks to a


I check, Poker-Player bets ~$15, Black-man calls,
I fold.

River bricked and they checked down to SD where

Poker-Players shows 22
Black-man shows QJo

Dead-wrong reads... So I think to myself: I play so bad...

Lamenting my play, it goes to the VERY NEXT hand where the Friendly Whale(FW)(~$150) limps, and Black-man raises to $5 this time.

The White-Man-w/ Tattoos (WMT)(~$450) whom I assumed hes a regular from the way the dealer knows his name calls and I peel the Ks. Then peel the Kh.

It's going to be a good trip right? =D.

I make it $26 (probably should have made it larger ~.~) in the sb and the FW calls as well as WMT on the BU. Flop comes:

Pot ($~79)
10d 5h 6d

I c-bet to $55 (should have made this larger as well)I bet $55 in the moment because it was the rest of my one hundred dollar stack.

The Friendly Whale sighs and folds, then the WMT thinks and announces he's all-in.

It's my second hand T_T and I wanted to play longer for other reasons as stated above. So I'm thinking that he's a regular and probably a some-what decent hand-reader who knows what I probably have. I wasn't sure if he could do this with a FD so I thought for about a minute and whispered call. He didn't reveal his hand or anything and the dealer didn't seem to catch it, so I moved my chips to the middle and announced louder my call.

My thought process was that I didn't know how he played and since the pots around ~$300 and I'm risking $100 so I'm getting ~3:1 and in a vacuum against 1/2NL players, I could be against badly played QQ or a FD. I thought 55 and 66 would play it exactly like this and it was my first thought. But I figured there was too much in the pot to fold and I was going to shove any turn anyway so might as well.

Turn came the 4s and the river measured the 5s where he announced two pair. I show my KK and he says that's good. Apparently he had pair + FD.

Feels good bro.

Which comes to the VERY next hand on the BU where I have 66 and limped behind. I was talking about the KK hand where people thought I was going to fold and told them that maybe he had a set and I continued talking where I saw a flop of

Pot (~$12)
Qs 10s 6c

Then continued talking without skipping a beat.

Checks 6-way to me where I bet $10.

Get snapped called by White-Poker-Player (WPP)

then bet $30 to a 7c turn and I get a fold.

It continues, I play tight, get AK two more times, Raise PF this time! And get folds around. Pick up KK (AGAIN) UTG-raise to $11 and get folds. Get AA Raise $15 pf to a limper. Bet flop he folds.

I ran really good but no action unfortunately. I'm just talking, agreeing with people's poker logic, listening to stories, laughing, making sure everyone's having a good time. I somehow got the image of a tight-winning-poker player. I decide I should start stealing more and making more bluffs.

Until we come to this hand.

Kind-of new player sits down, Middle-Aged Lady (MAL) who seems nice, we welcome her to the table and I assume she's a reg as the dealer knows her name. She posts 4 to the bb away so I assume fishy.

She checks her option and flops two pair where she bets it aggressively.

I'm dealt AsQs UTG so I raise to $11 and get called by (MAL)(~250) in the sb and (WMT)(~$85) in the bb.

Flop comes;

(Pot: ~$35)
Ac Jc 5h

(MAL) donks $20 and (WMT) shoves for $75.

Going on my reads, I guess MAL is doing it with ~A5 or ~AJ or ~55 but I wondered if she could be doing it with a smaller Ace as thats what 1/2NL players do. The shove from (WMT) could be an Ace or a J or a FD. Pretty weak and I'm almost certain I beat him. I think for about 10 seconds and fold.

(MAL) calls and showdowns AK and (WMT) had a FD apparently.

Then we come to this hand where I feel like I made a pretty bad mistake.

UTG+1,(MAL)(~$350) limps, I limp on the BU with 4s4d, sb completes and the bb (Tight-Older-Asian-Gentleman)(TOAG)(~$500) decides to raise $15.

(MAL) calls, I call and sb thinks and folds.


pot (~$50)
10h 6h 5d

(TOAG) does something strange and he decides to c-bet to $10.

(MAL) calls.

I smell weakness, like (TOAG) has ~AK, AQ because I figured he'd bet bigger for value unless he's looking to c/r, and like I don't really think this particular gentleman would play AA,KK,QQ that tricky on this board. (MAL) I guess maybe picked up on this? Has something like a pair of 6 or a 5, maybe a FD, maybe a SD and maybe a 10.

So I re-raise to $50. Reason: TOAG probably has a weak hand and MAL has something pretty marginal that she might fold. I had a plan to bet a A,K,Q,3, MAYBE 7, and obviously a 4 turn card.

TOAG folds and MAL starts thinking, and looks pretty distressed. So I felt pretty good about it until she asked how much it was and she did that,

"Mehhhh, Ehhhhhh, Okay, I call."



Bad bluff card =[. Not folding anything but maybe a draw. But if she's calling with those on the flop I think I have to bet huge on the turn to make draws fold.

She checks.

I check.


Worse River card haha, but Maybe I'm good so I check behind,

and she SD's a Jc10c for 6's full of 10's.

I always pull stupid bluffs to take a chunk of my profits almost every session but w/e, I'm still trying to learn and I did leave with a healthy $200 profit after ~2 hours of playing.

Plus my friend ended up with $85 (She was up ~$130 at one point) which is really really good for her first EVER live poker casino experience and probably her 10th time playing overall.

Anyway thanks for reading =D

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 Last edit: 25/02/2012 00:53

player999   Brasil. Feb 24 2012 19:24. Posts 7978

I remember when live poker used to be fun

Can't believe you wrote an essay on why dd you call a minraise shove with KK on a 3bet pot tho

Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol 

superfashion   United States. Feb 24 2012 20:47. Posts 918

going to play live tonight, should be really weird since i haven't played live since merge reopened

i enjoy your blog a lot though. it's refreshing to see someone playing live and actually thinking, but moreso because it seems like you're just having a blast playing and learning. gl at the tables man

shoving here as a bluff at 50NL is like explaning calcalus to a 6 month old cat wtf are you thinking - TalentedTom 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Feb 25 2012 01:33. Posts 5328

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Twisted    Netherlands. Feb 25 2012 04:00. Posts 10422

lol I like these stories but what a massive slowroll with the KK

superfashion   United States. Feb 25 2012 04:36. Posts 918

follow up post: some guy gave a big speech after raising pre and betting twice on AKTK4 w AK and check/tank-calling the river after saying how big of a cooler it was that his opponent clearly had aces. when he showed ak everyone at the table was like loooooool what the fuck is wrong with you

shoving here as a bluff at 50NL is like explaning calcalus to a 6 month old cat wtf are you thinking - TalentedTom 

Tensai176   Canada. Feb 25 2012 12:21. Posts 1018

^ I dont think my tank-call was as bad as that one was...

superfashion   United States. Feb 25 2012 14:41. Posts 918

rofl absolutely not. hard to get worse than making a scene about calling there

shoving here as a bluff at 50NL is like explaning calcalus to a 6 month old cat wtf are you thinking - TalentedTom 

player999   Brasil. Feb 26 2012 19:19. Posts 7978

  On February 25 2012 03:36 superfashion wrote:
follow up post: some guy gave a big speech after raising pre and betting twice on AKTK4 w AK and check/tank-calling the river after saying how big of a cooler it was that his opponent clearly had aces. when he showed ak everyone at the table was like loooooool what the fuck is wrong with you

funniest part is he prob snap calls A2o thinking the guy is bluffing

Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol 


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