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Speeding Ticket effffffffffffffffffffff

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mnj   United States. Jun 15 2013 23:22. Posts 3848
Speeding Ticket, 79 mph in a 65 mph zone, $204 fine. Does anyone have any experience reducing fines?

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Svenman87   United States. Jun 15 2013 23:52. Posts 4636

When I got a speeding ticket years ago I went in for my court date and they immediately offer me a deal prior to trial. I took it - paid like 50% of the ticket and it was removed from my record after 2 years of no more offenses.

Probably all depends on where you're from and what they generally do. But I would at least show up - sometimes the officer doesnt show so it's an automatic get out of ticket - ticket card

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jun 16 2013 00:03. Posts 8648

damn $204 for 79 in 65 is some bullshit. is that in florida?

Truck-Crash Life 

K40Cheddar   United States. Jun 16 2013 00:46. Posts 2202

From what I know 10 over is a fairly standard limit. When you start hitting around 15 over you are pushing ticket limit.


mnj   United States. Jun 16 2013 01:07. Posts 3848

  On June 15 2013 22:52 Svenman87 wrote:
When I got a speeding ticket years ago I went in for my court date and they immediately offer me a deal prior to trial. I took it - paid like 50% of the ticket and it was removed from my record after 2 years of no more offenses.

Probably all depends on where you're from and what they generally do. But I would at least show up - sometimes the officer doesnt show so it's an automatic get out of ticket - ticket card

i hear this a lot but what am i supposed to say at court? feel as though a judge would own me if i didn't come up with some excuse/defense. but i wouldn't know what to say :o

mnj   United States. Jun 16 2013 01:09. Posts 3848

  On June 15 2013 23:03 bigredhoss wrote:
damn $204 for 79 in 65 is some bullshit. is that in florida?

honestly...the first time i've ever got a ticket on a highway going 80 i thought it was standard. i commuted on i95 for 4 years of undergrad and close to a year of grad school so 5 years total without ever getting ticket for going 80

i didn't say a single word to the cop. i just gave him what he wanted. but man, i am raging pretty hard internally. we fucking pay cops to give us fucking speeding tickets?

god damn.

also 200 dollars is fucking ridiculous. everyone should get 1 warning per year IMO. or at least an incremental ticketing system.

 Last edit: 16/06/2013 01:10

flounder44   United States. Jun 16 2013 01:15. Posts 916

just runbad man... dont let it get to you, you did the right thing.

I've gotten a ticket for going 80 on a 55 in the middle of nowhere... and also a "warning" (avoiding 275$ fine) for not wearing a seatbelt while parking somewhere in my town but I acknowledged what i did wrong when the biker cop asked me if i knew what i did.

 Last edit: 16/06/2013 01:18

NewbSaibot   United States. Jun 16 2013 01:29. Posts 4946

Bet you'll never speed again

bye now 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jun 16 2013 01:38. Posts 8648

yea i was just surprised it was that much. i got $300 ticket last year but it was for 103 in 70

(or 103 in 75 maybe, not sure)

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 16/06/2013 01:39

NewbSaibot   United States. Jun 16 2013 02:50. Posts 4946

100mph? Cmon now thats just stupid

bye now 

Gaytrix   United States. Jun 16 2013 04:06. Posts 93

  On June 16 2013 00:29 NewbSaibot wrote:
Bet you'll never speed again

Bet he will.

goose58   United States. Jun 16 2013 05:32. Posts 871

Is it weird that I don't speed much, and when I do it's 5 MPH over the limit?

GTO ^^

TheTrees   United States. Jun 16 2013 09:55. Posts 1592

Depends on the jurisdiction. In fl if you take it to court you can likely plead guilty and take some points off and you might not have to take a class.

Or if the officer doesn't show you're good to go. If he does, you're SOL.

NotSorry   United States. Jun 16 2013 13:12. Posts 2603

I went to court, and the cop didn't show so I got the whole thing voided.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. 

uiCk   Canada. Jun 16 2013 14:14. Posts 3521

  On June 16 2013 12:12 NotSorry wrote:
I went to court, and the cop didn't show so I got the whole thing voided.

But if he does, and charge stands, you have to pay fine + fees ?

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

rS.Wisdom[9]   United States. Jun 16 2013 14:50. Posts 1288

If you don't mind showing up, I think you can freeroll. If the cop doesn't show up, you're free, if he does, just say you're guilty and pay without any need to defend yourself or whatever. However, I used to live in a county where cops showed up 99% of the time, so try googling that for your area.

Gnarly   United States. Jun 16 2013 16:48. Posts 1723

  On June 16 2013 00:09 mnj wrote:
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honestly...the first time i've ever got a ticket on a highway going 80 i thought it was standard. i commuted on i95 for 4 years of undergrad and close to a year of grad school so 5 years total without ever getting ticket for going 80

i didn't say a single word to the cop. i just gave him what he wanted. but man, i am raging pretty hard internally. we fucking pay cops to give us fucking speeding tickets?

god damn.

also 200 dollars is fucking ridiculous. everyone should get 1 warning per year IMO. or at least an incremental ticketing system.

You pay cops to protect you, in case you didn't know. Also, there are these things called speed limits, which have little posting on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ROAD, MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES. The standard speed limit is literally set by the sign on the road, in case you didn't know that, either. Now, why would a cop give you a ticket for speeding? Surely it has nothing to do with the fact that you are hazardous to the other motorists. Maybe he was just being a dick? I mean, people should be able to go whatever speeds they feel like it and not even get a slap on the wrist for it.

People who speed shouldn't be allowed to drive, period. Unless you think a baby flying twenty feet into the air and smashing it's skull against a tree because the fucking mother was too busy going over double the speed limit on a bumpy road is perfectly fine. (this happened not too long ago five minutes down the street from me)

Diversify or fossilize! 

Luhos   United States. Jun 16 2013 17:43. Posts 57

  On June 16 2013 15:48 Gnarly wrote:
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You pay cops to protect you, in case you didn't know. Also, there are these things called speed limits, which have little posting on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ROAD, MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES. The standard speed limit is literally set by the sign on the road, in case you didn't know that, either. Now, why would a cop give you a ticket for speeding? Surely it has nothing to do with the fact that you are hazardous to the other motorists. Maybe he was just being a dick? I mean, people should be able to go whatever speeds they feel like it and not even get a slap on the wrist for it.

People who speed shouldn't be allowed to drive, period. Unless you think a baby flying twenty feet into the air and smashing it's skull against a tree because the fucking mother was too busy going over double the speed limit on a bumpy road is perfectly fine. (this happened not too long ago five minutes down the street from me)

Wow a little harsh? Sure there are speed limits, but do you really think in some cases it really matters if someone speeds or not? I was in the middle of the desert in New Mexico driving once, not a car within 5 miles probably and the posted speed limit was 75mph. There's no way I'm following that, I was going like 95 mph. There's no point to waste my time. Of course this is an extreme example, but the point remains that some people can drive faster then the posted speed limit and still be in control.

Of course there needs to be a law in which we have to follow (posted speed limits) but to immediately bash someone, when he was speeding and you don't even know the story or whatever his situation was is a little much in my opinion. Its not like he was drunk.

Gnarly   United States. Jun 16 2013 18:21. Posts 1723

  On June 16 2013 16:43 Luhos wrote:
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Wow a little harsh? Sure there are speed limits, but do you really think in some cases it really matters if someone speeds or not? I was in the middle of the desert in New Mexico driving once, not a car within 5 miles probably and the posted speed limit was 75mph. There's no way I'm following that, I was going like 95 mph. There's no point to waste my time. Of course this is an extreme example, but the point remains that some people can drive faster then the posted speed limit and still be in control.

Of course there needs to be a law in which we have to follow (posted speed limits) but to immediately bash someone, when he was speeding and you don't even know the story or whatever his situation was is a little much in my opinion. Its not like he was drunk.

>actually thinking you're in control when driving
>in control of other drivers

You are never in control when driving. If you're going 20 over the limit, and someone else is going 10 under, and you're on the highway, you're not in control. You can't control the person in front of you that's going slower than you, you can't control the cars to your right, or to your left, or behind you. The only time it's okay to speed is if you're an ambulance driver, a fire truck driver, a cop, or something of that nature.

>wahhhhh im impatient
>wahhhh why can't i be special and speed
>wahhhh fuck everyone else driving MEMEME

Never drive for yourself, drive for other people.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Bejamin1   Canada. Jun 16 2013 19:46. Posts 7042

  On June 16 2013 00:09 mnj wrote:
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honestly...the first time i've ever got a ticket on a highway going 80 i thought it was standard. i commuted on i95 for 4 years of undergrad and close to a year of grad school so 5 years total without ever getting ticket for going 80

i didn't say a single word to the cop. i just gave him what he wanted. but man, i am raging pretty hard internally. we fucking pay cops to give us fucking speeding tickets?

god damn.

also 200 dollars is fucking ridiculous. everyone should get 1 warning per year IMO. or at least an incremental ticketing system.

Traffic is actually one of the very few areas where policing is effective. Oh and yes, we should pay police to deal with traffic issues as they cause some of the greatest harm to society in terms of injuries and death. You may not like it, but there are legitimate reasons for enforcing traffic laws.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 


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