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FvL   Netherlands. Jun 05 2012 05:19. Posts 28
Poker is like life. Someone has to be the worst at it, for someone else to be the best.
Normal people are somewhere in between, and most of us are convinced to be on the + side of
the average.

I read a blog once, written by Jungleman. Couldn't find it, but I'm pretty sure it said:
“When you're running bad, just try to win two buy-ins each session. Your luck will turn around”
Or something to that effect.

Winning is just something that comes THAT naturally to him when playing poker?

I don't get it. When I run bad I'll lose, at least, two buy-ins each session. When I run normal,
I'm happy to win two buy-ins. My guess: a player like Jungleman doesn't even acknowledge the
spots normal players see as to be “difficult”. They are just “logic” to him. Nature.

Like when a mature, non-disabled person asking me to explain the concepts of “walking” or “writing” to him.
That's how Jungleman must feel when I show him my Hand History and ask for advice.

Must be nice.


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PplusAD   Germany. Jun 05 2012 05:23. Posts 7180

  Poker is like life. Someone has to be the worst at it, for someone else to be the best.
Normal people are somewhere in between, and most of us are convinced to be on the + side of
the average

Without that idea poker wouldnt exist.

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz)Last edit: 05/06/2012 05:24

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Jun 05 2012 06:13. Posts 14026

Jungleman is basically autistic.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jun 05 2012 06:25. Posts 5328

yeah, some people are just born with skills. just gotta practice hard and try and become the best you can be at the thing you enjoy or excell at.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 05/06/2012 06:26

Achoo   Canada. Jun 05 2012 06:53. Posts 1454

Natural talents don't exist, people who are sick good at doing something just have an equally incredible work ethic. Discipline, dedication and perseverance always bear their fruits...

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

longple    Sweden. Jun 05 2012 08:46. Posts 4472

pokerskills comes mostly from hard work and experience ;P

obv u need to be somewhat smart/tricky/strategical as a person aswell to get good at it

waga   United Kingdom. Jun 05 2012 10:37. Posts 2375

  On June 05 2012 05:53 Achoo wrote:
Natural talents don't exist, people who are sick good at doing something just have an equally incredible work ethic. Discipline, dedication and perseverance always bear their fruits...

this is not true at all ...
you need both to be the best , natural talent and work ethic.

For poker imo the second one is the most important

curtinsea   United States. Jun 05 2012 12:10. Posts 576

  On June 05 2012 05:53 Achoo wrote:
Natural talents don't exist, people who are sick good at doing something just have an equally incredible work ethic. Discipline, dedication and perseverance always bear their fruits...

simply not true . . . some are blessed with superior cognitive skills, which makes the decision making process in poker much easier.

Hard work alone doesn't get the job done either, that work has to be focused in the right direction, and many, probably most, don't have the right direction.

Most players will never become "great" players no matter how much they work at it.

tomorrow, for sure 

NewbSaibot   United States. Jun 05 2012 13:00. Posts 4946

I dont think Jungle is implying that winning only 2 buyins = downswing. I think he's just saying set your goals lower when you're losing, and be happy if you can finish a session up only 2 buyins. After a week of modest winnings you'll feel better and your game might turn around too.

bye now 

PplusAD   Germany. Jun 05 2012 14:46. Posts 7180

  On June 05 2012 05:53 Achoo wrote:
Natural talents don't exist, people who are sick good at doing something just have an equally incredible work ethic. Discipline, dedication and perseverance always bear their fruits...

Every person with half a brain knows that Talent is the thing deciding how much fruits your work ethic brings.
U can give all your best every day and still suck at things u simply have no talent for

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

NewbSaibot   United States. Jun 05 2012 15:39. Posts 4946

bye now 

def_jammer   Germany. Jun 05 2012 16:52. Posts 1227

so many neuroscientists on LP. amazing

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jun 05 2012 18:33. Posts 5328

  On June 05 2012 15:52 def_jammer wrote:
so many neuroscientists on LP. amazing

dont need to be a neuroscientist to figure out this stuff.

jaedongs starcraft team hwaseung oz, had a 12 hour practice schedule for everyone on the team, using the same coach and the same practice methods and sharing all the resources they had to get everyone in their best shape. How did jaedong become a better player than the others i don't know, but it seems unlikely that it was from practicing more, or more effectively.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Fudyann   Netherlands. Jun 06 2012 03:10. Posts 704

  On June 05 2012 11:10 curtinsea wrote:
Show nested quote +

simply not true . . . some are blessed with superior cognitive skills, which makes the decision making process in poker much easier.

Hard work alone doesn't get the job done either, that work has to be focused in the right direction, and many, probably most, don't have the right direction.

Most players will never become "great" players no matter how much they work at it.

The best predictor of performance is hours of deliberate practice. General IQ is also a good predictor. Natural talent isn't. To the extent that we can measure natural talent (for example, by looking at family), it has little predictive effect on performance after controlling for hours of deliberate practice. Usually what happens is somebody practices a lot, gets good, and is retroactively called 'talented'. Jaedong might have practiced more serious than his team mates. Just showing up is not enough. You need to be deliberately focused on improving your play for every single second.

What is deliberate practice? Deliberate practice is defined as "Activities designed, usually by a teacher, with the express purpose of improving some aspect of the student's performance"
For example, constantly thinking hard about what you're doing = deliberate practice, just playing robot mode = not deliberate practice. Having a teacher collect hand histories around one of your leaks for you to think through and build a better intuition for would be one of the most effective way to deliberately practice poker.

I wonder why people seem so insistent on the idea that some people are just 'given talent' and thereby get good at something, despite this not being supported at all by scientific evidence. Maybe it is a way to shift the blame from something inside your control "I don't put enough effort into practice" to something outside your control "I have other talents, I was just not given this talent" to feel better about sucking.

Source: Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance

 Last edit: 06/06/2012 03:19

def_jammer   Germany. Jun 06 2012 03:31. Posts 1227

Everyone who denies natural talent should probably check out guys like matthew savage

PuertoRican   United States. Jun 06 2012 03:42. Posts 13095

  On June 05 2012 17:33 Stroggoz wrote:
Show nested quote +

dont need to be a neuroscientist to figure out this stuff.

jaedongs starcraft team hwaseung oz, had a 12 hour practice schedule for everyone on the team, using the same coach and the same practice methods and sharing all the resources they had to get everyone in their best shape. How did jaedong become a better player than the others i don't know, but it seems unlikely that it was from practicing more, or more effectively.

Pro sc1 teams in Korea all had a minimum of 10-11 hour training sessions everyday, usually they would get Sunday's off, unless they were playing in multiple leagues at the same time, as well as the B-teams would sneak into the living room to watch TV when the A-teams would go to Pro League.

Jaedong, just like a few others, got good at sc1 cuz of practice, but, he was better able to pick up and understand the game. It's like anything competitive in life, some people pick things up faster than others. There's still newbie people playing the same pc game, card game, etc. after 10 years.

Part of it is not knowing how to adjust, part is not willing to adjust, and another is needing someone (coach) to guide you in the right path.

There were multiple long time pro's who I personally think that they got lazy once they got into the pro house. They knew deep down that they finally made it into the house, which meant they had some skill, and then they acquired a little bit more skill from the better players in the house, then stopped getting better once they felt comfortable winning a lot of unimportant practice games. I'm wrong about the last 3 lines of text though.

Rekrul is a newb 

KoeBawlt   Canada. Jun 06 2012 12:22. Posts 378

  On June 05 2012 17:33 Stroggoz wrote:
Show nested quote +

dont need to be a neuroscientist to figure out this stuff.

jaedongs starcraft team hwaseung oz, had a 12 hour practice schedule for everyone on the team, using the same coach and the same practice methods and sharing all the resources they had to get everyone in their best shape. How did jaedong become a better player than the others i don't know, but it seems unlikely that it was from practicing more, or more effectively.

Yeah but in the poker analogue each member of Hwaseung Oz is rolling in poker ₩₩₩₩₩₩

Disclaimer Im bad but 


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