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detoxing/diets etc

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mnj   United States. Apr 22 2012 23:22. Posts 3848
just wondering if anyone's had any experience and/or insights in cleansing diets.

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LikeASet   United States. Apr 22 2012 23:47. Posts 2113

i call bullshit on "cleanses". Just a lifelong diet containing 25g+ of fiber daily and lots of water. I've done a hardcore bodybuilding diet of no added fats (butter, oil, cream, etc.) and no sugars which I don't recommend because that shit will mess with your brain function and you will become short fused, cranky, and forgetful. I can't have liquid meals because I'll just get diarrhea.

If anything, buy an emulsifier, one of those high speed blenders that allow you to liquefy whole fruits and vegetables and drink 1-2 those drinks a day. Don't use a juicer because a juicer removes all the skins/seeds where most of the nutrients are.

Etherone   Canada. Apr 23 2012 01:39. Posts 753

  On April 22 2012 22:47 LikeASet wrote:
i call bullshit on "cleanses". Just a lifelong diet containing 25g+ of fiber daily and lots of water. I've done a hardcore bodybuilding diet of no added fats (butter, oil, cream, etc.) and no sugars which I don't recommend because that shit will mess with your brain function and you will become short fused, cranky, and forgetful. I can't have liquid meals because I'll just get diarrhea.

If anything, buy an emulsifier, one of those high speed blenders that allow you to liquefy whole fruits and vegetables and drink 1-2 those drinks a day. Don't use a juicer because a juicer removes all the skins/seeds where most of the nutrients are.

yea but with a juicer it doesn't taste like shit, or have that disgusting texture.

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Apr 23 2012 02:36. Posts 5647

oops, double post

 Last edit: 23/04/2012 02:39

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Apr 23 2012 02:37. Posts 5647

Its still far better for you to keep the fiber. Not least of the many reasons is that it makes you feel 'full'. With juice you don't feel full until you have eaten too many calories, so you get fat.

Cleanses seem pretty bullshit. They might have some pacebo effect over just having a soild diet, but other than that..

Start reading some basic bodybuilding imo. scoobys is good for noobies :o

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 23 2012 04:27. Posts 688

there is nothing common between bodybuilding and trying to clean your body, I don't know why guys keep advicing mnj to bodybuild when he wants to have a cleaner body environment. I will suggest he researches Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Chlorella, Marine Phytoplankton, Wheatgrass, and also 3-day diets involving only drinking water/juice. Alkalizing your body is how you get rid of many viruses and other bad bacteria. You may also go hardcore with enemas. You may youtube Bear Grylls' way of giving yourself enemas while sailing in the middle of the ocean.

LOL how much do they pay this guy

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

whamm!   Albania. Apr 23 2012 05:22. Posts 11625

^ He got fired just months when he was told to do something else (non-sick show) for the network. lol i guess he just rolls like that

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 23 2012 08:49. Posts 1841

  yea but with a juicer it doesn't taste like shit, or have that disgusting texture.

Doesn't taste like shite don't mix weird combinations like vegetables and fruit.
Anyway just cook with raw ingredients from scratch. Omega 3, green tea. Avoid soft drinks, pizza and white breads and stuff like that but very hard to.

Rear naked woke 

GoTuNk   Chile. Apr 23 2012 08:56. Posts 2860

Best cleansing way is to fast for 12-18 hours every once in a while. Drink water obv, just not too much for obv reason.

cariadon   Estonia. Apr 23 2012 09:14. Posts 4019

Where is all this coming from ? A referral of any sort would be welcome. I'd read a page or two about this stuff.

nerdonpoker   . Apr 23 2012 10:40. Posts 414

i'd recommend colon cleanse. A lot of the times large intestines get so clogged up very few amounts of nutrients get absorbed into your system. This is bad. Focus on a cleanse, then start dieting. What use dieting if no nutrients being absorbd.

Cleanse ------ > Diet 5-6 meals a day --------- > Training weights + cardio -----------> Bag da bitches

xdrb   United States. Apr 23 2012 11:18. Posts 184

Cleansing is crap.

You're basically stressing your body more rather than starting to eat healthy.

Juicing is crap. You're basically making fruits and vegetables into sugar water. If you want sugar water you can go drink soda.

Scooby's is not good. He preaches a lot of fitness myths.

Colon cleanse is a scam.

Like GoTunk said... if you want to "cleanse" you should fast... or just start eating clean.

 Last edit: 23/04/2012 11:18

uiCk   Canada. Apr 23 2012 11:44. Posts 3521

Cleansing is crap. Like most 'alternative' practices

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

uiCk   Canada. Apr 23 2012 11:46. Posts 3521

  On April 23 2012 09:40 nerdonpoker wrote:
i'd recommend colon cleanse. A lot of the times large intestines get so clogged up very few amounts of nutrients get absorbed into your system. This is bad. Focus on a cleanse, then start dieting. What use dieting if no nutrients being absorbd.

Cleanse ------ > Diet 5-6 meals a day --------- > Training weights + cardio -----------> Bag da bitches

Colon cleansing is based on a prescientific theoretical model adopted from Ancient Egypt, involves the use of herbs and/or enemas (called colonics) to remove food that proponents claim remains in the colon and rots, producing symptoms and general ill-health. The colon usually does not require any help cleaning itself, and the practices can be both expensive and potentially dangerous.[1 - Wiki

unless you rather believe in forum members.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

uiCk   Canada. Apr 23 2012 12:00. Posts 3521

The premise of body cleansing is based on the Ancient Egyptian and Greek idea of autointoxication, in which foods consumed or in the humoral theory of health that the four humours themselves can putrefy and produce toxins that harm the body. Biochemistry and microbiology appeared to support the theory in the 19th century, but by the early twentieth century, detoxification based approaches quickly fell out of favour.[8][9] Despite abandonment by mainstream medicine, the idea has persisted in the popular imagination and amongst alternative medicine practitioners.[10][11][12] In recent years, notions of body cleansing have undergone something of a resurgence, along with many other alternative medical approaches. Nonetheless, mainstream medicine continues to produce evidence that the field is unscientific and anachronistic.[10]


I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

nerdonpoker   . Apr 23 2012 12:09. Posts 414

"When fecal deposits are left to seat in the colon, the absorbing power of the colon becomes drastically reduced because the deposits block the colonic walls openings which normally draw water from solid wastes as they pass through the large intestine."

basically what this guys saying is shit gets stuck, get that shitt outta there.

And i for one agree. And who listens to main stream medicine anyways? All they do is prescribe you pharmaceuticals that in the end hurt you. I wouldnt listen to mainstream medicine bro.

uiCk   Canada. Apr 23 2012 12:22. Posts 3521

Yea don't listen to mainstream medicine bro, do like Steve Jobs and DIE.
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I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 23/04/2012 12:24

Stim_Abuser   United States. Apr 23 2012 12:41. Posts 7499

  On April 22 2012 22:47 LikeASet wrote:
i call bullshit on "cleanses". Just a lifelong diet containing 25g+ of fiber daily and lots of water. I've done a hardcore bodybuilding diet of no added fats (butter, oil, cream, etc.) and no sugars which I don't recommend because that shit will mess with your brain function and you will become short fused, cranky, and forgetful. I can't have liquid meals because I'll just get diarrhea.

If anything, buy an emulsifier, one of those high speed blenders that allow you to liquefy whole fruits and vegetables and drink 1-2 those drinks a day. Don't use a juicer because a juicer removes all the skins/seeds where most of the nutrients are.


Hey Im slinging mad volume and fat stackin benjies I dont got time for spellin n shit - skinny pete 

greenbastard   Sweden. Apr 23 2012 12:42. Posts 178

Yeah, fuck mainstream medicine with all their "tests" and "medical trials" and "science".

Next time I get sick I am just going to pump a bunch of water up my ass and watch the sickness spray out of me alongside the fecal matter...

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 23 2012 14:56. Posts 688

lol so now detoxing was bad and dangerous? Never thought there was even an argument on that topic. Juicing is like drinking soda? Man, wtf is going on here. Soon some of you would even believe the "vitamins are bad" moto coming from Big Pharma propaganda. So, to stay healthy just do what mainstream medicine tells you - not more than 15 minutes of Sun exposure cause you might get skin cancer LOL, no detoxes cause your bodies are perfectly able to detox on their own even though hundreds of millions of people day every year from degenerative illnesses caused by unhealthy lifestyle and pollution and be careful with the vitamins cause your bodies are much better off with pills in your veins. Soon you will be brainwashed to think that water is bad for you and you are healthier if you drink Mountain Dew. And if you have cancer they will start giving you radioactive material to fight it off.. oh wait they already do that... Cmon, don't be idiots. The guys just want you to CONSUME MORE and be their medical patient. Detoxing ain't gonna fit well with that agenda.

And, Weak, why are you obssessed with Steve Jobs? Why do you put all "alternative therapies" in one basket and prove it's ineffectiveness by some guy's failiure with fasting on apples or some other shit? It's like showing a car crash and saying "see if you drive - you die!"

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 23/04/2012 15:06


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