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GoldRush   United States. Aug 23 2013 15:05. Posts 1025
HI LP! My name is Ryan Neilly - I've been trolling LP for 10 years, growing up and learned a ton from this site!

I grew up playing poker in back smokey card rooms, 50 cent big blind - was busto all the time, but i was just the best player ever, they just sucked out on me every time!! I saw this video by some awesome player - think he name was TUFF_FISH - a real 5/10 GRinder- he showed me the way!!!

JK - my coaches are woodbrave / jlost88 / baza88 / marshall28 / DoomerFD taught me FR/ Raszi Taught me HU, Andrewsong and I used to be pretty tight b4 he got super high stakes - I can NOT praise this guy enough. Hes amazing.

so I donked around like the donk I am for years learning to play - Hevad told me via MsN one day in like 2004 (You will learn to survive) and that I did.

The only poker book I have ever read is Barrys book on how to handle yourself lol.

so i grinded cg's nl2 - nl100 $20 - $3k - then dumped it when they caught on and i couldnt adjust heheh

so i moved to nl50-nl1k HU and played there for a year, i lost a year of my life but got lucky and beat frink for like 20bi so that was the stripper success! and that raidan game at 25/50 was so much fun in hindsight, i cant help but laugh

i moved to vegas in 09 and jlost88 and woodbrave got me MTTing! Things went great! My Roomie Quoc and Dee were awesome and up n comin, great atmosphere and knew this was for me for the rest of my life.

Then I had artanis and a ton of ballas put me into a ton of tournaments i was not ready for at all.

I went 45k in debt faster than a rock hits the ground from your hand to the street.

since then, I made yet another mistake - this is the one that stands out the most in my life and gets a label of "scammer" by my name - in 2010 I had a stake with - $8k stake - went to 15k - then had a 8-11k downswing. at this point i went super hardcore degen mode and lost the last 4k that was in there (hu cash my weakness - i had completely lost my mind at this point).

I vouched to pay it back in full for my mistake on the last 50% of the stake (and have paid off only 1.4k so far)

Its similar to when barbieman from LP staked me 3.5k and i degened it, and I Paid him back 100% back within 1-2 months.

I am TerrIble with $$$$ in hand. I am a HUGE pothead. I post rants, and had deep bad anger problems for years. I lived the most unbalanced, unhappy life of most grinders for soooooo long. It was my fault. It is what it is.

I let all these kids run me over on a forum for years after that mistake - trollin me to tilt daily, they loved it, and I understand 110% why.
I just takin it on the chin like Tyson from Holyfield, gettin ready to bite an ear off after it finally got to me.

So, then during a week of just being pissed at everything in the world, i spazzed shit on everyone and everything in the world, with the decision that lp was hurting me at the time - instead of when i joined and it was helping me etc. it was just negatively affecting my day by day mentality. I apologize for that, obviously just a neillystonednutsorant#

so i went to work for baza88 for a year and made some good monies and got to the highstakes circuit for a year, he took good care of me and I'm forever grateful for all the work we put in together and the shit he put up with me during my "growing pains"

After a crazy summer in Costa - I was renting a house off my dad and owned hero/carbon to acr - but just got sick of no stars. I was 40k in Makeup with brad 1 month into costa, after 3 months it was clear, during my stint in the states - it sucked w/out a MTT platform, and had to wait 3 months for m carbon $$ which sent me back to bustoland haha..
*prolly shoulda called Kanish*

Talked some with a few good friends, have a large investor group - but took 1 main investor on since we have been great friends for 4 years. Have backups if need be, but this guy is a true 10 in all areas of life and gives to charities etc, so def love working with him.

So the kid you guys "know" - has grown up a lot, learned cause and causality - accept the negative statements that were directed at me as I was doing the wrong thing the wrong way.

To be Frank, I should be debt free, Baza88 was giving me 3k a month to play for him and I was just blowing it and thinking (ill just pay off my debts when I get a nice 15k score) - terrible way of thinking. Also when I left Vancouver - I paid off 21k in debts and kept 7k - bought a truck - and totalled it - making my car insurance 3x higher. FML karma you are good.

So ya - i was getting really agitated of no good platform to grind on, Ottawa was a great choice because its just so close to home.

Getting into Canada was easy this time, just told em im comin up for poker and they let me right in.

been here a week, have had some real deep runs etc, 22nd big 162 etc, won a 109T, but down overall right now - been forcin things a lil bit - for the buy-ins its nothin tho - 1 win gets me to even heh (500 mtts played in about 7 days of play ~14 hrs a day)

so ya - that neilly guy you guys hated on forever smashin him down, to make your failed lives or egos feel better, has had a career in the game since 2009. Is still 15k in debt, but thats just a number. 1 win. That guy did deserve all the shit you guys gave him, he was a real prick, thought his shit didn't stink, and thought he could just do everything his way. Kid was a fuckin retard.

ah, last week - got top 35 in FTOPS - 1st was over 100k that woulda been sick, over 3k runners.


LP you own - Marshall / Jlost88 / Stroggoz / TalentedTom / Andrew / Hevad / Target / few others - all you guys are like the only ppl I seem to know on here anymore.

I am happier and (more) content in my life now, staying w/ a friend in Canada til 9/1, then getting a place. The greens $100/half for kush delivered, no politics, I need citizenship .

I wish you all the best of luck, Just wanted to send a message out to the LP - stoned morning rant, Hope you guys are all doing really well.

Bout 100 hours of play last 7 days - takin a day off to get a cpu chair and go out and do something. Been inside mostly the last 4-5 days.

First week in Ottawa, I got to see the Capital of Canada with my roomie, my god its beautiful, like that song - castles in the sky, there are castles everywhere. its so sick. and um, spearmint rhino can suck it compared to the clubs up here.

respect to you guys,
gl if u need it,
Ryan - that Neilly guy

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Gnarly   United States. Aug 23 2013 15:25. Posts 1723

i think i remember you...

Diversify or fossilize! 

mnj   United States. Aug 23 2013 16:33. Posts 3848

was so sure this was a byrne post then nothing happened

YouGoTGoT   United States. Aug 23 2013 17:14. Posts 1118

Shots fired


jvilla777   Australia. Aug 23 2013 18:50. Posts 1348

lol post such a troll fail

longple: ur missing the point! this is an attempt to get away from the bumhuntmentality! 

redrain0125   Canada. Aug 23 2013 18:54. Posts 5455

neilly stfu

Sanity   United States. Aug 23 2013 18:54. Posts 1076

93% sure this will be entertaining

locoo   Peru. Aug 23 2013 20:08. Posts 4561

Here we go again, good luck!

bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte 

Target-x17   Canada. Aug 23 2013 20:15. Posts 1027

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. your welcome liquidpoker

f u bw rock 

AndrewSong    United States. Aug 23 2013 20:39. Posts 2355

He's back!! gl

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Aug 23 2013 20:57. Posts 8648

at least you'll never get cancer

Truck-Crash Life 

Mardagg   Germany. Aug 23 2013 21:25. Posts 843


Minion   Brasil. Aug 23 2013 22:12. Posts 2112

Trav94   Canada. Aug 24 2013 04:48. Posts 1787

is this actually Neilly?

barbieman   Sweden. Aug 24 2013 05:27. Posts 2132

It wasn't within 1-2 months, it was from mid-late November 2009 to early August in 2010. Gl with your grind though!

GoldRush   United States. Aug 24 2013 05:44. Posts 1025

  On August 23 2013 19:39 AndrewSong wrote:
He's back!! gl

lawl u never leave lp, might drive the truck for kanish for a bit, but you never leave lp.

Trolala   Estonia. Aug 24 2013 07:11. Posts 2050

why do you keep sharing your stuff with a bunch of people who hate you and wish bad things to you...

pinbaLL    Sweden. Aug 24 2013 08:37. Posts 7243

Neilly recapping/rationalizing stuff always makes my head hurt

GL though

Bejamin1   Canada. Aug 24 2013 16:10. Posts 7042

If this is really him this is awesome. I live in Ottawa. I expect to be entertained LIVE Neilly! hahaha

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

Bejamin1   Canada. Aug 24 2013 16:11. Posts 7042

Come on LP...

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 


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