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Doing shit

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DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Jan 07 2013 06:06. Posts 8623
Really wanted to name my first blog post of the year "A New Beginning" but I think I've already done so some other year. Oh well.

Ariang always talks about how at least one guy on any decent dota team is the "Do shit" guy who walk around the map and makes shit happen. He's setting up ganks, making sure that the carry has somewhere to farm and overall make things run smoothly without maybe getting all the credit. I really think that point can be translated into "real life" too. There's always someone who makes shit happen. I wanna get started being that guy in some other areas of my life. Starting with my work at the Swedish Libertarian Party. I'll make sure to get something good done or started each month.


As far as poker goes it's going very well. I think I made a bit more then 40k€ or so last month and I'm already up something like 10-12k this month. Not bad for mid stakes, lol. Going to ad a few more sites for better game selection within a few weeks and hopefully that will translate into me being able to post a few good months in a row. I really, really want to win a ton of money the next year or two so I can buy a really nice house somewhere decent without having to take a loan.

I'll also take the time to evaluate my stats and crap like that at some point, but I'm far to busy so I'm looking at the last week of the month or so to take a look at that.

Gold and silver stocks

My investments are going so-so. Gold and silver went higher on the fiscal cliff deal and then it sunk worse then stones (which is natural, gold is heavy!) when the FED started talking about ending QE. Ending QE is obviously a bluff, they simply can't do it since no one else would want to pick up the slack.

Going to put up a huge blog post about the stocks and the stock market at some point, but like I said before I'm a little busy with some rake race and other things right now.

Invicia FC 4 – watched it all while playing poker

Van Saint vs Torres

Some scrappy stuff

Namajunas vs Kagan

GREAT FIGHT! So much fun. Never understood why girls should have long legs. Models looks stupid with them. Now I get it, they're for sick-ass triangles! Could hear Pat Berry in Namajunas corner, he's emotional. He's fun, great fun.

Calderwood vs Von Plattenwood

I like Calderwood a lot and I've said that before. Fairly fun, if somewhat one-sided, fight with great comments by Mo, Kedzie and Bas. All of them was really good.

Leslie Smith vs someone

Female Diaz, lol

Overall I think it was their best card so far. Really impressed.

Oh, and I sent 1k CAD to Nation's Cry, it was really easy and such. Will try to write something cool about them at some point too.

Let's end with some music:

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 Last edit: 07/01/2013 06:07

longple    Sweden. Jan 07 2013 06:40. Posts 4472

im gonna apply my dotaroll irl aswell, need to go to the gym more often, farm som muscles, farm some ladys and then go rampage either owning up life in general, or kill people left and right.

rush is good shit

iop   Sweden. Jan 07 2013 10:38. Posts 4951


Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

2c0ntent   Egypt. Jan 07 2013 13:53. Posts 1387

The do shit guy is definitely a real thing!

Gold and silver stocks

My investments are going so-so. Gold and silver went higher on the fiscal cliff deal and then it sunk worse then stones (which is natural, gold is heavy!) when the FED started talking about ending QE. Ending QE is obviously a bluff, they simply can't do it since no one else would want to pick up the slack.

Going to put up a huge blog post about the stocks and the stock market at some point, but like I said before I'm a little busy with some rake race and other things right now.

I've recently selected gold as part of an effort to diversify my nestegg among various stores of value (instead of just holding it in cash). The aggressive portion of my portfolio is long gold in both directions (via options), though. I think there is a big big chance that gold will suddenly lose a large amount of price (vs the dollar at least..).

Also roflballs @ using such powerful adjectives for ~3% changes in price. Just because the dipshit media does...

Ending QE is obviously a bluff, they simply can't do it since no one else would want to pick up the slack.

It looks like Japan is about to go batshit crazy with QE. They've just had a bit of a "regime" change (Liberal Democratic Party representative has been elected Prime Minister, replacing a relatively more conservative administration). Apparently the biggest part of the LDP's platform was.. literally... to generate inflation via QE and such. I don't know enough to say whether that might help provide room for the US to ease off. I'm just wary of saying, "no one else would want to pick up the slack." when other big economic actors really don't have to be thinking of it that way at all..

(little background on Japan: basically stagnant GDP growth between like ~1970 and 2012, they have had one of the more conservative Central Bank Policies up until just now.)

Patiently looking forward to the stock-centric post.

+-Last edit: 07/01/2013 14:01

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Jan 07 2013 14:26. Posts 8623

Yea it'd be fun, but let's talk other big actors:

China: They buy tons and tons of gold and already have a lot of Dollar exposure. They do have a history of trying to keep their currency cheap by strengthening the dollar but for how long will they be A, Able and B, Willing to do this? They're already working actively to make sure that a larger part of the world trade is done in non-USD. Obviously they like how their currency is cheap but it's an either/or-situation. Either they keep a currency war going, which is great for gold, or they let the USD fall, which is also great for gold. Not really concerned. They're also buying up miners and natural resources around the world.

Japan: New guy is batshit, and he'll destroy their currency even faster then the dollar. Even more reason for Japanese people to try to conserve value by buying Gold, I read somewhere that one or two of their pension funds already started. Huge bullish news for Gold that he won. Also, I'm fairly sure that Japan has been financing stuff with debt for a long-long time. As far as I know they're probably one of the most fucked countries in the world as far as their economy goes. The big difference between them and other countries seems to have been the fact that their debt is held by the people rather then other nations, but still.

Then we have a bunch of other countries but it seem like most is either to broke or not willing to buy US treasuries. The demand just isn't there.

2c0ntent   Egypt. Jan 07 2013 15:21. Posts 1387

  On January 07 2013 13:26 DustySwedeDude wrote:
China: They buy tons and tons of gold and already have a lot of Dollar exposure. They do have a history of trying to keep their currency cheap by strengthening the dollar but for how long will they be A, Able and B, Willing to do this? They're already working actively to make sure that a larger part of the world trade is done in non-USD. Obviously they like how their currency is cheap but it's an either/or-situation. Either they keep a currency war going, which is great for gold, or they let the USD fall, which is also great for gold. Not really concerned. They're also buying up miners and natural resources around the world.

First I'll note that in my gut I'm always "long gold" because its remained the true "world currency" across many cultures throughout history. That's why I'm starting my tiny tiny nest egg by lining it with gold

I've been looking at a lot of historical graphs of various currencies, commodities, and various economic indices. I started to get a feeling that the time period of the 2008 financial crisis was looking just as much like an explosion in the value of the dollar as it was anything else. If you consider the reaction of the United States Government (in isolation), it is in-line with trying to cause inflationary pressures on the USD. The price of gold in USD vaguely corroborates the story -- the incredible 2-decade Gold bull market was at least slowed down for a moment as the price traveled horizontally. I also noticed that the Hong Kong MCSI China Top 50 Companies Index (mirrored via ticker "EWH" for American exchanges) actually crashed by a larger % than the US indices. Therefore there may have been an enormous dollar valuation underlying the crisis. I know that there are a lot of other reasons that point to the opposite case, this is just an outlining of my intuitive reasoning that all may not be as it seems, and it could be worthwhile to strongly hedge my long positions in Gold.
(spent some money on a short position in EWH and will continue to do so as appropriate)

I also learned that like 30%++(?) of yearly gold production is used immediately in Jewelry. I'd imagine that source of Gold demand could drop during a crisis.. and that's a pretty hefty chunk of ongoing production.

Japan: New guy is batshit, and he'll destroy their currency even faster then the dollar. Even more reason for Japanese people to try to conserve value by buying Gold, I read somewhere that one or two of their pension funds already started. Huge bullish news for Gold that he won. Also, I'm fairly sure that Japan has been financing stuff with debt for a long-long time. As far as I know they're probably one of the most fucked countries in the world as far as their economy goes. The big difference between them and other countries seems to have been the fact that their debt is held by the people rather then other nations, but still.

Then we have a bunch of other countries but it seem like most is either to broke or not willing to buy US treasuries. The demand just isn't there.

I agree about Japan's short term situation with the Yen and Gold with the caveat that its most directly a good thing for yen-gold rather than usd or euro-gold. One thing I've picked up lately is that even though we have a lot of reasons that "Gold will gain in value", it doesn't exactly translate to profits for us in our numeraire (native currency). This mistake arises because it is easy to accidentally platonify the gold market into "currencies vs gold" instead of "my investment currency vs gold" via the comically naive Efficient Market Hypothesis that so many of us have been confused with by Academia.

How do you go about investing btw? Do you invest exclusively on American exchanges, or also Swedish ones?

+-Last edit: 07/01/2013 15:46

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Jan 07 2013 15:46. Posts 8623

Swedish and Canadian, don't want shit to do with the USD.

Rest I'll save my comments on for later.

nlloser60   . Jan 07 2013 16:18. Posts 304

If you are investing in gold you know you probably should be moving from ETFs/paper gold towards physical gold. On another note, investing in gold mines etc. is obviously not investing in gold per se imho. It's investing in a company more than not. I haven't read carefully your previous blog posts but I get the impression ppl might be confused and think investing in goldmines etc. = investing in gold. I'd also make sure ppl understand paper gold =/= gold . GL .

 Last edit: 07/01/2013 16:18

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Jan 07 2013 16:49. Posts 8623

yea I don't play with paper gold (might try to trade it at some point but don't think so). I own some miners and soon a little bit of phys.

Yea ETFs can be shady.

sir_   Estonia. Jan 07 2013 16:53. Posts 128

dusty delivered again, good post

chicken salad out of chicken shit  

PuertoRican   United States. Jan 07 2013 17:35. Posts 13097

Tecia Torres is a badass bitch. The fight vs. Paige VanZant was only her 2nd pro fight.

Her first fight in Invicta FC was one of my favorite fights on that card, you can see it below:


Rose Namajunas is a sicko. She's known for her striking skills, mostly her kicks. Her opponent probably knew this, and decided to clinch with her right away, but little did she or I know, Namajunas has some decent grappling skills.

I love that her nickname is "thug," and that she was so emotional after her win and was bouncing up and down when they played her song, just like a true thug.


Calderwood has only been fighting for 1 year, I can't wait until she gets comfortable in the cage and lets everything flow more freely. Right now, she's stiff and is owning her opponents because they're non-wrestlers who aren't as good as her at striking.

Calderwood was offered the title fight vs. Carla Esparza on 8 days notice, but her coaches turned it down, probably because they knew she couldn't take Esparza on at this moment, which was very smart of them to protect her. Calderwood wasn't aware of this until she woke up and read the MMA forums and then got a call or something from her coach.

Someone on Sherdog called her "Calderson Silva."


Leslie Smith is another badass bitch. I hope she can get her boxing in order though, because she's winning this fights on pure aggression and better gas tank. Her past two opponents were better strikers than she is.

Also, Smith is on team Caesar Gracie, in case you didn't know. As is Alexis Davis.

Rekrul is a newbLast edit: 07/01/2013 17:47

hiems   United States. Jan 07 2013 18:28. Posts 2979

  On January 07 2013 09:38 iop wrote:

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

thewh00sel    United States. Jan 07 2013 23:34. Posts 2734

Nice post, yeah I bought some gold/silver right before the recent dip and now downswing @ poker means I can't swoop any more up at current levels. Still pretty to look at though. Going to do a write-up about December and last year soon, but the time just slips away. Glad to see you're doing well @ poker again though.

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

nolan   Ireland. Jan 07 2013 23:52. Posts 6205

hey dusty

rush is an awesome band.

also, what are your thoughts on the wild swedish bank shootout

your fan,


On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid 

tomson    Poland. Jan 08 2013 00:05. Posts 1982

Awesome results. Do you only play PLO?

Peace of mind cant be bought. 


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