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The Newsroom, results and my annoyance of being

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DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Oct 29 2012 11:35. Posts 8623

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 Last edit: 26/01/2013 15:24

greenbastard   Sweden. Oct 29 2012 14:41. Posts 178

Just one thought about your Ron Paul - Gold discussion:

One of Ron Paul's main points are that the US should go back to the gold standard, right? Just thinking about how they would go about doing that and what effect that would have on the gold price. They would have to set a gold - dollar conversion rate, I guess it would be (money supply)/(gold reserve). And I also assume that the gold reserve have to be somewhat large, so that the gold value of the dollar is not too small (whatever "too small" might be) in order to keep up the confidence in the dollar. This implies that the FED would have to by gold to fill up the reserves before the reintroduction, thus putting upward pressure on the price of gold (and this would probably be the last thing the FED ever does under a Ron Paul presidency lol).

Anyways, I am thinking that if Paul became president, it is quite possible that the price of gold might rise in the short term, if my reasoning is correct. The net effect on the price would of course also depend on the markets confidence in Pauls ability to decrease the deficit and debt-GDP ratio.

I am really more clueless on this subject than I'd like to be, should probably go read some books. Maybe Dusty/someone have more insight into what would happen...

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Oct 29 2012 15:43. Posts 8623

Well the main thing that drives gold prices upwards in general is that all big western currencies + Japan is printing money like mad.

Supply/demand dictates that if the supply increases the prices will go lower, so it's not that the value of gold increases but that the value of the USD/Euro/yen/whathaveyou decreases. Now, since "everyone" knows that this happens a lot of bit money needs something else to go to, that is; they want to convert their USD/Euro/yen/whathaveyou to stuff that won't lose value. Stocks could be good (as is seen by rising stock prices despite the economy down the toilette) but unfortunately those are really swingy too and you don't want to own stocks (in general) if everything tanks.

Thus the need for gold, silver and other things that actually keeps their value over time. Buying land could be good to but land is really overvalued, at least in Sweden, for the moment.

And yea, a gold standard would require a shitton of gold.

Now, china since you started it, what do you think about this:

And that's only the import through Hong Kong.

This video is slightly silly, but still. That guy is very respected.

What if China has decided that it'd be cool to have their own reserve currency instead of f'ing around with USD.

Joe   Czech Republic. Oct 29 2012 17:01. Posts 5987

What stakes were u playing Dusty? Did you win 5-6k today playing PLO100 and PLO200? If so, nice

there is a light at the end of the tunnel... (but sometimes the tunnel is long and deep as hell) 

Darace   France. Oct 29 2012 19:16. Posts 255

The Newsroom is a great show. I liked the political aspect, trying to stress the dumb stuff US politicians can sometimes say as its based on real facts, declarations etc.
However, the episode about Bin Laden's death was just ridiculous.
Even when a US show tries to criticize its country's system, it always comes down to the greatness of their army and the proudness to be an American.
Not that it's all wrong to try to convey that opinion, but just don't do it about an event such as Bin Laden's death and in a cheesy 'Murican way.

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Oct 30 2012 05:57. Posts 8623

  On October 29 2012 16:01 Joe wrote:
What stakes were u playing Dusty? Did you win 5-6k today playing PLO100 and PLO200? If so, nice

Nah won it 6-tabling 2/4. Almost all of my volume this month is 100 ZOOM and 1/2 and for some reason I keep running crap higher so it was nice to have a winning 2/4 session. Going to post a huge ass grap of 250k+ hands or something at the end of the year I think, it'll look fun.

@Darace yea I did not get that episode but I just assumed it was a cultural thing. Or possibly the fact that I tend to give very little of a fuck about single persons that gets caught or killed.


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