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Sleep, nootropics, concentration... first report

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jchysk   United States. Jul 28 2013 21:35. Posts 435
I've been trying to increase my focus throughout the day and the amount of time I can sustain that focus. I've been recording all the data I reasonably can that probably has a significant correlation for the past 80 days.

I actually have about 5.5 years of sleep data, and with more in-depth detail with Zeo since Dec 2011.

My sleep is most efficient when I'm biphasic with a 3-hour cycle approximately every 12 hour period. For the past 9 months I've been on a monophasic sleep pattern and sleeping less efficiently than I used to up until the past couple months. The average amount of time I'm sleeping now (6h52m) per 24-hour period is at the higher end in duration in all the time I've tracked, but my efficiency is higher than it has ever been for that length. I'm measuring efficiency by the quantity of deep and REM sleep. So with the combined increased duration and increased efficiency, the amount of REM (avg. 133 minutes) and SWS (avg. 94 minutes) is at the highest range it has ever been.

The reason biphasic is so efficient is because the most effective sleep is in the first cycle and gradually becomes less efficient each additional cycle. Also, more frequent opportunities for the brain to defrag a bit after intense sets of work seems to help. Performance often dwindles the longer you go, whether you realize it or not. I remember dreams easier in a biphasic schedule as well; it's a lot easier to remember 1 or 2 dreams than 3 or 4. So naturally lucid dreaming is a lot better biphasic.

My best guesses as to why my body is sleeping more efficiently and for longer:
-The increased periods of concentration while I'm awake
-The drugs I'm taking to get that increased concentration
-I'm just getting old.

I fall asleep within 1 minute 62% of the time, less than 3 minutes 72% of the time, and less than 10 minutes 93%. 29% of the time I go into REM rebound which I usually associate with sleep deprivation. Overall, I'm pretty happy about my sleep although I'm sure I could still get better results on a biphasic schedule.

My original plan was to exercise every other day. I've slacked a bit and ended up only doing it 37.5% of days. My preferred exercise would be swimming, but I don't have a pool right now so I've been jogging. I'm pretty much trying to elevate my heart rate to about 160 bpm for abut 10 minutes, slow pace until I'm down to 130 and then speed back up for the remainder of the workout. I spend 30 minutes total at this task, about 40 minutes if counting stretching before and after. I've also gradually had to increase the speed at which I run in order to do accomplish my heart rate requirements, so I suppose something is improving on that front.
I should start recording my resting heart rate every once in awhile and see if that's changing. I'm confident I have much room for improving in this category. I don't really know much about exercise and how to optimize towards greater brain efficiency.

You can look at my last post to see what my original plan was, but I've deviated quite a bit away from it.
-I take either 200mg of modafinil or 75mg of armodafinil about 3 times a week. These both seem to perform the same function, but the modafinil takes 30-60 minutes to kick in without caffeine and lasts about 6-7 hours. Armodafinil can take 60+ minutes to kick in without caffeine but can last for 12 hours. Armodafinil can just kill my appetite for the first few hours whereas with modafinil I may not realize I'm hungry but I have no difficulty eating. This has been absolutely incredible for long periods of being "in the zone". The most noticeable side effect that could have an impact beyond me is greatly increased impatience. Waiting in a line or even having an unnecessary conversation about small talk can get aggravating quickly.
-I'm taking 80-100mg of caffeine 4-5 times a week. So you can deduce I have to be taking caffeine with modafinil at least sometimes and I'd say that combination hits pretty hard but is very effective. Also, after getting back my 23andme DNA analysis I discovered that my body metabolizes caffeine at a higher rate than average.
-I still do clean days at least once a week where I don't take anything.
-Nicotine I've taken in very small quantities infrequently. Even 0.5mg will make me feel a little light headed so I'm being careful with it. I also haven't noticed any mental performance benefits. It looks like once a week and usually when I'm starting to feel kind of tired.

I'm really terrible about my diet. I eat rather unhealthy and rather frequently (~5 meals a day). My BMI stays around 20, body fat is ~16%, visceral fat ~4%, and skeletal muscle around 42%. My diet has been something I've been really awful about my entire life and probably the most difficult aspect for me to change. I have ordered some Soylent and am hoping maybe that can kickstart my path towards eating a little better too.

I'll see about using Soylent for meal subsitutes (my batch supposedly ships in September). Research more about exercise and try to optimize that. Start recording resting heart rate. I've also been looking at something called the Avacore CoreControl Glove. There are some schematics online to build something with the same functionality and patent diagrams by the inventors that provide enough understanding to be able to build something that will get the job done. It might be interesting for exercising, but I think it could have possible use in just getting over a mid-day slump when not on any drugs. I also took a deeper look at piracetam which I seemed to initially have the wrong idea about and will see about including that to the regiment. The only thing I'm worried about there is depleting acetylcholine because I seem to get very nauseous when taking acetylcholine boosters.

Thanks for reading! I'd appreciate any tips or feedback.

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k4ir0s   Canada. Jul 28 2013 21:56. Posts 3478

Whenever I took something (ADD meds, nootropics) to increase my concentration, I always felt more hostile / loss of patience, I would easily get annoyed.

That was the worst side effect I had, and one of the main reasons why I stopped taking those meds. Maybe my dose was too high? or maybe there's a correlation between high concentration and aggression...? I know many people experience the same thing.

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -OlyLast edit: 28/07/2013 21:57

panolko   Mexico. Jul 29 2013 02:44. Posts 21

wow you count the minutes that take you go to sleep, Do you have OCD or something?

thewh00sel    United States. Jul 29 2013 03:07. Posts 2734

Yay, I was about to do a post about transitioning to biphasic sleep. May track how I feel daily in my blog or just keep a record of my sleep on my own haven't decided yet. Also I will second the awesomeness of modanfinil and armodafonil. From my limited use of each one I find that the modanfinil hits me much harder and makes me more chatty than the armodafonil which I feel like just keeps me focused for a long time with a smaller dosage without affecting my mood. Great for long poker sessions when the game is good but you are losing focus. The downside I have found is that at night if it has been around 10 hours or less (round guess may be much less) since I've taken it I have a hard time falling asleep. I close my eyes but they tend to open on their own which is kind of odd. Anyway nice log and stat tracking. Look forward to the next update.

Also @panolko when you wear Zeo to bed it automatically tracks your time to fall asleep among all the other sleep stats jchysk posted.

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn RandLast edit: 29/07/2013 03:30

napoleono   Romania. Jul 29 2013 04:07. Posts 771

What are the long-term effects of all those drugs?

ugly   . Jul 29 2013 09:11. Posts 162

Who cares
It works and gets the job done

panolko   Mexico. Jul 29 2013 15:12. Posts 21

Oh right, I didnt know that even exists seems cool. You take the drugs bc some doctor tell you or you just can buy that and start taking it?

I was having problems with my focus and in the middle of the day I just want to sleep because I feel so tired but since I start working out, eating super healthy and stop smoking weed this problem disappear, months ago I was even considering taking that type of drugs but Im glad I didnt went that road.

jchysk   United States. Jul 30 2013 00:01. Posts 435

  On July 29 2013 03:07 napoleono wrote:
What are the long-term effects of all those drugs?

Like most drugs there's both positives and negatives that you have to weigh and effects are different for everyone. Modafinil is an FDA approved drug that people with sleep disorders such as narcolepsy are prescribed to take every day of their lives. There's very little known about negative effects.
Caffeine can lead to elevated or decreased risk of heart attacks based on genetic makeup. With mine, I have a decreased risk. The short term effects are well known, but I'm not sure about long term.
Nicotine can raise blood pressure. I don't think much is known about the long term effects though. It's a substance that's found naturally in food like cauliflower, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. Although the quantity I'm taking can be 100x as much as I would get from those. It seems like the benefits should outweigh the negatives though.

  On July 29 2013 14:12 panolko wrote:
Oh right, I didnt know that even exists seems cool. You take the drugs bc some doctor tell you or you just can buy that and start taking it?

I was having problems with my focus and in the middle of the day I just want to sleep because I feel so tired but since I start working out, eating super healthy and stop smoking weed this problem disappear, months ago I was even considering taking that type of drugs but Im glad I didnt went that road.

I'm looking to push any extra edge I can. I don't have issues with focus or motivation, but if I can achieve even greater levels that I deem worth of the associated potential risks then I want to.


Stim_Abuser   United States. Jul 30 2013 13:52. Posts 7499

So are you taking these things to increase poker performance?

Because taking something ( modafinal/armodafinil ) that greatly increases inpatients seems like it'd be a pretty bad idea for poker, no?

Hey Im slinging mad volume and fat stackin benjies I dont got time for spellin n shit - skinny pete 

jchysk   United States. Jul 30 2013 14:52. Posts 435

No, I haven't played poker for a living since 2009. I build tech companies now. My primary focus is:



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