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May/PLO/move to vancouver

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MARSHALL28   United States. May 28 2013 19:20. Posts 1897
So I've been focusing heavily lately on improving my PLO game. I've attempted to get a little better here and there in the past but this time I'm really putting everything I've got into it this time around. I figured you guys would be interested in my studying regimen and how I go about trying to reach my goals.

Essentially my plan is to (finally) move out of the US after this summer to be able to play on stars. If the games are good enough on I shouldn't have to move, so just hoping that turns into something.

The first thing I did was get in contact with the strongest player I could find who is currently coaching. That was Brian Hastings. I've always found that I improved the most after taking the time to learn from some very smart players. Most notably on that list ATM would be Aaron Jones and Scott Augustine. Without those two guys I might still be struggling to beat mid stakes 6max. So anyways I paid Brian 10k for 20 hours, which we are supposed to start relatively soon.

The next thing I did was sign up a membership with If you are a PLO player it's pretty crucial to have a membership there.

These are things anybody could and should do, the rest has to do with the best way you learn personally. I know a lot of guys who are able to mass multi table and get in tons and tons of hands and end up just learning by getting in lots of volume. I'm not one of those people, I'd guess most guys aren't like that. The thing is, if I play tens of thousands of hands in a short span of time I'm not able to think about individual hands so much or have enough time in game to actually consider all my options. I do a lot of my learning while in the middle of a hand just by sitting there and thinking about it, so what I want to do is never play more than 4 tables and keep all my sessions relatively short (about 1 hour, never more than 2). So the time I spend is basically divied up like this:

play 1 hour session-->
take ten minute break-->
review session-->
watch 1 video-->
take ten minute break-->
spend 30 minutes posting/reading whatever forums I can find-->
then repeat it all over again.

I've been doing this about 8 hours a day, 4-5 days a week for the last 3 weeks. I've already improved quite a significant amount. At first I would feel really lost trying to post on the forums not sure what to do in a lot of spots, whenever I'm really unclear as to what to do I try to think what questions I need answered in order to figure out what the correct response would be. This is where I struggle a lot, but once I figure out what those questions I need to be asking are, that's where I find I am able to fix a lot of my sticking points and spots I'm leaking money. I think one of the biggest things I was doing wrong for a while was undervaluing my hands in 4bet pots and another big issue was my bet sizing in 3 and 4bet pots. You have to know what you're doing wrong before you can fix it, if you never figure that out you aren't going to really get anywhere. Kinda obvious I know.

Anyways, PLO hasn't been going particularly well for me this month, think I'm down something like 14-15k, good thing NL is still going well as I'm up around 35k from that putting me at +~20k for May which is a solid result. I definitely won't be quitting NL anytime soon as it's my biggest money maker and I don't even think there's more than 100 guys who have an edge on me anymore at this point. Gonna keep plugging away at PLO in the hopes that I am good enough to grind 10/20-25/50 plo when I move to Vancouver at the end of the summer.

If any of you guys are gonna be in Vanouver around Sept/Oct/Nov let me know.

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Daut    United States. May 28 2013 19:39. Posts 8955

love the plan, only one thing id mention. as i told you, how you do in PLO is heavily reliant on how well you flop in 4bet pots. The variance is insane and with this type of plan you are probably going to get about 40-45k hands of PLO in by september which could result in a huge range of outcomes. i.e. i recently had a 70k hand stretch where i was -3bb/100, immediately followed by a 40k hand stretch where i ran at 20bb/100, then an 80k hand stretch where i ran at 2bb/100.

I know you hate mass tabling and mass playing, but putting in lots of hands once you feel more comfortable will be to your benefit so you can get more realistic ideas about how well its going at each limit as you try to move up

gl, lemme know if you pick van

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 28/05/2013 19:41

mnj   United States. May 28 2013 20:10. Posts 3848

Plan is good, but i think the amount of time played needs to increase. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems as though you are actually playing 1 measly hour every 4 hours which is too slow for me personally.

I would personally do something like

play 1 hour session-->
take ten minute break-->
review session-->


watch 1 video-->
take ten minute break-->
spend 30 minutes posting/reading whatever forums I can find-->
then repeat it all over again.

but other than that looks great. GL

chris   United States. May 28 2013 20:16. Posts 5503

jlost is in vancouver. you should hit him up. i like reading your blogs pete, keep em up and good luck sir!

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

Mariuslol   Norway. May 28 2013 21:24. Posts 4742

This looks pretty awesome, I think your approach is fantastic, and I appreciate the honest tone in your post. Keep up the good work xD

the cleaner   Germany. May 28 2013 21:35. Posts 3014

Good post. GL with PLO !

there are no facts only interpretations 

lostaccount   Canada. May 28 2013 22:00. Posts 6145

good job marshall always knew you were one of the better players. thanks for sharing the news, helps not only in plo but in holdem as well. Just the way you approach the game is astounding.

life with Shen Dieu God 

AndrewSong    United States. May 28 2013 23:48. Posts 2355

That's incredible

Stroggoz   New Zealand. May 29 2013 02:51. Posts 5328

good plan. Any learning plan that allows for fast growth, (faster than the other regs) is one that is essential. I have made the mistake of playing mass tables in the past which hurt my growth and put me behind.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

SemPeR   Canada. May 29 2013 03:30. Posts 2288

1. Any articles, exercises, or recommendations from coaches, you thought brought you to a new level of understanding?

2. Are you documenting your learning in any way, or do you feel the reading/posting in forums serves as a bit of a record of the kinds of spots you were focusing on, or felt comfortable with at that time?

I have had a very similar method for over a year now (just with much less intensity, playing part time). I've found it helpful every week, or every few days if I've been learning a lot, just write a bunch of points of where I think my game is improving (much like a journal). This helped whenever I took a few days to week off the game, from forgetting everything.
Taking weeks off is probably not a problem you have, but I'm going to keep doing it as I transition back into full time play, as I think it will maintain my rate of learning.

patmcgroin   Afghanistan. May 29 2013 08:21. Posts 830

cool plan bro

 Last edit: 29/05/2013 08:21

TheTrees   United States. May 29 2013 08:56. Posts 1592

  On May 29 2013 02:30 SemPeR wrote:
I have had a very similar method for over a year now (just with much less intensity, playing part time). I've found it helpful every week, or every few days if I've been learning a lot, just write a bunch of points of where I think my game is improving (much like a journal). This helped whenever I took a few days to week off the game, from forgetting everything.
Taking weeks off is probably not a problem you have, but I'm going to keep doing it as I transition back into full time play, as I think it will maintain my rate of learning.

Can you expound on this? I'm also trying to get back into poker part-time. What's your current regiment?

MARSHALL28   United States. Jun 01 2013 15:38. Posts 1897

  On May 29 2013 02:30 SemPeR wrote:
1. Any articles, exercises, or recommendations from coaches, you thought brought you to a new level of understanding?

2. Are you documenting your learning in any way, or do you feel the reading/posting in forums serves as a bit of a record of the kinds of spots you were focusing on, or felt comfortable with at that time?

I have had a very similar method for over a year now (just with much less intensity, playing part time). I've found it helpful every week, or every few days if I've been learning a lot, just write a bunch of points of where I think my game is improving (much like a journal). This helped whenever I took a few days to week off the game, from forgetting everything.
Taking weeks off is probably not a problem you have, but I'm going to keep doing it as I transition back into full time play, as I think it will maintain my rate of learning.

1. no not really. ive learned a lot from the mistakes i made when trying to come up in NLHE though. i have a much clearer understanding of what i need to do and how i need to do it this time around. previously it was all a bunch of random trial and error seeing what would work and not really knowing what i was trying to accomplish. theres no articles or exercises im using or id recommend, i just have my own way that i internalize things i guess.

2. documenting the learning is a great tool. i don't do it personally but ive thought about it a lot and if i wasnt so lazy i would definitely do it. one thing i wished i did more frequently was just write a quick entry after every video i watch jotting down 1 thing that i got out of it. it would help a lot to map everything out and give me a clearer picture of where ive been and where i need to go. id recommend anybody learning to keep some sort of a journal and to write down the new thoughts u have each day. there might not be a more powerful method. i probably should be doing it.

the reading and posting in the forums definitely is a big part of it for me. i guess its like ... the more frequently i post and get positive feedback, the more it helps to reinforce that what im doing or what im saying is correct and it helps to give me more confidence when im at the tables. if im getting negative feedback then i know what to work on and where to improve. it's just a very important tool and still to this day i browse every NL forum out there that any of the top players post in as im always trying to keep up on the game and any improvements i can make.

i think taking weeks off at a time is counter productive. it's definitely good to take a few days off here and there to let stuff sink in and to take a step back from everything you've been focusing on, but if u r going weeks without doing any work id think u would forget a lot of it and u wouldn't have a lot of continuity as far as making strides from 1 goal to the next'd be very difficult to build up momentum which is very important in poker.

but like i said, ya i think the journal is a great method for learning.

MARSHALL28   United States. Jun 01 2013 15:38. Posts 1897

and thanks to u guys who wrote positive feedback for me here.


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