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SoC   United Kingdom. Apr 29 2012 16:50. Posts 999
Let's clear it in two days

Realised on Friday night I was 3.3k VPP short of platinum this month! Whoops. Couldn't play tomorrow due to Manchester united vs Manchester City game! So had 2 days to clear 3.3k VPP!

About $200 profit on tables, $160 on reload bonus. ($90 left to clear), $50 stellar bonus. And 8k FPP! Not a bad two days

Played terrible at some stages this weekend, going to spend tuesday-friday going over key hands. Not losing a stack is just as important as winning one, need to realise when I'm beat and find folds that are actually easy folds when concentrating but not when in robot mode!

Wish there was a 32NL though, Nl25 to Nl50 is such a big jump. Don't feel I have the bankroll yet for NL50, think i'd want $1.5k before I take a 2buyin stoploss shot.

Only issue is that horrendous red line! Will try find some spots to analyze that and see what I could of done differently.

Goals for May is 100k hands and try take a shot at Nl50 when good tables are going!

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Carreira   Peru. Apr 29 2012 17:15. Posts 154

i think your shots should be of 4-5 buyins, 2 buyins seems too short.


Your a retarded taco eating bad fuckin poker player. lolololo 

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 29 2012 17:45. Posts 16784

just reduce tables for an hour then take a 1 buyin shot and don't stop if it goes good

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

barbieman   Sweden. Apr 29 2012 19:58. Posts 2132

Your red line is far from horrendous. You do have a 10bi drop within 5k hands though that looks kinda odd considering you're pretty much BE during the rest.
I wouldn't sweat losing 10bi in non showdowns during 30k hands on nl25, especially if you're mass tabling.

atlih007   Iceland. Apr 30 2012 11:10. Posts 44

So you're playing 24tables ?

How many hands you getting in /hour?


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