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1/2 Live Niagara/Seneca

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Tensai176   Canada. Sep 05 2012 17:51. Posts 1018
Hey LP,

I'm a 4NL microstakes player but when I can I take the trip to Niagara Falls for vacation and to play at the 1/2 live games they have there.

This time around, my girlfriend got us free hotel stay for two nights and so we went together with the plans of shopping in buffalo after + eating at McDonald's which in America, they have 20 pcs for $4.99 which is basically unheard of in Canada. This more than anything in the trip blew my mind.

I had always wanted to go across the border to play at Seneca Casino because I heard that drinks are complimentary which is basically unheard of in Canada. This was the second thing that blew my mind. So, with all these dreams of mine and my girlfriend being very supportive of my ambitions, we decided to go to both during our time there.

I had four hands that were kind of interesting to me because I was a little confused with the way I played them. Some I know I butchered irreparably but I would like some input.

We get there pretty late, check into our hotel and eat something small before we go to the 1/2 game at the Niagara casino. We arrive around 2:30am and I sit down alone because my companion doesn't feel like playing anymore and to my dismay, there was only one table going. Sitting down for a short while I realized that it was actually a really good table, a lot of limping, passive, and bad-aggressive type players so I sit down with $260 and looking around I realized it was really deep.

I play tight, raise with KQs with no callers, 3-bet KK no callers and trying to play as solid as possible.


First real hand opens up when two MP players limp in and I get dealt Kc10d in the CO. I raise to 12 and sb/bb and two limpers call. Everyone has me covered and I'm playing ~$260 effective. Four way to the flop.

Flop (~$48)

9d 10s 5d

x to me and I had a plan to bomb the flop if I flop any top pair. So I bet $45.

To my surprise and dismay, all four players call.

Turn (~$228)


Pretty much the worst card in the deck.

Checks to me again and I have about ~$200 left.

Not really sure what to do here since shoving into 4 players with Kc10d didn't appeal to me that much. Didn't want to check to the river where I give free equity to the players in the pot especially with just a pair of tens.

In hindsight, I think I should have shoved for thin value to get draws to call and maybe (MAYBE) weak aces to fold. Or to check and just give up the pot on the river if anyone bets.

I decided to bet $66 to fold out gut-shot/Q and J high hands that have a bit of equity against me and to charge players for the flush draw. I would never expect a x/raise as a bluff on the turn from these players so being bluffed out wasn't really in the question. Planning to fold if I got raised.

Plus I had position on the river to fold/check back/value bet depending on the river card.

That was my rationale, not really too sure what the best play was.

MP calls, rest folds.

River (~$350)


MP x's and I quickly x-back. He shrugs, and I show Kc10d to win the pot.

So far so good.

I have an image of a very nitty player from the way that I was willing to fold my small blinds instead of completing.


Tagg-ISH Indian-Guy (~$145) raises from EP iso-ing a EP limper. MP calls, MP+1 calls. and I have AQo in the small blind. I really hate flatting these type of hands OOP and I considered folding but I thought that 3-bet was okay as well. I had the intention of calling his shove. My logic is iffy on this aspect, refer to QQ hand below. I raise to $56, EP limper folds, and EP raiser snap shoves ~$120 and gets folds to me.

My rationale: If I'm going to raise him I'm going to call getting like 1/3 pot odds.

I call, we both table AQo

I left with ~$375 profit after ~2 hours or so which was nice over all.

So, next day we decided to check out Seneca Casino.

As soon as I sat down, I noticed that the American players were really aggressive compared to the Canadian ones. There was hardly a pot where someone was limping, and even less so that they weren't being isolated. It took me a while to notice the tendencies of the players.


I already know I butchered this one. I'm dealt QQ in the sb. LAG older gentleman raises limper to $15, two callers to me in the sb.

So I decide to flat.

My reasons were because QQ is strong enough to slow play pf, pot control OOP and to get his weaker range to bet into me post-flop.

In hindsight to me, this is a 93% definitive raise. Our effective stack sizes were about ~$250, deep enough so that they would never fold a raise. Therefore I can value-raise and the weakest part of their ranges would still call. Also, 3-bet for initiative, it's easier to bet for value than to x/call or x/r a c-bet to get value.

4 to flop

Flop (~60)

Qd 6h 6d

I check; LAG will c-bet every dry flop. I feel like donking was a bit worse than checking. it x's to raiser who bets $35.

I call. Rationale, my equity lock on this hand is pretty stable (little chance to get sucked out) and I wanted the players behind me to call as well.

In hindsight, raising here is okay; it doesn't look very credible. The flop is dry and the only real hand I could have is 76s/A6s but with the image I had, that might be out of my range and therefore raising looks bluffy and therefore, I can value-raise.

Players behind me fold

Turn (~$110)


I check; I don't want to fold out his bluffs.

In hindsight, This is where I should have donked. He is not going to continue at all with his air-c-betting range on this turn and all his hands with SD Value is going to check back. All of his range except AQ/AA/KK will check this turn and I felt like I should have bet for value to charge all his mid-PP's and FDs.

He checks back.

River (~$110)


So the board is Q6622.

I lead for $71. I guess this is okay. The flush hit but I didn't really expect to get called so I was surprised when he did.

I showed, and he mucked.

I was up around ~$300 profit, with a total of around ~$500 in my stack until this hand happened, and even though I feel pretty good about it not sure if it's THAT good or not.


So, I get dealt 10h8h.

MP limps around to me in the bb who checks.

Six way to flop of

Flop ($12)

Qd 10c 8d

I lead $15. For value, it's really drawy and my equity is not so good against six players. Four callers, Effective stack sizes was ~$200.

Turn (~$72)


sb checks, I bet $62 still for value. If I bet on flop for value, turn bet is for value.
In hindsight, I still think betting is better than checking. It is still drawy and my equity still isn't so good. Folds to sb who shoves for ~$144.

My only read with sb is that he plays a lot of hands aggressively and I saw only one hand where he shoved a brick river (~$65 into a $100) as a bluff because once the guy called, he insta-mucked and rebought.

I was pretty glad when he shoved, thinking in my mind to snap-call him and not really thinking about his range so that was a pretty big mistake on my part. I thought he could have KQ/QJ even 84/Q4/Q10 but mostly because it was $92 for me to call to win ~$250 and I had two purrr.

So, I called. He had the nut-straight, and I bricked out.

Not exactly sure how I should of went about the situation. Could I have found a fold to his shove? Against this player? I think MAYBE, but calling should be better.

I still left Seneca with $100 profit AND like 15 free rum and cokes which was nice. I did tip the waitress (obv) but overall I had an amazing time.

And dem $4.99 nuggets were crispy as hell.

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 Last edit: 05/09/2012 18:25

Naib   Hungary. Sep 05 2012 18:34. Posts 968

I think you could be betting a bit more in hand #1, you're pricing draws in. It always sucks to bet / fold, but that should be your plan, thus it's a bad idea (imo) to show such weakness.

The QQ (as you know and said) is played terribly, and your reasoning is all wrong (this, of course is also just my humble opinion only). You're not flatting big pairs (ESPECIALLY NOT OOP!) in a live game where people love calling, you get as much money in pre as you can, and try to thin the field of retards that want to outdraw you with crap. It sucks to play OOP, but it sucks to play OOP without the initiative at least twice as much.

As played, flop is fine, I'd bet turn smallish, around 45. It may cause to villain to spazz (in some cases), and you could charge a FD (I assume it was on the flop, but if it appeared on the turn, it's a chance for you to get one more bet in). Checking can be fine here too (I mean, what did the 2 improve that'd c-bet the flop? Almost certainly nothing) in order for you to extract more value on the river (by betting there, as you did) - but in general, I think you can safely bet both streets. They WILL call if they have any piece of the board. I also prefer betting to checking 'cause since you called his flop c-bet, and there are two sixes on the board, it's unlikely that he'll bet (unless he has a 6, but then he'd call, or even raise, if you had bet anyway), and it'll get checked through, which costs you some money.

My favourite line is Bet/Fold. I bet, you fold. 

Arirang   Canada. Sep 05 2012 18:53. Posts 1673

Think I met you ~year ago? I played for like +30hours and prob stunk bad +_+. Still that same girl? She seemed super nice, you run good.

Hand 1 was played fine. Two barrels are sort of important in live games I think, since people like to peel quite light on flop. Coupled with your tight image, even a small bet like that proved to be effective since only one player called.

Hand 2 looks fine. But expect variance... unless there are specific table dynamics, people seem to lean towards nutheavy when it comes to 4bets and shit. If people are bad as you say, calling isn't even really that bad of an option and just play poker postflop.

Hand 3, well, yeah, 3bet. Your hand is not only invulnerable, but you crush the board really bad. It'd be pretty hard to get action from this board. Honestly, donking out here may not be bad since there are four in the pot. Like, if the original aggressor checks back too then like that's bad. I think check-call is fine, checkraise is sort of questionable, okay if the old guy takes offense to young guys playing back at him (you say he's lag, so maybe). Turn donk would be good. He called that river bet eh.. he had a flush I guess?... hm..

Hand 4, your hand is not as strong as it may look. Yeah, it's a two pair, but your hand is massively vulnerable, especially on latter streets. SB check-called flop, and c/r jammed turn on a fuckin..5h.. I mean what's the worst hand he's shoving with here.. Would he even jam AQ? Well if he jams AQ, I think given the potodds, call's prob okay. But I'd prob fold.

Board: Qd Tc 8d

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 67.528% 62.39% 05.14% 26558 2188.50 { QQ, TT, 88, AQs, QTs, J9s, T8s, AQo, QTo, J9o, T8o }
Hand 1: 32.472% 27.33% 05.14% 11635 2188.50 { Th8h }

 Last edit: 05/09/2012 18:56

Tensai176   Canada. Sep 06 2012 04:30. Posts 1018

Yeah thanks guys, as soon as I flatted in the sb I realized it was probably a huge mistake. The 10h8h hand I should have really thought about it more but for some reason, I was super happy he shoved and I realized that I'm actually not doing that well against his range. Still learning though, still learning

Not sure, yeah same girl but I don't really remember if you were there at my table, unless you were the Asian gentleman talking hands with me and shoved the river and I folded AK.

FarmMylife   Canada. Sep 07 2012 12:58. Posts 111

How was the 20 pc i keep seeing this commercial, I hate the fact we get so many american channels and all there commercials.


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