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mnj   United States. Jun 04 2013 22:14. Posts 3848
I haven't really blogged about serious things in a while but I would like to make a post today. Not that this post is particularly serious.

I started my internship in Jacksonville, FL in Risk Management. After trying my hand in live poker during the aftermath of what was left after black friday I decided to go back to school. Although I made much more money playing Live than I did online (not that my live earnings are that much either), it was too difficult to continue to play poker and even more importantly, impossible to grow as a human being.

Poker was a bean stalk that reached the heavens. You start at the ground and play for pennies. But you climb and climb, higher and higher. I saved all my money in order to move up stakes. All in order to climb this bean stalk. This illusion of one day playing 5/10+ making 400+/hr. I'm happy for those who have. I'm sure it takes an immense amount of time and hard mental work in order to reach such a level of mastery. But for me, I don't think it's in me to reach such stakes.

I always felt somewhat guilty but even more angry when I would win money from old senile seniors, and ex-veterans. Angry that they suffer. That they throw all their money away. But I suppose that's the extent of my goodwill because I sure as hell am not going to give any of it back. To win is to be superior (most likely genetically and independent of freewill). And to lose is to be inferior (most likely genetically and independent of free will). Where is the fun in that statement? Where is the ego? Do you ever feel superior when you kick a child's ass? I suppose it's easy to rationalize and the more complex the rationalization the further the issue is, and the easier you're able to do somewhat morally dubious things.

Anyway this is not a message against poker. It's not my intention to bash or relegate poker.

Stated earlier, I started my internship for the summer. I make a modest amount at $15/hr in a rather large firm. But I plan to spend all my money. I've already signed up for MMA focusing on the grappling/wrestling aspect (I don't really watch MMA or know that many terms) as well as French classes.

Although sometimes work sucks and the hours are long, I'm surrounded by brilliant, motivated people. But best of all, every hour I put in provides a service that 99% of America uses (if you use a debit/credit card, or have a bank, or have an account).

I don't know when Capitalism got such a bad rap. I'm sure someone leftish, used it inaccurately yet purposefully in order to stir a mob. Capitalism is a beautiful thing. For me to make a single dollar, I have to provide so much random value to the firm and it's thousands of clients. I think ppl hate corporate-government corruption. Promised jobs, laws against new and good products. Protecting corn, oil, and pharmaceuticals from having to continue to stay innovative and efficient. They want to become monopolies. Which of course is the opposite of free markets. And against the cornerstone of Capitalism.

Something I wanted to say earlier. My greatest rationalization. I'm sure we all think this.

I didn't invent the game. I just play it.

My boss said that, with a sad face when I asked him about his Romney sticker.

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xicotaSLB   Portugal. Jun 04 2013 22:38. Posts 1128

Life is not about how much you make per hour, its not about being better then the other, i see so many dumb people and they are happier then me, ignorance is bliss imo!
Poker can give you the moneys! but i think its a shallow work, its a souless game to play for a living, i think poker greatest quality for me is having that backup plan if all goes wrong.

PuertoRican   United States. Jun 05 2013 00:57. Posts 13097

Feel free to become active in the weekly MMA threads here.

Also, there's a big MMA thread for betting at Sherdog that I'm active in (I can give you the link if you want it)*. If you lost your passion for playing poker, betting on MMA or even just watching it casually is a good way to fill up your time.

Rekrul is a newbLast edit: 05/06/2013 00:58

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jun 05 2013 02:10. Posts 5328

i've always thought playing poker for a living was pretty immoral, i've asked ethical experts outside of poker and they seem to have the same thoughts. Good to see i'm not the only poker player who thinks the same. Im pretty conflicted over the game because for one there is a lot of fun trying to solve the game, but you're also taking advantage of peoples gambling problems/ignorance.

As far as capitalism goes it's never existed. Every western country is state capitalist because of reasons you stated (protects its corn industries, while enforcing the 'free' market in poor countries.) The US state created things like the internet, its military, for example. Japan protects it's rice industry just so they can get more votes from rice farmers, this deprives the poor country from being able to make money exporting rice.

in new zealand we have a system where we use the state to make things, we created our own bank for example, to protect our selves from Australian bankers. We do not call it anything though, we don't call it capitalism/state capitalism, you never even hear a citizen speak of the word because it is not taught in schools/media. I had to read books and watch American priests(the media) to learn what it is. lassie faire capitalism to me, even though it would be better than state capitalism still seems like a fanatical ideology because it doesn't focus on the right questions of what creates a better society. It's just a model on how to make money efficiently in a non oppressive society.

But i mean almost every political philosopher in the last 200 years has expressed complete disgust with what capitalism was in practice (except for ayn rand but she is as much of a philosopher as hitler).

As far as money goes it's just a medium for human nature. You can create money doing good or bad things.

Personally i think chasing money/accumulating power and especially overworking makes humans stupider, as does depriving them of any money. Trying to acquire power/money drives them away from creative endeavors and introspection, and without introspection they will enslave others and think its ok. Look at our creative industries and look at how much they focus on marketing and acquiring money instead of producing creative content.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

mnj   United States. Jun 05 2013 06:37. Posts 3848

Personally i think chasing money/accumulating power and especially overworking makes humans stupider, as does depriving them of any money. Trying to acquire power/money drives them away from creative endeavors and introspection, and without introspection they will enslave others and think its ok. Look at our creative industries and look at how much they focus on marketing and acquiring money instead of producing creative content.

i think about this all the time. but in a different light. For whatever evolutionary reasons, humans or at least I become extremely depressed when I do nothing. Or very little. Perhaps there just aren't that many creative outlets here in America. I tried putting in 3-4 hours of Khan Academy for everything I enjoyed when I had "absolute freedom" after college. But I just couldn't. But now working ~50 hours a week, I definitely make the remaining free time i have left to be extremely "productive." Ryan Gosling once conveyed a similar sentiment something along the lines of "if more ppl did more physical labor or work, they would be happier"

also, I still play poker rather frequently (3-4 times a week) although for shorter duration (1-3 hours) without the depressing desperation that I used to have.


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