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Diet Soda

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mnj   United States. Jul 14 2013 19:50. Posts 3848
There was once a pretty decent thread about dieting and good nutrition.

I remember someone recommended substituting low carb options, which I think is good solid advice. There were a bunch of ways he recommended and one of them was soda.

This isn't a HA YOUR WRONG kind of post, but for those of you who are still interested, it turns out Diet Drinks are just as bad as HFCS Drinks. At least statistically speaking of course.

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GoTuNk   Chile. Jul 14 2013 20:04. Posts 2860

I would never base my eating habits on correlation studies.

I can rapidly think on the top of my mind that ppl who use sweeteners like sweet stuff more in general, and that "sweetness" causes hunger despite not having any calories.

2c0ntent   Egypt. Jul 14 2013 20:44. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 24/07/2013 19:43

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jul 14 2013 21:06. Posts 8648

  On July 14 2013 19:04 GoTuNk wrote:
I would never base my eating habits on correlation studies.


Truck-Crash Life 

TheHuHu3   United States. Jul 14 2013 21:41. Posts 5544

I drink the fuck out of diet soda. Nobody likes to drink their calories, small son.


TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

RaiNKhAN    United States. Jul 14 2013 22:44. Posts 4080

  On July 14 2013 19:44 2c0ntent wrote:
I used to drink diet soda as a not-so-bad option to soda and recommend it to others. Then I realized that the lesser of two evils is still not good at all. Finally, I looked outside of the box and don't consume any soda as a standard policy.

ya same. no soda going on 3.5 months now for me. ;o

The biggest Rockets, Sixers, and Grizzlies fan you will ever meet! 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Jul 14 2013 22:58. Posts 6374

i only drink water, beer and absinthe

ban baal 

Smuft   Canada. Jul 14 2013 23:16. Posts 633

Lots of controversy around aspartame (the artificial sweetener in soda) and the negative effects (cancer agent but also many others) it has on the body as well as how it ever got passed by the FDA at all (it took many many years and foul play is suspected).

Probably not a good thing to put into your body on a regular basis.

PuertoRican   United States. Jul 14 2013 23:40. Posts 13097

  On July 14 2013 22:16 Smuft wrote:
Lots of controversy around aspartame (the artificial sweetener in soda) and the negative effects (cancer agent but also many others) it has on the body as well as how it ever got passed by the FDA at all (it took many many years and foul play is suspected).

Probably not a good thing to put into your body on a regular basis.

Yeah. I still have this movie on my computer from years back called "Sweet Remedy," that is a documentary on aspartame. It's worth a watch.

Rekrul is a newb 

mnj   United States. Jul 15 2013 07:27. Posts 3848

  On July 14 2013 20:06 bigredhoss wrote:
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really? doesn't studies like these help you make better decisions?

i started to consciously consume more fruits such as berries specifically after all those anti oxidant/free radical studies came out

SolarM   Germany. Jul 15 2013 08:29. Posts 533

Worked very well for me in a low carb diet. Lost 4kg in 4 weeks. Usually I like drinking something sweet after a big meal and this was a good substitute. But all other times of the day I only drink water or tea anyway.

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jul 15 2013 08:34. Posts 15163

  On July 14 2013 21:44 RaiNKhAN wrote:
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ya same. no soda going on 3.5 months now for me. ;o

The Buldozer without Redbull wtf?

93% Sure!  

Highcard   Canada. Jul 15 2013 08:59. Posts 5428

I rarely crank soda and decided recently I would just not ever drink it again.

a couple of weeks ago I was drinking beer and friend was talking about how good his rum was, he said have a rum/coke. I fondly recounted the many rum/cokes I had in the past, and said yes to his offer. Later that night I realized what I had done and screamed "WHY GOD HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US" rum/cokes are so good. R.I.P.

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

TalentedTom    Canada. Jul 15 2013 11:43. Posts 20070

After drinking freshly squeezed juice, soda becomes very undesirable.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

auffenpuffer   Finland. Jul 15 2013 13:12. Posts 1429

calories and all that is just one side of the issue. It is also important to notice that sodas and juices are very bad for your teeth. I myself tend to avoid all others drinks than water.

  After drinking freshly squeezed juice, soda becomes very undesirable.

note btw that fresh orange juice has as much calories as normal Sprite (ie. 40 kcal / 100g), albeit probably people won't ever drink 500ml bottles of fresh juice.

Meat   . Jul 15 2013 16:50. Posts 3385

Stopped drinking soda regularly years ago, diet option just tastes worse. Sticking with water, coffee, beer, brown rum and wine basically. Once every few months i like to mix my rum with coke though

Highcard   Canada. Jul 15 2013 17:44. Posts 5428

  On July 15 2013 15:50 Liquid`Meat wrote:
Stopped drinking soda regularly years ago, diet option just tastes worse. Sticking with water, coffee, beer, brown rum and wine basically. Once every few months i like to mix my rum with coke though

yeah I bet you mix with coke every once and a while

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the timeLast edit: 15/07/2013 17:45

NMcNasty    United States. Jul 15 2013 18:24. Posts 2039

  On July 14 2013 19:04 GoTuNk wrote:
I would never base my eating habits on correlation studies.

I can rapidly think on the top of my mind that ppl who use sweeteners like sweet stuff more in general, and that "sweetness" causes hunger despite not having any calories.

Yeah reading the article it seems the above is exactly the case. I'm pretty sure if calories were controlled for diet soda is basically the same as water. I kinda wanted to see the study to tell what was actually going on but it costs $40.

SpasticInk   Sweden. Jul 16 2013 08:26. Posts 6298

I can access it for you (via univ) if you want, just give link to which one

 Last edit: 16/07/2013 08:26

Meat   . Jul 16 2013 11:54. Posts 3385

  On July 15 2013 16:44 Highcard wrote:
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yeah I bet you mix with coke every once and a while

that's one hell of a cocktail


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