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My life is a ****ing mess!

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xicotaSLB   Portugal. Apr 24 2013 18:02. Posts 1128
hi, some of you may know me i´ve been playing poker on and off, and in the past months i didnt dedicate anytime to it, im 22 no college degree living in parents house and i do 0 for a living, my days are in front of the pc playing LoL and sc2 waiting for the day to go visit my (ex)-gf who lives 200km apart. and there i do the same... since i spend almost no money and had some from poker i didnt have any worrys, heres the thing, she broke up with me for that and many other reasons... i know i wont get my first love back thats not the point here, the point is what should i do now? im depressed and i just dont see myself getting a degree and working the office 9/5 thingy... in september i want to try and join aircraft maintenance but there is still a long time to go, i feel like this is my shot to get shit together, should i try poker again?? (never got past nl100)

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another nit   Canada. Apr 24 2013 18:10. Posts 38

you should quit being a needy bitch and get your life together before you even consider poker. looks like you cant even handle life itself how you going to handle the swings that poker brings?

julep   Australia. Apr 24 2013 18:14. Posts 1274

freshen up your image and try getting a job in a bar/nightclub. get you out and meeting people. the worst thing to do is to stay at home alone all the time

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 24 2013 18:19. Posts 15163

Listen to some motivational crap e.g. from Brian Tracy or Zig Ziglar always helps me, just torrent "success party pack"

trust me ur 22 no big deal just enjoy life

93% Sure! Last edit: 24/04/2013 18:20

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 24 2013 18:20. Posts 4946

  On April 24 2013 17:02 xicotaSLB wrote:
since i spend almost no money and had some from poker i didnt have any worrys

But you do have worries:

1) You have almost no monies
2) You're 22 and you live at home
3) You play video games all day
4) You're depressed
5) Your girlfriend is a cunt
6) You're a loser

Working a 9/5 job isnt bad if it's something you like to do. Poker is also a job, not just lala party fun time. And plenty of people dont even like to play poker full time. So find your interests, and see how you can make money at it. If it's poker fine whatever, but do something. A man needs occupation so as not to become a nuisance to the world.

bye now 

xicotaSLB   Portugal. Apr 24 2013 18:20. Posts 1128

my life needs to have a goal, i need a new motivation, before shit went down i just wanted to spend time with her now i feel i have to do stuff for myself, im going to the gym now, but that is not a goal that is only to make me get through this.

xicotaSLB   Portugal. Apr 24 2013 18:26. Posts 1128

i was a loser when i was with her, and then i wanted to stay a loser, now i dont, maybe its for the best that she broke up, i want to be that guy who looks back and says (thank god i opened my eyes after the breakup)

Maome666   Brasil. Apr 24 2013 18:28. Posts 156

stop talking and go do what you have to do

ktp   United States. Apr 24 2013 18:32. Posts 48

Your life isnt shit. Work on your health (mental/physical) and everything will be ok.

Arirang   Canada. Apr 24 2013 18:34. Posts 1673

welp this sounds like me.

except I went back to school. I don't know man, I'm not in any better shape than you are. But good luck.

xicotaSLB   Portugal. Apr 24 2013 18:38. Posts 1128

i am working on it, joined a gym my friend attends, mentally is kinda harder since i am very introvert, not many friends only like 3-4.. any ideas guys?

edit: i dont play video games since she broke up 6 days ago, i am trying to get back on poker though mostly to get my mind of her, surprinsingly i am not tilting one bit... maybe its because now i dont give a shit about winning or losing and only want to get better.

 Last edit: 24/04/2013 18:42

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 24 2013 18:46. Posts 15163

  On April 24 2013 17:38 xicotaSLB wrote:
i am working on it, joined a gym my friend attends, mentally is kinda harder since i am very introvert, not many friends only like 3-4.. any ideas guys?

I had the same problem, I was living in Scotland for 5 years and didn't even properly know the language, my attitude was down and had no work ethic.
So I went into sales, first making 50 phone calls then speaking to 80 people face to face every single day. Pure commission lots a ups and downs but now the social awkwardness and lack of goals is pretty much gone

I actually took a break from my job cause product was shit but the 1year experience when you have to push yourself into making social contact or you die was invaluable

93% Sure!  

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 24 2013 18:47. Posts 15163

also for the chick, one word: Rebound.

93% Sure!  

johnmagi   Norway. Apr 24 2013 18:48. Posts 1424

Try to ask your friend if he can introduce you to other people. Meet up with people, go to the libary, cafe, whatever.. Just do things! In the start its not to much about what you do I think, just do things and try to meet other people Not to find a new girlfriend or whatever, but to be social and talk, it will get your mind going again

xicotaSLB   Portugal. Apr 24 2013 18:51. Posts 1128

wow thats a nice story, i remember now when my uncle told me exactly that, he was like i was (i was a lot worse before, im still really bad so he noticed), and is story is just like yours, maybe i should try that, thanks.

xicotaSLB   Portugal. Apr 24 2013 18:56. Posts 1128

what do you mean by that term rebound? that i should get a girl or that she is in a rebound relationship? i know for a fact she is in one, i was her first true love (2 years together) and the night after she dumped me she was with a guy who i think she still is..

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 24 2013 18:58. Posts 15163

Ye I broke up with my asian (brag) ex after 4 years. It helps to get a rebound relationship, they never last but helps you forget and get perspective that the ex isn't the only one, helped me a lot too since I felt liek I'll die alone after I broke up with my ex.

Also if not sales just find a local charity shop or a volunteer project you can take part in.

Sitting down in the morning and writing down a list of things you'd like to do (very small) that day with a tickbox next to them helps with motivation a ton. Even if the task is to sit for 30 minutes and write random stuff you want in life the days where you set yourself some simple tasks to accomplish will feel like a lot less wasted than the days when you just wing it.

Start very small, like read 20 minutes of a book and go for 30 minute walk and that's it. play games waste your day etc. just make sure you do those small things. Then start adding more and more, and you can always plan your day depending on how you feel. e.g. when I'm hangover I put down stuff I can finish in 3 hours and when I'm at my peak I'll have shitloads of tasks that will take my full day. Here's an example after today, the win and smiley face is because I did it all

93% Sure! Last edit: 24/04/2013 19:05

xicotaSLB   Portugal. Apr 24 2013 19:08. Posts 1128

my ex and me were best friends for years (i am the only one she told she got raped... sad story just an example of trust), we just treated each other poorly after we were BFs (i kinda cheated on her 4 months ago she forgave but never forgot..), i dont see myself loving another person for sometime, but yeah i feel that urge to connect to girls to try and mask the pain, i just thought it was a bad idea since after that ends i would go back to square one, i am wrong apparently..

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 24 2013 19:10. Posts 15163

I dunno thing is with rebounds it's just that. I actually made it clear and my rebound girl was the same as she was leaving soon so win win :D
Most people tell me rebounds never work out anyway

93% Sure!  

TheTrees   United States. Apr 24 2013 19:34. Posts 1592

  On April 24 2013 17:02 xicotaSLB wrote:
hi, some of you may know me i´ve been playing poker on and off, and in the past months i didnt dedicate anytime to it, im 22 no college degree living in parents house and i do 0 for a living, my days are in front of the pc playing LoL and sc2 waiting for the day to go visit my (ex)-gf who lives 200km apart. and there i do the same... since i spend almost no money and had some from poker i didnt have any worrys, heres the thing, she broke up with me for that and many other reasons... i know i wont get my first love back thats not the point here, the point is what should i do now? im depressed and i just dont see myself getting a degree and working the office 9/5 thingy... in september i want to try and join aircraft maintenance but there is still a long time to go, i feel like this is my shot to get shit together, should i try poker again?? (never got past nl100)

It's called ditch the video games and grow up.

That's reality. No one is going to come and magically help you. I'm sure you have a million excuses for why stuff hasn't panned out (i.e. poker). Bottom line is that you're responsible for your own life. You know what you have to do to improve yourself, but you don't have the will to change.

Seriously, step one is to delete every video game. Step two depends on your personal goals. Which you may need to sit down and figure out what you actually want to do with your life.

 Last edit: 24/04/2013 19:34


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