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good week

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spets1   Australia. Jun 24 2013 07:33. Posts 2179
Sup ya'll.

Its been a good week.

I bought a car. Blue Mazda 3 brand new for 21.3k. Paying cash - saved it up. Gonna pick it up this wednesday.
Couple days after I bought a car my promotion finally came through.
Got promoted at work and now getting 75k/yr.
Grinding about 40hrs a week per work, sometimes work on weekends, but i get paid for those extra.

With the car it was pretty much impulse buy. Well sorta. I always knew i wanted mazda 3 cos its so reliable and cheap for the value you get. But I had friday off work and it was end of financial year so there's alot of discounts going on. I wasn't gonna buy for next couple of months but my dad goes why don't you buy it. So I called up a few dealers got feel for the price and just went and bought one.

Anyway heres some cute animals

*****1 votes
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The72o   Zimbabwe. Jun 24 2013 10:55. Posts 6112

gratz both on promotion and the car

A Hard Way to Make an Easy Living 

devon06atX   Canada. Jun 24 2013 12:56. Posts 5459

what do you do for work?

lostaccount   Canada. Jun 24 2013 14:24. Posts 6145

amazing, congrats on your new car and promotion.

life with Shen Dieu God 

spets1   Australia. Jun 24 2013 17:36. Posts 2179

im electrical engineer. although im more of in a management field wehre i organise shit to happen.

so im like a secretary pretty much. although the work is more fun as I have to organise people to do work.

so booking crews, booking plant (machinery), materials, organise shit with councils, residents, client, etc.

i work in railways. WE are upgrading sydneys rail network cos its piece of shit right now.


NewbSaibot   United States. Jun 24 2013 18:37. Posts 4946

How much did you knock off the asking price?

bye now 

Joe   Czech Republic. Jun 24 2013 18:49. Posts 5987

Very cute animals in the last pic

And gratz!

there is a light at the end of the tunnel... (but sometimes the tunnel is long and deep as hell) 

k4ir0s   Canada. Jun 25 2013 04:16. Posts 3478

good job >>>> poker


cute kitty

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

julep   Australia. Jun 25 2013 12:09. Posts 1274

less mazda chat moar pics


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