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NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 25 2013 17:11. Posts 4946
Check it! So I had to move to a new apartment this weekend that accepts month to month tenants while I wait for my new house to be constructed. I hired this moving crew to run the show since I'm lazy like that and prefer to sip mimosas on the patio while they do all the work. They finish up and I hop in my ride and take them to the new place. Next thing I know Holly pulls up next to me in the parking lot and says her cellphone is missing. Naturally first thing I do is try to dial it, but it goes straight to voicemail. The only time this happens is if the phone has been turned OFF. At this point I know it has to be theft since that points to a clear and deliberate attempt to prevent it from being rung.

I pull one of the boys aside privately and ask him if he saw anyone with it, which he of course denies. So I kinda let them unload all my shit before I finally call the cops, that way they cant get all pissy and just drive off without finishing the job. Cops interrogate them but they say nothing. Of course they get kinda offended at me and I hear one of them shouting over the phone with his boss about how "dis motha fucka din even axe us, he jus call da po-lice!" I make sure to strap my gat in case anything worse than shooting a bitch happens. I pay them and tell them to GTFO. One of them even asked for a tip which was especially awesome.

At this point I know one of these dumb mother fuckers will turn it back on in about 10 minutes to reap the rewards of his thievery. So I login to the Google Play Store and initiate an app install which will auto-download as soon as the phone comes online. It's some emergency GPS locator that silently starts reporting your phone's location over and over. Sure as fucking snot, suddenly I start getting messages about her phone. It sends Google Maps links so you can see where it is, and bam, there's her fucking phone about 30 miles up the road in the fucking ghetto.

I hop in my ride strapped, ready for anything, and have the cops meet me there. But then the fucking phone goes offline again. The culprit has turned it off! I call his supervisor and he agrees to stall the kid by telling him to meet up somewhere. I creep into the back of the parking lot and keep a beat on him while I update the police with his location. The kid walks into some grocery store and the cops pursue. 10 minutes later they come out with the bitch in handcuffs, phone in hand, and say he was hiding out in the bathroom.

They shake my hand and said it was fun since usually they fail to recover stolen phones due to lack of evidence. They were happy someone was able to leverage the power of tekmology for justice and return someone's shit back. I gotta say the cops were awesome throughout the entire event, in both cities in which I tracked it. Just very helpful, polite, quick, responsive, and good people. BUMP THE POLICE!

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bye nowLast edit: 25/08/2013 17:17

morph1   Sierra Leone. Aug 25 2013 18:13. Posts 2352

cool story bro

could you tell me what app have you used ?

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life 

chris   United States. Aug 25 2013 19:14. Posts 5503

if he wound up jumping you and you shot him.........

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

goose58   United States. Aug 25 2013 19:41. Posts 871

Dude, that is awesome. kudos.

GoTuNk   Chile. Aug 25 2013 22:00. Posts 2860

needs a better title, almost skipped this awesome story.

mnj   United States. Aug 25 2013 22:08. Posts 3848

u sound worse than zimmerman

traxamillion   United States. Aug 26 2013 01:22. Posts 10468

shouldn't have called the cops should have just pistol whipped the bastard and taken your shit back.

but really though how did you identify the exact person out of the crew to be able to call the supervisor? Did the app get you close enough initially to see the kid?

 Last edit: 26/08/2013 01:59

traxamillion   United States. Aug 26 2013 02:00. Posts 10468

pretty sick you owned that kid though my brothers phone just got jacked and i wish i had that app

Gnarly   United States. Aug 26 2013 02:04. Posts 1723

>keep a beat

Yeah, no.

Diversify or fossilize! 

dnagardi   Hungary. Aug 26 2013 10:34. Posts 1776

lol sick story

TalentedTom    Canada. Aug 26 2013 15:35. Posts 20070

wow you have a lot of grit, great story

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

Stat.Quo   Somalia. Aug 26 2013 15:58. Posts 1227

lol, fools like you are going to get shot soon enough, carrying a gun to retrieve a phone LOL

NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 26 2013 21:26. Posts 4946

The emergency locator app is called "Plan B". Google actually just rolled out their own integrated locator called "Android Device Manager". You can find it under Google Settings (green google icon) down at the bottom. This one is actually far superior to what I use. Once I lost my GPS fix on him I called his supervisor who was able to deduce which one of his guys would have been there. He called the guy for me and convinced him to meet up at the grocery store to stall him so I could find him and point him out to the cops.

bye now 

Luhos   United States. Aug 27 2013 12:40. Posts 57

Amazing story, you're a boss


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