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If LP had a room

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Gnarly   United States. Aug 20 2013 19:15. Posts 1723
If LP had a room, what would you like the name to be? Who do you think the room should sponsor? What would you like to see LP offer?

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dogmeat   Czech Republic. Aug 20 2013 19:42. Posts 6374

ban baal 

NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 20 2013 20:07. Posts 4946 Rake free, monthly membership fees, mucked card hand histories.

bye now 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Aug 20 2013 20:08. Posts 8648

  On August 20 2013 18:42 dogmeat wrote:

Truck-Crash Life 

mnj   United States. Aug 20 2013 20:52. Posts 3848

thought it was heropoker

Gnarly   United States. Aug 20 2013 22:11. Posts 1723

  On August 20 2013 19:52 mnj wrote:
thought it was heropoker

I think Dave stopped letting Americans play at all on his site.

Diversify or fossilize! 

el_tilon   Canada. Aug 20 2013 22:24. Posts 296 is cool lol


Enigma   Canada. Aug 21 2013 02:23. Posts 158

If lp had a room it would be all bumhunting.
Rake-free with a membership fee would be awesome, but would discourage all casual players.
Maybe it could be a frequent player point option eg. earn 10k Liquid-rake points a month to qualify to exchange them to buy a month of rake free play.

Forrest Gump   Argentina. Aug 21 2013 14:18. Posts 1217

I'd play in a rake free site with 5% transaction fee (deposit, cashout and transfer). Even with 10% is better than standard rake imo.

ADZ124: why do people put pictures of their child in stars.. its like please help feed my child im a fish i cant play? 

Gnarly   United States. Aug 21 2013 22:53. Posts 1723

What about a different rate per stake? Like 10-25 a month for micro stakes, 50-100 for low, 250-500 for mid, and 500-1k for high? I'm sure the higher end numbers are way up, but you get the idea.

How much money would be needed to open up a room? I'm guessing licensing fees, paying the skin unless you made your own, though I think that would be too much right off the bat, staff, sponsorships, what else?

Diversify or fossilize! 


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