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sc2 balance

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mnj   United States. Jun 16 2012 23:25. Posts 3848
just curious to your opinions, me and my friend were debating this and in general would like some feedback. i feel as though there are a lot of Z whiners in general (i play Z myself) but feel as though T > Z > P?

tough to say with all the patches and metagame shifts and even map changes. but it is nice to see that nestea is a 3 time gsl champion/mc is a 3 time gsl champion and that mvp was a 3 time gsl champion.

and secondly which matchup besides mirror matchups do you feel is most balanced? (TvP imo)

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K40Cheddar   United States. Jun 17 2012 03:33. Posts 2202

If you want to look at overall tournament victories as a determination of which race is supposedly "better" then T > Z > P would likely make sense as protoss currently has the least amount of tournament victories in major appearances worldwide.

There was a point where i felt like TvP was op as hell for the terran due to 1-1-1ing everyone but with the major buffs to protoss I think that allowed the race to defend itself better with more cost efficient upgrades. A lot of it is metagame stuff as well. Protoss started doing a lot better at high level once people stopped two base all-ing and realized that 3 base macro based late game builds are amazing, since protoss generally has the strongest 200/200 composition (my opinion). Not saying you can't all in or anything but I always felt protoss was best late game. Additionally, there was a recent buff to queens for zerg that has increased creep spreading speed due to more queens being produced which I feel has greatly aided zerg in ZvT.

I think balance can be shown in more of the distribution of races in the upper echelon of a tournament vs pure winners. If you look at 2012 season 2 GSL, the top 8 consisted of 5 protoss, 3 terran and 0 zerg. Does that mean zerg is underpowered? Not necessarily. MLG spring championship top 8 consisted of 3 protoss, 3 terran, and 2 zerg players where the eventual winner was a zerg player (DongRaeGu). Personally, I feel that most international tournaments have a pretty balanced distribution of races and although one race may not win as much I feel that it's not cause the race is bad but the players who win the tournaments are just beasts. The game seems to go in phases. There was a point in GSL last year where about 5/8 of code S was all terran players but then more protoss and zerg players started figuring things out and moved in (2012 Season 3 GSL (10,13,9 = P,T,Z) which is relatively balanced with a slight skew on terran).

I think TvP is probably the most balanced because the battles imo are more skill based whereas matchups with zerg seem to be more based on trading with the opponent cost efficiently. I don't feel like a 200/200 ZvP battle is favorable at all for zerg given proper compositions and ZvT is more about the zerg catching the terran off guard rather than a straight up fight.

Overall, Starcraft is a pretty complex game and I feel that it's pretty balanced. What I like about the game is that people will always come up with new ideas to exploit certain strategies and I think with time and shift in the metagame it will eventually balance out completely. Keep in mind that brood war has had over a decade to balance out where SC II is only in its 2nd to 3rd year.

- MC only won 2 GSLs and I don't believe another protoss has won one
- Mvp now has 4 GSLs


julep   Australia. Jun 17 2012 04:17. Posts 1274


Mortensen8   Chad. Jun 17 2012 06:28. Posts 1841

Medivacs are imbalanced as fuck I mean drop and healing wtf... I always get multi pronged to buggery hate playing against terran.
Against protoss its easier but I always die to 2 base all in even though I know it's coming.

Rear naked woke 

dnagardi   Hungary. Jun 17 2012 07:35. Posts 1776

anyone who is below grandmaster has no right to discuss balance questions

Sennpu   Canada. Jun 17 2012 09:26. Posts 1960

Remove marauder 8D thanks

then she ask me my qualities n bad qualities. so i tell her truth and she kinda laugh at me lol. then i ask her for hers and she gtg. i think it going ok. -Floofy 

Sennpu   Canada. Jun 17 2012 09:27. Posts 1960

  On June 17 2012 06:35 dnagardi wrote:
anyone who is below grandmaster has no right to discuss balance questions

Sadly a lot of masters are better than low ranked grandmaster ; _; sorry to pop ur bubble noobsauce

then she ask me my qualities n bad qualities. so i tell her truth and she kinda laugh at me lol. then i ask her for hers and she gtg. i think it going ok. -Floofy 

xafies   Greece. Jun 17 2012 10:30. Posts 1079

pop corn

You can not lose if you do not play 

xafies   Greece. Jun 17 2012 10:33. Posts 1079

Maps are lame!Seriously wtf how can a toss survive in condemned ridge

You can not lose if you do not play 

dnagardi   Hungary. Jun 17 2012 11:44. Posts 1776

  On June 17 2012 08:27 Sennpu wrote:
Show nested quote +

Sadly a lot of masters are better than low ranked grandmaster ; _; sorry to pop ur bubble noobsauce

i see u got my point

TianYuan    Korea (South). Jun 17 2012 21:30. Posts 6817

Zerg is pretty broken TvZ right now, post-patch winrate TvZ is literally something like 35%.....

That's the only real problem.

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

edzwoo   United States. Jun 17 2012 22:43. Posts 5911

I feel right now Z > T = P

Although TvP I feel is balanced in a really odd way where T will win the game an extremely high % during the timing where medivacs pop to offset a higher winrate for P in later stages

Z is stupid post Queen buff


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