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Floofy need girl advice

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Floofy   Canada. Sep 07 2013 14:45. Posts 8708
Yea that is right, the moment uve all been waiting for.

I'm a bit confused on what to do, and most likely that just writing this will help me out, but advice are welcome.

Sunday i meet a girl from the internet. So i did the usual routine i learned from LP seduction gurus, and ended up sleeping with her. However, i really felt something was special this time... its like... idk... i really thought she was cute (even tho a bit fat, but i didn't mind it), she blowed me like a godess (seriously, she was WAYYY better than all other girls that sucked me), and weirdly in the seduction phase every times something happened (like first kiss) there would be a storm or something. We basically had sex/kissed/talked all night and the night felt pretty magical. I'm also pretty sure she also enjoyed the sex. And idk i also really enjoyed the way she was... smiling, fun to talk to, etc.

Then we when talked on facebook she seemed still interested... but the problem is, i made it like, way too obvious i wanted it to be more than just sex, and pushed too hard to see her again. I got like over confident we would fall in love. She told me some shitty line like "hey i really think we got something special, but i'm not used to this kind of 2 sided interest thing so i'm really afraid of getting hurt so you need to let me time to think". So anyways things went pretty downhill from there, because if it was a test or whatever i failed it. At the end i wrote her some sort of message to let her know she can take her time, and since then we haven't talked to each others. My plan was to simply cool it off for like a week, then try to meet up again for something simple (which would have worked because she needs to give me back something).

Now i had planned to see a bleh girl tonight that seemed to just want sex, so could like fuck her until the other one is done doing bullshit.

But now, something is making it more complicated.

I have a girl roomates that lives with me. This girl is a bit of a social loner, decent looking and has never had a relationship. She's been trying to spend time with me for the past few weeks. Like take walks, play games, watch movies, etc. I always accepted, but i never really attempted to go further than friendship, because i dislike to take shots at girls when it can be bad if it fails. She even learned some of the games i play lol.

Today... i think she got sick of me making no moves at all and was REALLY straight foward. like "hey wanna go see a movie tomorow with me". i was like "sure". then she's like... "you know.. like... a date,... you and me?".

so i guess i got 2 main options:
1) cancel off the bleh girl, and date the roomate. Hopefully she's not the kind to wait for months for sex tho lol. And just forget about the first girl.
2) Try to know if the first girl still has interest (Which would probably kill any chances i have left...). I could be wrong but she probably thought i was way too needy, which means my only chance is probably to prove i can not be needy.
3) Play it the asshole way. See the bleh girl, date the roomate, and stick to the plan with the first girl!

Leaning toward #1 after writing this... but idk i really liked first one.

*****1 votes
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james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

Oly   United Kingdom. Sep 07 2013 14:49. Posts 3585

Reopen the thread

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated. 

Floofy   Canada. Sep 07 2013 14:49. Posts 8708

  On September 07 2013 13:49 Oly wrote:
Reopen the thread


james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

GoTuNk   Chile. Sep 07 2013 14:56. Posts 2860

3 by a mile

SPEWTARD   Peru. Sep 07 2013 15:51. Posts 4306

Rise and ShineLast edit: 07/09/2013 15:52

Gnarly   United States. Sep 07 2013 15:53. Posts 1723

Never tell a girl "I love you" first.

And no, she wasn't testing you. She's scared of commitment.

What you need to do is to back off, completely. Don't talk to her for a few weeks. Not a single fucking word. Then talk to her like nothing ever happened. Don't mention anything about the absence.

However, I think you should go with your room mate. The first girl just seems like sex-happy.

But you shouldn't listen to me because I'm a home-wrecker.

Diversify or fossilize!Last edit: 07/09/2013 15:54

Floofy   Canada. Sep 07 2013 16:40. Posts 8708

  On September 07 2013 14:53 Gnarly wrote:
Never tell a girl "I love you" first.

And no, she wasn't testing you. She's scared of commitment.

What you need to do is to back off, completely. Don't talk to her for a few weeks. Not a single fucking word. Then talk to her like nothing ever happened. Don't mention anything about the absence.

However, I think you should go with your room mate. The first girl just seems like sex-happy.

But you shouldn't listen to me because I'm a home-wrecker.

I didn't tell her "i love you", i'm not this stupid. But i probably did sound like i was really serious about her cuz i said things like "that night was really special". So yea ur 100% right she's scared of commitment, which is actually exactly what she told me. So yea ur advice is spot on.

What's wrong with a sex happy girl thought? But yea she is... she's like nympho type of girl. And also she does sound weird... her appartment was HORRIBLE. Like ghetto horrible. And she told me me about a weird story about being wrongly on meds for 10 years, and not having finished school cuz of it etc. It does sound bad but other than that she was cool. I mean, i think she's a girl that had a rough past (adopted, abusive parents at some points, meds, etc), but she really do seem like she wants to go on the right path, she wants to study to be a nurse.

The other girl is way more a "good girl" type of girl. Good values, never had a boyfriend, good grades at school, a vegan, going to college, etc.

Anyways.... i guess even tho there is a chance i could get first girl it doesn't make sense to reject second girl because of that chance... so i supose i should probably just give second girl her shot.

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;(Last edit: 07/09/2013 16:42

Achoo   Canada. Sep 07 2013 16:43. Posts 1454

You would truly earn my respect if you could get a 4 some going... Until then, option 3 obviously, maximize your profits and fuck'em all !

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

Daut    United States. Sep 07 2013 16:49. Posts 8955

NEVER FUCK A ROOMMATE. dont shit where you eat man. ive never lived with a girl besides a gf, but ive fucked a neighbor and it was awkward as shit, roommate would be way worse

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 07/09/2013 16:50

Floofy   Canada. Sep 07 2013 16:54. Posts 8708

  On September 07 2013 15:49 Daut wrote:
NEVER FUCK A ROOMMATE. dont shit where you eat man. ive never lived with a girl besides a gf, but ive fucked a neighbor and it was awkward as shit, roommate would be way worse

that's what i thought (its why i never really made any moves), but i mean she's literally chasing me... i guess if i reject her its just as akward?

Also, we live in same house, but she's like on first floor and i'm in the basement, so its not THAT bad, but i guess still fairly akward lol

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

jeffv8x_-_16   Belgium. Sep 07 2013 16:55. Posts 2835

need pics to decide imho

how can u shove the river, he cant possibly call with worse -TalentedTom 

napoleono   Romania. Sep 07 2013 16:56. Posts 771


got beaten to it. But I'm surprised it took this long.

 Last edit: 07/09/2013 16:57

Gnarly   United States. Sep 07 2013 16:57. Posts 1723

  On September 07 2013 15:40 Floofy wrote:
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I didn't tell her "i love you", i'm not this stupid. But i probably did sound like i was really serious about her cuz i said things like "that night was really special". So yea ur 100% right she's scared of commitment, which is actually exactly what she told me. So yea ur advice is spot on.

What's wrong with a sex happy girl thought? But yea she is... she's like nympho type of girl. And also she does sound weird... her appartment was HORRIBLE. Like ghetto horrible. And she told me me about a weird story about being wrongly on meds for 10 years, and not having finished school cuz of it etc. It does sound bad but other than that she was cool. I mean, i think she's a girl that had a rough past (adopted, abusive parents at some points, meds, etc), but she really do seem like she wants to go on the right path, she wants to study to be a nurse.

The other girl is way more a "good girl" type of girl. Good values, never had a boyfriend, good grades at school, a vegan, going to college, etc.

Anyways.... i guess even tho there is a chance i could get first girl it doesn't make sense to reject second girl because of that chance... so i supose i should probably just give second girl her shot.

I'm not saying she's a nymph, I'm saying that y'all are infatuated with each other mainly because of the sex. However, if she's a nymph... If you can't keep up, someone else will.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. Sep 07 2013 16:58. Posts 1723

  On September 07 2013 15:54 Floofy wrote:
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that's what i thought (its why i never really made any moves), but i mean she's literally chasing me... i guess if i reject her its just as akward?

Also, we live in same house, but she's like on first floor and i'm in the basement, so its not THAT bad, but i guess still fairly akward lol

Yeah, at that point, things between y'all have gone through a door you can't go back through. If you date another girl, your room mate will become jealous as fuck.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Floofy   Canada. Sep 07 2013 16:59. Posts 8708

well, i don't have pics of my roomates, and the pictures i have of the first girl REALLY don't do her justice. WHen i sent her a message on the dating web site it was a bit like a "bleh ugly but i guess fuckable". When i saw her IRL i was like wtfff lol. She's like wayyy better looking IRL.

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

Floofy   Canada. Sep 07 2013 17:02. Posts 8708

  On September 07 2013 15:57 Gnarly wrote:
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I'm not saying she's a nymph, I'm saying that y'all are infatuated with each other mainly because of the sex. However, if she's a nymph... If you can't keep up, someone else will.

what do you mean i can't keep up? we probably did stuff for like 3 hours or more, and i could easily fuck her almost as much as she wants, thats not the issue.

she also told me i made her cum multiple times with fingers, and i don't think she lied. (but strangely first time this happened, usually girls remove my hands after first orgams).

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;(Last edit: 07/09/2013 17:04

tomson    Poland. Sep 07 2013 17:53. Posts 1982

If you're needy you're needy. You can act that you're not, but all you're just covering symptoms of a greater problem. The self always comes through in the end.

Only way to stop being needy in this case is fixing the root cause - scarcity with women of that caliber. You have to know deep down that given not that long of a time you can get a girl of the same quality/that you're equally attracted to. If not eventually you're going to fuck up that relationship (sometimes in very subtle ways). And then you will fuck up the next one. And the next one. Till you learn the lesson.

Asking which girl you should see and whether you should fuck multiple girls just comes down to your values - you can listen to another persons opinion, but in the end it's your call as it's (more or less) subjective. If you do decide to fuck more than 1 - my advice to you would be to be very careful about what kind of relationship you are projecting in her eyes and hopefully after the 2nd or 3rd hook up (in a non-dramatic way, but serious, not directly after sex and in private) something like - 'I have to tell you something, because I respect you and I need to be honest with you. I really like you and enjoy your company and I want to keep seeing you. But at this point of my life I don't want to be exclusive. I understand if that's not cool for you.You don't have to make a decision about this now, but I want you think about it' Sometimes she will walk away, often she will stay - in which case she probably will still push for a relationship later on, but at least you have set the right frame from the start.

Peace of mind cant be bought. 

Tien   Canada. Sep 07 2013 18:01. Posts 1605

Do you live in montreal floofs?

Only one life to live 

Gnarly   United States. Sep 07 2013 18:25. Posts 1723

  On September 07 2013 16:02 Floofy wrote:
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what do you mean i can't keep up? we probably did stuff for like 3 hours or more, and i could easily fuck her almost as much as she wants, thats not the issue.

she also told me i made her cum multiple times with fingers, and i don't think she lied. (but strangely first time this happened, usually girls remove my hands after first orgams).

If you think you can handle her sexual needs for a long, long time to come, then go for it.

Diversify or fossilize! 

TheHuHu3   United States. Sep 07 2013 18:55. Posts 5544


TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 


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