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April Expenses!

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thewh00sel    United States. May 01 2012 15:13. Posts 2734
Poker was kind of lousy this month. This is not poker-related content though, I'll do a write-up on it when I get all of my records for the month in order, but for now I'll do a sexy expense report! Don't get too excited! Ok, I'm just kidding, you can get pretty excited, THIS IS FINANCE YOU'RE READING ABOUT, HOLLA! (Items with an asterisk next to them I talk about below.)

Home- 2,095
Auto & Transport*- 930
Health & Fitness*- 803
Food/dining/toiletries*- 750
Bills & Utilities- 549
Shopping*- 242
Business Services*-105
Fees & Charges- 40
Entertainment*- 241
Personal Care*- 200
Gifts & Donations- 4

Total: 5,959

Auto & Transport
Pretty happy about this number, as it's a 44% decrease from last month's car expenses. And although we picked up a second car again so our car expense will go up again, we will still save and gas and hopefully after the WSOP we can ditch one of them again or downsize it. My wife just drove the new car to work for the first time yesterday too, so the gas savings will be realized next month as well.

Health & Fitness
This number is down by 260 because we finished paying off an old hospital bill from an Emergency Room trip. We still have one that costs us 350 a month for another 6 months or so before it's paid off as well. No interest on that though so that's nice at least.

Ugh, kind of embarrassed about this number. 750 was much higher than we were aiming for (500) and I actually thought we would be around 400 since we spent 250 on a meat package in March that lasted us through April...but somehow we still spent a bunch. We went out to eat way too much (~$200 worth) and spent the other $550 at the grocery store. To be fair though we just went to the store a few days ago and spent $200 of this 750 so maybe that will have a positive impact on May's food bill. Time will tell.

Not much to say about this number. Bought some stuff that we wanted, but nothing really frivolous. Could maybe even put some of this into bills and utilities since $55 was pool supplies. Anyways here's the breakdown on this category:
108 Bike Child Seat
12 child helmet
55 Pool supplies
67 other - pair of shoes, some craft stuff the wife picked up at Michael's

Business Services
This month I started keeping track of what I tip to food service people at the casino, and cocktail waitresses, and the valet instead of tacking it onto my wins/losses. Turned out it was about what I was expecting it to be, but it did make me think twice about ordering a drink sometimes. I even started packing my lunch, and a water jug to avoid ordering food and drink from servers, but a few beers at the end of some nights kept this number inflated, I should be able to get it down in May, and in June I expect the number to be very low since WSOP valet is a waste unless you are running really late (although avoiding the heat for as much time as possible is a nice luxury).

What can I say, had to have a little fun this month. We went to a comedy/magic show on the strip that was $20 for two tickets with a special discount. We had a good/cheap time, but we spent 10 bucks on drinks and another 50 or so on an expensive dinner that we had a discount at when showing the ticket stubs. Buy one get one free at Pampas Churrascaria, a Brazilian Steakhouse in the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood.

It was a nice treat, but it also resulted in one of the shopping expenses. Mrs. Wh00sel walked in her heals (like a trooper) from The Flamingo all the way to Planet Hollywood, which resulted in a necessary purchase of some new tennis shoes to walk back to Bellagio where we parked at. Luckily, she needed some anyways, and there happened to be a Journey's just outside of the restaurant.

I also went golfing once; and although I got a free round (thanks DaMurdera), I lost the flip for lunch. I also lost a couple golf prop bets, (got laid a million to one to par out after the 5th hole, I'm terrible though so probably lit a dollar on fire there) and had to get some new balls to go out, so that added up to the rest of the entertainment bill.

Personal Care
Using up our free massages at Massage Envy adds up. The massages are free but you still have to tip. So one more month of paying this bill, then we will have that expense cut out.

All-in-all the month wasn't too awful on the spending front. We did a lot of spending, but we still came in ~12.5% lower in expenses this month compared to last month, and we got (barely) under the 6k mark for the first time in a long time, which I'm pretty stoked about. Hopefully it can stay that way the rest of the year.

I'll have a poker update up in a few days at the most, got a couple interesting hands to talk about, and a couple coolers/bad beats to share too.

Welcome to the jungle

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A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

Daut    United States. May 01 2012 15:49. Posts 8955

a dollar saved is a dollar earned. wish i had your discipline

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

gawdawaful   Canada. May 01 2012 16:34. Posts 9012

your daughter has a lot of toys!

Im only good at poker when I run good 

nolan   Ireland. May 01 2012 17:41. Posts 6205

fantastic on all fronts, keep up the discipline and hard work arty the baller party.

On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. May 01 2012 18:23. Posts 5647

Lol, Great introductory text, reminds me of Dinosaur Comics. I am excited for accounting!

goose58   United States. May 01 2012 19:19. Posts 871

  On May 01 2012 14:49 Daut wrote:
a dollar saved is a dollar earned. wish i had your discipline

A dollar saved is worth more than a dollar earned, considering every dollar we earn is taxed. /nit

Props wh00sel for keeping track of all your expenses. I need to do that too. I just had a daughter and I hope she's as cute as yours. I'm thinking of starting some live play soon, any tips?


Svenman87   United States. May 01 2012 20:49. Posts 4636

4 dollars on gifts and donations aye?

Smuft   Canada. May 02 2012 10:10. Posts 633

this blog makes me never ever want to get married or have kids

thanks you wh00sel

YouGoTGoT   United States. May 02 2012 17:51. Posts 1118

Im picturing you leaving a really juicy 5/10 game because your water jug is empty and you dont wanna tip the waitress one dollar for a drink.



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