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Old school dusty blog

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DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Feb 29 2012 10:14. Posts 8623
Since my change of site I've been feeling good. Played a lot of hands (22k in a week), did decent in some Sunday tournament and was fairly close to make a good score and thanks to gold/silver prices I've made a bit of money despite not actually playing at any decent limits in poker. I'm super excited about my girl getting a job in her home town up in Sundsvall since that means that I don't have to put that much money into buying a house but rather can buy something cheap or rent something and then put a ton of money into investments. Going really crazy with my investment profile and let's just say I'm rooting for a higher gold price...

Going to try to get like 50k hands in next month despite it being fairly clogged up with stupid stuff I need to do. Got some fairly reasonable goals as far as hands goes and I might actually get a year with a decent amount of volume in, which would serve very good as an indicator on the topic of "Can Dusty still cut it in poker?". I dunno. Anyway;

This was pretty fun:


Proxy stuff is cool.

I'm really looking forward to the Strikeforce event this weekend. Might be really cool. Go Ronda!

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Twisted    Netherlands. Feb 29 2012 14:35. Posts 10422

Saw that game too, definitely cool .

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Feb 29 2012 19:27. Posts 5647

Nice to see some SC games.
Where does your edge come from on the market in gold speculation? what kind of edge?

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Mar 02 2012 07:37. Posts 8623

  On February 29 2012 18:27 Silver_nz wrote:
Nice to see some SC games.
Where does your edge come from on the market in gold speculation? what kind of edge?

Edge is that since Nixon absolved the Bretton Woods System and thereby in essence declared a default without anyone noticing the world's reserve currency is backed by fuck all except psychology. That means that they can create money (QE2, swap agreements etc) to their hearts content to pay off the US national dept with inflation and new "paper money" rather then by actually goods/services. This is all well and good except for the fact that it destroys the value of the dollar, the worlds reserve currency.

Basically, in a world where the US inflation is high (check either official numbers or the normal way to calculate inflation over at and the Bernake has told the world that their will be close to zero interest for a few years, owning US government bonds, while probably relatively safe, will probably decrease your purchasing power. Big countries like Russia, China, India and others are currently trying to get rid of their dollars and US bonds and they're doing that in part by buying gold, which has kept it's value for 5000+ years.

Both the European central bank and the English one also have inflation increasing programs in place.

This increased demand on gold will keep going until politicians understands that they can keep destroying the value of their respective currencies by printing more money to solve the dept problem. No major politician in Europe seems to understand this, or at least not anyone willing to do something about it. Ron Paul as US president would probably fix this in some way and if he's getting elected I'm dumping my gold shares fast as hell, but other then him all the other talking heads will try to fix the problem without actually major savings which will require new printing.

The reason I feel that I have an information edge against most of the world is simply that politicians hates gold because it shows how the currencies loses value almost as well as gas pumps (and people get pissed when they see that) and the banks depends on the politicians so they to won't tell you.

And if I sounds like a conspiracy nut, well, that's ok, I'm betting my side of the wager pretty hard.


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