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MARSHALL28   United States. May 01 2013 18:04. Posts 1897
April definitely went much better than March. I didn't play that much, only got in around 40 hours and got in about 10-12k hands. Finished up ~+$45k or so. NL has been kinda boring for me lately and not particularly challenging so I signed up for runitonce and have been studying a bunch of PLO lately. I'm still not very good at it but I need to be more intellectually stimulated by the games I'm playing otherwise it just gets too boring for me and leads to burnout. It's definitely fun to be learning about all the different types of spots though.

Here's a few interesting hands I played last month...
Seat 3: Schleprock ($1,401)
Seat 4: Lu1if3r666 ($1,000)
Seat 5: fastbreak10 ($2,010.50)
Button is seat 4
fastbreak10: posts small blind $5
Schleprock: posts big blind $10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Th Ks]
Lu1if3r666: raises $30
fastbreak10: raises $85
Schleprock: folds
Lu1if3r666: calls $60
*** FLOP *** [Kd Qs 6s]
fastbreak10: bets $90
Lu1if3r666: calls $90
*** TURN *** [Kd Qs 6s] 3c
fastbreak10: bets $190
Lu1if3r666: calls $190
*** RIVER *** [Kd Qs 6s] 3c 4h
fastbreak10: checks
Lu1if3r666: raises all-in $630
fastbreak10: calls $630
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $2,008.50 | Rake: $1.50 | BBJ: $0 |
Board: [Kd Qs 6s 3c 4h]
Seat 3: Schleprock lost -$10
Seat 4: Lu1if3r666 lost -$1,000 [Jc Ac]
Seat 5: fastbreak10 won $2,008.50 (+$1,008.50) [Th Ks]

Seat 2: Lu1if3r666 ($1,664.77)
Seat 3: 3xKrazy ($1,155.25)
Seat 4: thesl1ceman ($1,172)
Seat 5: fastbreak10 ($1,270.75)
Seat 6: Mayland long ($1,264.83)
Button is seat 2
3xKrazy: posts small blind $5
thesl1ceman: posts big blind $10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Tc 9c]
fastbreak10: raises $30
Mayland long: folds
Lu1if3r666: calls $30
3xKrazy: folds
thesl1ceman: folds
*** FLOP *** [Js Qh Kd]
fastbreak10: bets $50
Lu1if3r666: calls $50
*** TURN *** [Js Qh Kd] 6s
fastbreak10: bets $120
Lu1if3r666: calls $120
*** RIVER *** [Js Qh Kd] 6s 8h
fastbreak10: bets $680
Lu1if3r666: calls $680
Lu1if3r666: mucks
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $1,772.50 | Rake: $2 | BBJ: $0.50 |
Board: [Js Qh Kd 6s 8h]
Seat 2: Lu1if3r666 lost -$880
Seat 3: 3xKrazy lost -$5
Seat 4: thesl1ceman lost -$10
Seat 5: fastbreak10 won $1,772.50 (+$892.50) [Tc 9c]
Seat 6: Mayland long didn't bet

Seat 3: Schleprock ($1,212)
Seat 4: Lu1if3r666 ($1,743.50)
Seat 6: fastbreak10 ($1,722)
Button is seat 4
fastbreak10: posts small blind $5
Schleprock: posts big blind $10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Js Ts]
Lu1if3r666: raises $20
fastbreak10: raises $75
Schleprock: folds
Lu1if3r666: raises $190
fastbreak10: calls $130
*** FLOP *** [5c 5d Jh]
fastbreak10: checks
Lu1if3r666: bets $175
fastbreak10: calls $175
*** TURN *** [5c 5d Jh] 3h
fastbreak10: checks
Lu1if3r666: bets $310
fastbreak10: calls $310
*** RIVER *** [5c 5d Jh] 3h 7s
fastbreak10: checks
Lu1if3r666: checks
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $1,398.50 | Rake: $1.50 | BBJ: $0 |
Board: [5c 5d Jh 3h 7s]
Seat 3: Schleprock lost -$10
Seat 4: Lu1if3r666 lost -$695 [Ad 8c]
Seat 6: fastbreak10 won $1,398.50 (+$703.50) [Js Ts]

Seat 1: bibi777 ($604.75)
Seat 2: WhosGotItBetter ($1,719.50)
Seat 3: fastbreak10 ($1,249.50)
Seat 4: twinning2 ($1,182)
Seat 5: Milwaukee2 ($1,000)
Seat 6: Tcrowley ($2,211.41)
Button is seat 3
twinning2: posts small blind $5
Milwaukee2: posts big blind $10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Jh Jd]
Tcrowley: folds
bibi777: folds
WhosGotItBetter: folds
fastbreak10: raises $20
twinning2: raises $75
Milwaukee2: folds
fastbreak10: calls $60
*** FLOP *** [2h Kd Kh]
twinning2: bets $110
fastbreak10: calls $110
*** TURN *** [2h Kd Kh] 8d
twinning2: bets $260
fastbreak10: calls $260
*** RIVER *** [2h Kd Kh] 8d 2c
twinning2: checks
fastbreak10: bets $220
twinning2: calls $220
twinning2: mucks
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $1,346.50 | Rake: $3 | BBJ: $0.50 |
Board: [2h Kd Kh 8d 2c]
Seat 1: bibi777 didn't bet
Seat 2: WhosGotItBetter didn't bet
Seat 3: fastbreak10 won $1,346.50 (+$676.50) [Jh Jd]
Seat 4: twinning2 lost -$670
Seat 5: Milwaukee2 lost -$10
Seat 6: Tcrowley didn't bet

Seat 3: Schleprock ($1,000)
Seat 4: Lu1if3r666 ($1,143.50)
Seat 6: fastbreak10 ($1,092)
Button is seat 4
fastbreak10: posts small blind $5
Schleprock: posts big blind $10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Ac 2c]
Lu1if3r666: raises $20
fastbreak10: raises $65
Schleprock: folds
Lu1if3r666: calls $50
*** FLOP *** [3c 7c 4h]
fastbreak10: bets $70
Lu1if3r666: calls $70
*** TURN *** [3c 7c 4h] 3d
fastbreak10: checks
Lu1if3r666: bets $190
fastbreak10: calls $190
*** RIVER *** [3c 7c 4h] 3d 8c
fastbreak10: checks
Lu1if3r666: raises all-in $813.50
fastbreak10: raises all-in $762
Lu1if3r666: pulls back uncalled bet $51.50
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $2,192.50 | Rake: $1.50 | BBJ: $0 |
Board: [3c 7c 4h 3d 8c]
Seat 3: Schleprock lost -$10
Seat 4: Lu1if3r666 won $2,192.50 (+$1,100.50) [4c 4s]
Seat 6: fastbreak10 lost -$1,092 [Ac 2c]

Seat 1: flowerchild ($1,039.26)
Seat 2: fastbreak10 ($739.21)
Seat 3: charityfund ($501.10)
Seat 4: cypruschild ($1,044.20)
Button is seat 4
flowerchild: posts small blind $2
fastbreak10: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Kc Kh]
charityfund: folds
cypruschild: raises $8
flowerchild: calls $6
fastbreak10: raises $32
cypruschild: folds
flowerchild: calls $28
*** FLOP *** [3c 4d 6h]
flowerchild: checks
fastbreak10: bets $40
flowerchild: calls $40
*** TURN *** [3c 4d 6h] Qs
flowerchild: checks
fastbreak10: bets $108
flowerchild: raises $225
fastbreak10: calls $117
*** RIVER *** [3c 4d 6h] Qs 9s
flowerchild: bets $607.50
fastbreak10: raises all-in $438.21
flowerchild: pulls back uncalled bet $169.29
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $1,483.92 | Rake: $2 | BBJ: $0.50 |
Board: [3c 4d 6h Qs 9s]
Seat 1: flowerchild lost -$739.21 [6d Ad]
Seat 2: fastbreak10 won $1,483.92 (+$744.71) [Kc Kh]
Seat 3: charityfund didn't bet
Seat 4: cypruschild lost -$8

Seat 1: flowerchild ($412)
Seat 2: fastbreak10 ($1,206.16)
Seat 3: 3xKrazy ($410)
Seat 6: Sm3ag0l ($985.26)
Button is seat 6
flowerchild: posts small blind $2
fastbreak10: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Kd Kc]
3xKrazy: folds
Sm3ag0l: folds
flowerchild: raises $10
fastbreak10: raises $28
flowerchild: raises $64
fastbreak10: calls $44
*** FLOP *** [9s 8c 2d]
flowerchild: bets $66
fastbreak10: calls $66
*** TURN *** [9s 8c 2d] Ah
flowerchild: raises all-in $270
fastbreak10: calls $270
*** RIVER *** [9s 8c 2d] Ah 4c
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $821.50 | Rake: $2 | BBJ: $0.50 |
Board: [9s 8c 2d Ah 4c]
Seat 1: flowerchild lost -$412 [Qd Qc]
Seat 2: fastbreak10 won $821.50 (+$409.50) [Kd Kc]
Seat 3: 3xKrazy didn't bet
Seat 6: Sm3ag0l didn't bet

Seat 2: cypruschild ($408)
Seat 4: fastbreak10 ($400)
Seat 5: 3xKrazy ($1,534.22)
Button is seat 2
fastbreak10: posts small blind $2
3xKrazy: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Js As]
cypruschild: raises $8
fastbreak10: raises $30
3xKrazy: raises $68
cypruschild: folds
fastbreak10: calls $40
*** FLOP *** [5h 6c Jh]
fastbreak10: checks
3xKrazy: bets $48
fastbreak10: calls $48
*** TURN *** [5h 6c Jh] 2h
fastbreak10: checks
3xKrazy: bets $76
fastbreak10: calls $76
*** RIVER *** [5h 6c Jh] 2h 8d
fastbreak10: checks
3xKrazy: bets $398.50
fastbreak10: raises all-in $204
3xKrazy: pulls back uncalled bet $194.50
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $806.50 | Rake: $1.50 | BBJ: $0 |
Board: [5h 6c Jh 2h 8d]
Seat 2: cypruschild lost -$8
Seat 4: fastbreak10 won $806.50 (+$406.50) [Js As]
Seat 5: 3xKrazy lost -$400 [Kc Qh]

eat 3: noamchomsky ($436)
Seat 4: 20kperday ($925.20)
Seat 5: 3xKrazy ($635.22)
Seat 6: fastbreak10 ($400)
Button is seat 4
3xKrazy: posts small blind $2
fastbreak10: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [9c Ks]
noamchomsky: folds
20kperday: raises $8
3xKrazy: folds
fastbreak10: raises $28
20kperday: calls $24
*** FLOP *** [3s 5d Jh]
fastbreak10: bets $36
20kperday: raises $72
fastbreak10: calls $36
*** TURN *** [3s 5d Jh] Kh
fastbreak10: checks
20kperday: checks
*** RIVER *** [3s 5d Jh] Kh 9d
fastbreak10: raises all-in $296
20kperday: calls $296
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $799.50 | Rake: $2 | BBJ: $0.50 |
Board: [3s 5d Jh Kh 9d]
Seat 3: noamchomsky didn't bet
Seat 4: 20kperday lost -$400 [7c 7d]
Seat 5: 3xKrazy lost -$2
Seat 6: fastbreak10 won $799.50 (+$399.50) [9c Ks]

Seat 1: flowerchild ($1,144.87)
Seat 2: fastbreak10 ($500.30)
Seat 3: charityfund ($400)
Seat 4: cypruschild ($897.50)
Button is seat 4
flowerchild: posts small blind $2
fastbreak10: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [8h 7h]
charityfund: raises $12
cypruschild: folds
flowerchild: folds
fastbreak10: raises $40
charityfund: calls $32
*** FLOP *** [7s 2d 3d]
fastbreak10: bets $32
charityfund: calls $32
*** TURN *** [7s 2d 3d] 5s
fastbreak10: bets $64
charityfund: calls $64
*** RIVER *** [7s 2d 3d] 5s 9h
fastbreak10: bets $108
charityfund: raises all-in $260
fastbreak10: calls $152
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $799.50 | Rake: $2 | BBJ: $0.50 |
Board: [7s 2d 3d 5s 9h]
Seat 1: flowerchild lost -$2
Seat 2: fastbreak10 won $799.50 (+$399.50) [8h 7h]
Seat 3: charityfund lost -$400 [Jd Qd]
Seat 4: cypruschild didn't bet

eat 1: flowerchild ($1,263.70)
Seat 3: fastbreak10 ($549.70)
Seat 4: charityfund ($564)
Seat 5: gadolparah ($404)
Button is seat 5
flowerchild: posts small blind $2
fastbreak10: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Ad 8d]
charityfund: raises $12
gadolparah: folds
flowerchild: folds
fastbreak10: raises $36
charityfund: calls $28
*** FLOP *** [Jd 7c 6s]
fastbreak10: bets $40
charityfund: calls $40
*** TURN *** [Jd 7c 6s] Qd
fastbreak10: bets $104
charityfund: calls $104
*** RIVER *** [Jd 7c 6s] Qd 4c
fastbreak10: raises all-in $365.70
charityfund: calls $365.70
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $1,098.90 | Rake: $2 | BBJ: $0.50 |
Board: [Jd 7c 6s Qd 4c]
Seat 1: flowerchild lost -$2
Seat 3: fastbreak10 lost -$549.70 [Ad 8d]
Seat 4: charityfund won $1,098.90 (+$549.20) [6h 6d]
Seat 5: gadolparah didn't bet

Seat 3: noamchomsky ($442)
Seat 4: 20kperday ($511.70)
Seat 5: 3xKrazy ($607.72)
Seat 6: fastbreak10 ($400)
Button is seat 5
fastbreak10: posts small blind $2
noamchomsky: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Jd As]
20kperday: raises $12
3xKrazy: calls $12
fastbreak10: raises $46
noamchomsky: folds
20kperday: calls $36
3xKrazy: folds
*** FLOP *** [5h 9c Ts]
fastbreak10: bets $44
20kperday: raises $88
fastbreak10: calls $44
*** TURN *** [5h 9c Ts] 2c
fastbreak10: checks
20kperday: bets $96
fastbreak10: calls $96
*** RIVER *** [5h 9c Ts] 2c Jh
fastbreak10: raises all-in $168
20kperday: calls $168
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $813.50 | Rake: $2 | BBJ: $0.50 |
Board: [5h 9c Ts 2c Jh]
Seat 3: noamchomsky lost -$4
Seat 4: 20kperday won $813.50 (+$413.50) [Qh Kd]
Seat 5: 3xKrazy lost -$12
Seat 6: fastbreak10 lost -$400 [Jd As]

eat 1: flowerchild ($1,123.40)
Seat 2: Pescado Grande ($448)
Seat 3: fastbreak10 ($583)
Seat 4: charityfund ($1,098.80)
Seat 5: WhosGotItBetter ($442.50)
Seat 6: hillbillybob ($126.50)
Button is seat 1
Pescado Grande: posts small blind $2
fastbreak10: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [9d 8h]
charityfund: folds
WhosGotItBetter: folds
hillbillybob: folds
flowerchild: raises $8
Pescado Grande: folds
fastbreak10: calls $4
*** FLOP *** [Ts Tc Qh]
fastbreak10: checks
flowerchild: bets $11.06
fastbreak10: calls $11.06
*** TURN *** [Ts Tc Qh] 6c
fastbreak10: checks
flowerchild: bets $27.50
fastbreak10: raises $92
flowerchild: calls $64.50
*** RIVER *** [Ts Tc Qh] 6c Ah
fastbreak10: bets $148
flowerchild: calls $148
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $516.62 | Rake: $3 | BBJ: $0.50 |
Board: [Ts Tc Qh 6c Ah]
Seat 1: flowerchild won $516.62 (+$257.56) [2h Th]
Seat 2: Pescado Grande lost -$2
Seat 3: fastbreak10 lost -$259.06 [9d 8h]
Seat 4: charityfund didn't bet
Seat 5: WhosGotItBetter didn't bet
Seat 6: hillbillybob didn't bet

eat 1: JumboKittens ($942.33)
Seat 2: fastbreak10 ($764)
Button is seat 2
fastbreak10: posts small blind $3
JumboKittens: posts big blind $6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Th 5h]
fastbreak10: raises $9
JumboKittens: raises $42
fastbreak10: calls $36
*** FLOP *** [Kc Jc 3s]
JumboKittens: checks
fastbreak10: bets $54
JumboKittens: calls $54
*** TURN *** [Kc Jc 3s] 9c
JumboKittens: checks
fastbreak10: bets $144
JumboKittens: calls $144
*** RIVER *** [Kc Jc 3s] 9c 4h
JumboKittens: checks
fastbreak10: bets $324
JumboKittens: folds
fastbreak10: pulls back uncalled bet $324
fastbreak10: mucks
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $491 | Rake: $1 |
Board: [Kc Jc 3s 9c 4h]
Seat 1: JumboKittens lost -$246
Seat 2: fastbreak10 won $491 (+$245)

Seat 1: JumboKittens ($728)
Seat 2: fastbreak10 ($600)
Button is seat 2
fastbreak10: posts small blind $3
JumboKittens: posts big blind $6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [Qd Kh]
fastbreak10: raises $9
JumboKittens: raises $42
fastbreak10: calls $36
*** FLOP *** [2s 4h Kd]
JumboKittens: bets $48
fastbreak10: calls $48
*** TURN *** [2s 4h Kd] 4s
JumboKittens: checks
fastbreak10: checks
*** RIVER *** [2s 4h Kd] 4s 9d
JumboKittens: bets $126
fastbreak10: calls $126
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $443 | Rake: $1 |
Board: [2s 4h Kd 4s 9d]
Seat 1: JumboKittens lost -$222 [3c 5s]
Seat 2: fastbreak10 won $443 (+$221) [Qd Kh]

Seat 1: JumboKittens ($682)
Seat 2: fastbreak10 ($1,397.67)
Button is seat 1
JumboKittens: posts small blind $3
fastbreak10: posts big blind $6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
fastbreak10: dealt [8d Qc]
JumboKittens: raises $9
fastbreak10: calls $6
*** FLOP *** [Ts Kc Js]
fastbreak10: checks
JumboKittens: bets $18
fastbreak10: raises $60
JumboKittens: calls $42
*** TURN *** [Ts Kc Js] 7h
fastbreak10: bets $120
JumboKittens: calls $120
*** RIVER *** [Ts Kc Js] 7h 5d
fastbreak10: bets $312
JumboKittens: folds
fastbreak10: pulls back uncalled bet $312
fastbreak10: mucks
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $383 | Rake: $1 |
Board: [Ts Kc Js 7h 5d]
Seat 1: JumboKittens lost -$192
Seat 2: fastbreak10 won $383 (+$191)

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Mariuslol   Norway. May 01 2013 18:47. Posts 4742

Mm lots of hands yay

TheTrees   United States. May 01 2013 19:08. Posts 1592

[ ] readability

Technics   Bulgaria. May 02 2013 04:43. Posts 541

Interesting hands - _ - ;

Enjoy the game 

wzzuphomo   Belarus. May 02 2013 08:30. Posts 12


TTomass   United States. May 02 2013 12:53. Posts 84

thx for posting hands


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