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What to look for in my own game?

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Banj0   Sweden. May 29 2012 14:43. Posts 13
Hi Liquid Poker!

So, I've been playing on and off for the last month or so at the micro stakes. I am doing ok'ish, basically breaking even. I think I am playing ok ABC-type poker, with some stupid mistakes.

I enjoy playing 1 dollar STT a lot, I feel less pressure to make money on every hand.

My #1 mistake - i think - is getting carried away in the betting when I feel I have the best hand. I get excited about flopping 2 pairs and get killed by a set or straight. When I look at my hand history per tournament, I usually only have 1-3 hands that show a big loss.

Second mistake is calling a semi-good hand (middle pair with Ace kicker or something) all the way to showdown, knowing that I should probably just have folded when opponent raised after the flop..

So, my question to you guys
1: What can I look for in PT4 to evaluate my own play? I have all this data available, and don't really know what to look for. Please let me know if there is anything specific you would like to see in order to give me some simple advice.



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EvilSky    Czech Republic. May 29 2012 15:16. Posts 8918

Well generally when you are a beginner you want to be the one betting for value and not the one calling down because knowing when to call down correctly requires a deeper knowledge of the game than most beginners have.

chris   United States. May 29 2012 16:20. Posts 5503

there is something from pokerstrategy or somewhere that would practice push /fold for SNGs, and it would give you correct push and fold ranges depending on stack sizes, etc.

i think if you found that, downloaded and spent a few hours practicing on that, and then practice with it after and/or before you play, you could get pretty good at STTs pretty fast.

i think most winrates in the turbos or hyper turbos for good players was like 10-15% for the low stakes. i think you would also want to check out to scout the players you play against, as far as their winnings/losses.

i would also open up and watch as some higher stakes games are being played and watch how they play through. find out who a good player is and watch how he plays/what he plays/how he plays it.

also it is quite normal you will only have 1-3 'big' losing hands in a STT. the way they play out you only play a few hands anyway, and many hands are going to be 'steals' or folds on flops.

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

NewbSaibot   United States. May 29 2012 19:41. Posts 4946

I would sort my hands by losses and scroll down the list half way and see just how many of those marginal hands are costing me money. Dont worry about the huge losers where you got it allin on a draw or something, look at the one's where you either check/called 3 streets or just ended up folding on the turn/river. Probably a bunch of shitty top pairs with weak kickers or worse. Now DELETE THOSE HANDS from your range. Just stop playing them. 67o, J9s, 23s, QTo etc.

Next I would filter by position, and see what position you lost the most money in. It will probably be early position and the blinds. So just FORCE YOURSELF to quit playing unless you have a supremely good hand. Never underestimate the power of position. Honestly, if you just open folded 100% of hands from utg and the BB without ever even looking, you would probably increase your winrate overnight. Thats just how important position is.

Lastly, I would filter by postflop play, where you either called or raised. See when you tend to make more money. Do you usually win pots where you were the initial raiser? Are you often losing pots where you simply called someone elses raise? If so, time to start folding a lot more if someone else has raised. If you are busting stacks as the initial raiser yourself, then stop raising so wide.

bye now 

Banj0   Sweden. May 30 2012 05:09. Posts 13

Chris, yes the ICM calculator. I have that and I without doing all the calculations in my head, I usually get it right by intuition - I know intuition is not a safe bet, but if I get it mostly right at this point, I will start focusing on the valuebetting and push/fold odds more once I clean up the worst of my beginner mistakes.


So I did what you suggested, here are all the non-all-in hands, with flop action sorted by the loss:

It is obvious that blinds are a big money sink. I need to drop the hands instead of calling the flop, and I need to drop mid-pairs when I don't flop the set immediately.

Also, when I sorted this by blinds size, I see that I am much more likely to throw away money by calling marginal hands when blinds are at 10/20 or 15/30. Once the blinds go up, I get tighter.

by position:

UTG looks pretty awful, but it is all due to this UTG hand
Disregarding that hand, UTG is my second best position. I am also aware that I really don't have enough hands to infer all kinds of analysis yet, but it shows the same story with the blinds again.

regarding postflop play I am not sure exactly what stats to filter on, but is this about the right thing?

I am not really sure what I am looking for. I can see i loose a lot of chips by check-folding the flop, but I only call 21% after flop, so not completely dumb.. or am I wrong? I try to Cbet a lot but I might need to stop that, as it is typically in the 1/2 pot - 2/3 pot range.

Any comments appreciated, thanks!


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