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Turn Play - A Good Time to Check Back

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GameOverNoob   Canada. Jan 06 2013 07:22. Posts 961
I found myself in a typical situation when my brain farted.

Here’s the hand.
Submitted by : GameOverNoob

PokerStars Hand #91624846144: Tournament #701010172, $3.00+$0.30 USD Holdem No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2013/01/01 6:13:55 ET
Table 701010172 57 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Vov4ik228 (8979 in chips)
Seat 2: MOUSELESS (3718 in chips)
Seat 3: komokshersti (32300 in chips)
Seat 4: Hero (16894 in chips)
Seat 5: Nr1InEurope (9500 in chips)
Seat 6: Jobo22 (5339 in chips)
Seat 7: fansele (6075 in chips)
Seat 8: TURKAO13 (4668 in chips)
Seat 9: Sedoy36 (17195 in chips)
Vov4ik228: posts the ante 25
MOUSELESS: posts the ante 25
komokshersti: posts the ante 25
Hero: posts the ante 25
Nr1InEurope: posts the ante 25
Jobo22: posts the ante 25
fansele: posts the ante 25
TURKAO13: posts the ante 25
Sedoy36: posts the ante 25
fansele: posts small blind 150
TURKAO13: posts big blind 300

Dealt to Hero JcQs
Sedoy36: folds
Vov4ik228: folds
komokshersti: folds
Hero: raises 300 to 600
Nr1InEurope: folds
Jobo22: folds
fansele: folds
TURKAO13: calls 300

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1,575.00)

TURKAO13: checks
Hero: bets 600
TURKAO13: calls 600

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $2,775.00)

TURKAO13: checks
Hero: bets 15669 and is all-in
TURKAO13: calls 3443 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (12226) returned to Hero

River (Pot : $9,661.00)


TURKAO13: shows 9sJs (a straight, Eight to Queen)
Hero: shows JcQs (two pair, Queens and Eights)
TURKAO13 collected 9661 from pot

Total pot 9661 | Rake 0
Board  8s8dTcQhAc
Seat 1: Vov4ik228 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 2: MOUSELESS folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 3: komokshersti folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 4: Hero showed JcQs and lost with two pair, Queens and Eights
Seat 5: Nr1InEurope folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: Jobo22 (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 7: fansele (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 8: TURKAO13 (big blind) showed 9sJs and won (9661) with a straight, Eight to Queen
Seat 9: Sedoy36 folded before Flop (didnt bet)

Now i’ll give you my opinion on what I should have done, and why.
My table is filled with the usual micro stakes fish. There’s no spazzy players creating action, and most players are playing passively, making bad calls. I’m opening the pot here almost always and I do this for these reasons.
1. I would like to win the pot pre-flop. This will happen alot. The higher the blinds, the more i’ll take this pre.
2. I’d like to be seen as an aggressive player. When we open more than we get good hands (not that QJ isn’t a good hand) You’ll start to notice players getting “out of line”. While players getting out of line may sound like your life becoming more difficult, it’s when the game gets interesting and it’s also when you’re going to make the most chips. Waiting for a situation when you’ve out flopped top pair, or something similar will likely get a few cashes, but it’s not how you win tournaments IMO
3. Players will call with trash hands, and give us a decent portion of their stacks. I really like to play with my fish post flop, and I think you should be more than pleased when you get to play heads up in position vs a retard.
While i consider this open standard, i will be folding when the high jack or cut-off has a high 3bet %.
On the flop I really like a bet. I’m going to take the pot on the flop a nice chunk of the time. Since i don’t have a note on him saying he’s capable of check raising marginal hands, i know i’m safe from getting blown off by an under pair, straight draws, and over cards.
There’s not much checkraising going on in the micro’s so u should note it when it happpens and really pay attention to the texture of the boards if the villain doesn’t show his hand down. —–how to tell what someone has based on texture—–
I think my flop bet could have been a tiny bit juicier I bet 600:1600. I would have preferred to make it between 620-720.
I believe that you should only bet as much as you need to to accomplish your goal. I won’t likely be able to get him off any pair on the flop. So it doesn’t matter how much i bet if my opponent has a pair. In the case of open ended, the same applies. Even if my opponent is aware of the correct odds to call for a straight draw, i always assume he doesn’t care, and will call anything reasonable.
This could be a good spot to over bet And I think under similar circumstances i’d take this line on the flop but let’s continue the analysis as played.
Now that I know he’s got either 77-22, J9, trip 8′s AK or AQ I really should be checking back the turn. There’s not much i beat… and i while i do lose the hand when he turns his AK, 77-22 into a bluff, most players -especially short stacks- don’t have the stomach to try.

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