Sup LP!
Reading through my last 3 blog posts are about as embarrassing as it gets. I'm preeeetty sure I wasn't in a good place at the time lol, man those cry baby posts were the worst. I want to say a quick thanks to those who sent me nice / confidence building PM's during that time, it was pretty awesome of you guys!
So anyway, life has changed quite a bit here for me. I went to vegas, did well, but never really played online. I ended up dumping about what was left of the majority of my leftover poker BR (something like ~7k) into student loans, and leaving myself about to grind a BR again @ nl100. It's going pretty decently, and now that I'm basically done school (just finals left) a blog will help motivate me to keep playing / posting updates - I'll be trying to do weekly updates, while playing a decent amount of hands.
Let's see how this goes?