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Another look at my betting mistakes

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The Dean   United Kingdom. Oct 22 2012 11:00. Posts 2
In poker then there is a reality that dictates that you are either ahead or behind your opponent at any one given time. If the flop is 10c-8d-2h and you have Ac-9c and your opponent has Ad-3d then you are ahead……if they have Qc-10d then you are behind.

Taking away the rare times when you are tied with your opponent then you are other ahead or behind. If you are ahead of your opponent then you need to assess how far ahead you are. This is relevant because it helps us to establish on whether or not we can bet or raise for value. For example if we have say 10c-10d on a 10h-4s-2d board then we are certain to be ahead……however the question is “can we bet for value”? For a bet to be a value bet then we have to be called or raised by a hand that is worse than ours.

If there is no chance of this happening then you are not value betting but simply betting and if you are betting without a good reason then you are betting badly. So most of the time with very powerful hands then we should be checking to induce optimal value on either the turn or the river if there is no chance of us extracting it on the flop. However this boils down to us betting for value because either correctly or incorrectly then we deduced that we had the best hand.

If we deduce that we don’t have the best hand then we are either betting or raising as a bluff. However bluffing is the flip side to betting for value because if there is very little chance in our bluff working then we really shouldn’t be bluffing. You are only betting as a bluff if there is some chance that a superior hand will fold (or inferior hands fold that could have bluff raised back) in the same way that you are only betting for value when weaker hands can call or raise.

So it pays to remember in poker that there are only two reasons to initially place money into the pot and they are because you are value betting or bluffing and all of this is based on whether or not you are ahead or behind in the hand and by how much. Thats it for now and I will be playing another session this evening mainly NL50 cash at

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Love rocks when you let it.Last edit: 27/10/2013 06:42

Rinny   United States. Oct 22 2012 12:12. Posts 600

my 9th grade teach would give this an A+ great 5 paragraph essay.

Tensai176   Canada. Oct 22 2012 12:50. Posts 1018

There's also the distinction to bet to collect dead equity in the pot.

It's a very important concept which I think should be addressed even if it's not TRULY it's own category imo.

How thin you can value-bet and how thin you can bet as a bluff has a lot to do with the concept that if we can't bet for value (i.e. worse hands will call/raise) and we can't bet as a bluff (i.e. can't get better hands to fold), it may still be correct to bet. If our villian folds a worse hand that still has sufficient equity to beat yours it can still be correct to bet.

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Oct 22 2012 15:48. Posts 3292

You gave a very plain reason for why to bet or not bet, very ABC 1st level thinking and very easy conclusions to come to. There are many reasons for taking certain actions and many of them have nothing to do with value betting or bluffing. I'm not going to go into detail. But balancing your range, improving your image, betting/checking based on the board texture, and adjusting to your opponents perceived ranges/play style are a few.

Checking the flop with TT on T42 may induce your opponent to bluff or call down lighter, or you may just be losing value vs a hand that's going to pay you off. It's all relative to how you are perceived and how your opponents perceive you.

Wait why do you have 0 posts? is this some bad article from another website?

jvilla777   Australia. Oct 22 2012 19:52. Posts 1348

just bet bet bet is what i learnt when playing multiple tables at low stakes.

in the long run u just simply will win the pot by the power of betting, whether for value or as bluff.

longple: ur missing the point! this is an attempt to get away from the bumhuntmentality! 

Enigma   Canada. Oct 22 2012 21:08. Posts 158

I am sure NL is very different from LHE but you should bet for one of two reasons; you think a worse hand can call or you think a better hand can fold. If neither of these criteria are met then we do not bet.

The Dean   United Kingdom. Oct 27 2013 06:53. Posts 2

I have been having a problem of late with my poker. I have been playing on because of the softness of its games but it doesn't really work when you don't apply what you know. I went through a phase where I was getting great earn rates at NL25 through NL100 and then snap.....I started spewing. However it was only when I read some of my books on financial trading did I realise that some of these guys have a constant problem with spewing after successful periods.

It is almost as if they get blaise and complacent by it all being so easy and repetitive. Been reading a great book recently called "How Life Imitates Chess" by the ex-world champion Garry Kasparov. He openly said that the reason why he lost his title in 2000 to Vladimir Kramnik was because he was too complacent and over confident. I think what this proves is that our knowledge and actions are not automatically linked in all scenarios. We expect knowledge and hard work to automatically transfer itself into actions but it often doesn't and there is often what can only be called a disconnection between the two.

I lost money in several big pots that went contrary to how I play and my system. I made big bluffs that clearly had no fold equity given the action. That was clearly a problem with my mindset and my decision making process. Something somewhere was shorting within my brain. In that book, Kasparov advises analysing our decision making process and look for flaws even when we are winning. He also said that he learned a lot by writing that book and that teaching something to others also helps us to teach it to ourselves.

I like this method of self coaching because life as a poker player and a gambler is often a constant battle against yourself. Even when things are going well......there is always some c**p waiting for us around the corner. So my goal from here on in is to constantly monitor my decision making process and I am now designing a system to help me do just that in actual play.

Love rocks when you let it. 


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