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GsOne   Poland. Feb 26 2012 05:55. Posts 732
There's a tl;dr version at the bottom.

I'm out of the loop completely in regard to hardware, my current machine is Athlon 3200+ with some bullshit ATI x1600PRO GPU (which went into "legacy" like 2 years ago) and 1gb ram, which basically means I have 3 bottlenecks in my setup. I don't plan on gaming like a madman and "ultra" settings in highest resolutions are not really what I find interesting in games, however it would be nice to be able to run SC2, DOTA2 and D3 and sort, without reverting to obscene 800x600 in lowest details, so the new setup must not go obsolete in next year, preferably still alive 3 years from now but obviously on lower end. I plan on using virtual machines and I need to run one seemlesly, obviously strictly for programing/development and not multimedia. Other than that, I don't plan on doing any video or graphic editing and if I do I can cope with substandard specs. It would be nice to be able to run some sound editing though, either out of the box or as an extension. Considering all that I want a comfortable, budget machine that would still be decent in few years.

First of all, I desperately need multicored CPU. I'm pretty sure I want Intel this time unless someone makes a very good case for AMD. I was thinking 2 cores 2 threads each would be optimal, but apparently only i7 has hyperthreading enabled and there's a HUGE gap in prices between i5 and i7, currently I narrowed it down to i5-2400 and i5-2500, both have 4 cores (no hyperthreading). According to specs I'm seeing only difference is bus multiplier (seems more important) and in turn about 200Mhz less on 2400 (less important), but 2500 one is about 1/8 cheaper and I'm leaning towards 2400.
Other thing is, for some reason all CPUs I'm seeing have an integrated GPU for no apparent reason, is that standard? I don't need one since I'm defenitely getting a standalone GPU.

Graphcis - nVidia and there's no discussion, not only do I have rather bad experience with ATI, I need CUDA v2.1 support. Also, almost defenitely only one card, I don't see the reason to get two, I would rather just get one but better card. Unfortunately that's as much as I know, need serious help here. One I found (selected at random almost) is Gigabyte GTX460SE, 1GB memory GDDR5, 256 bit bus on PCI-E 2.0 x16, but everything here is a guess except for nVidia chipset. Do I need more memory? Bigger bus? According to some benchmarks I've seen it does decently enough for now but it seemed to be right in the middle as far as shading units and internal clocks go. Also, there are tons of manufacturers with cards on this chipset, once again I'm at loss.

Memory - I was thinking 4GB and maybe 8GB, don't really see need for it at least for now. Not much research done here, need opinions once again.

Finally motherboard, vendor I was looking at only had some uATX boards with LGA1155 socket, quick glance at some other gave soooo many results at all prices. I just don't really now what to pick. uATX actually doesen't sound bad since I don't think there's any need for internal cards aside from GPU, if I want a better sound card I will just get an external one. Also, what kind of AC do I need? 600W?


Need new machine for decent gaming time up to one year ahead and poker, need comments on:

CPU: i5-2400
GPU: Gigabyte GTX460SE, 1GB
Memory: 4GB
Motherboard: ??
Power: 600W

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P1mpdaddy   Austria. Feb 26 2012 05:58. Posts 1370

I just ordered a PC myself last week:

cpu i5 2500
motherboard Asus P8P67 Evo
memory 16 gig ram (you should really go for at least 8 here...they are so cheap atm)
gfx asus gtx 550 ti

r0cking your s0x 

edzwoo   United States. Feb 26 2012 06:28. Posts 5911

I'd go here:

If you're running virtual machines, I think it could be beneficial to beef up the ram to 6-8gb; ram is cheap anyway. Motherboard shouldn't really won't matter unless you intend on overclocking.

PSU wattage isn't everything, but if you don't want to think too hard, just get something that's a reputable brand with 600w and it'll last you a while. Oh, and get an SSD if you don't have one already, you'll never go back!

PplusAD   Germany. Feb 26 2012 09:15. Posts 7180

if u only want it for gaming basically any Intel ix-2000 series CPU on the market is more than good enough

graphic card

Nvidia :
-GTX 550Ti is good enough for medium details in every game.
Not good enough for max details in some of the games like BF3 with FXAA injector

-GTX 460 1GB is ~ 20-25% faster than 550TI and should play almost anything on max

-Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti + Intel i5 core and u are definitely set for max settings in every game currently available

if u for some reason deside to go with AMD (despite your bad experience)
6850 and 6870 will do fine and are your choice

memory 4GB is enough for games but since ram is soo cheap nowadays 8GB is almost a must !
i mean 4GB is like 25$ and 8GB is only like 40$ if u finde a nice cmobo pack....

just pick something from Asus,MSI or Gigabyte that has many 4 to 5 stars reviews on Amazon

onboard integrated GPU deactivates itself as soon as u install an extern GPU
so no worries

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

palak   United States. Feb 26 2012 10:38. Posts 4601

CPU suggestions,3106.html

GPU suggestions,3107.html

Also use hot deals forum for finding good deals

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 26/02/2012 10:44

Carthac   United States. Feb 26 2012 12:02. Posts 1343

If you can, stay away from gigabyte boards. I have had nothing but problems with them over my time of building computers. Go with the 460 GTX card, probly the best value card on the market currently. If you are looking to stay economical with your build, go with an AMD CPU. Just a tiny bit lower quality but far lower price than Intel. The new AMD chips are kinda meh, but if you can get a quad core phantom, they are incredibly good chips for the cost. Memory(RAM) is dirt cheap at the moment. If you want a good brand, I recommend Kingston. Go with 8GB as with the price there is no reason not to.


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