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NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 10 2013 21:02. Posts 4946
So in my previous blog I talked about having my shit stolen by the movers I hired to move, my shit. So today was his court appearance where he gets to make a plea in front of a judge and face his accuser and all that jazz. The cops told me it really makes an impression on the judge if the victim comes to court to display the severity of the case and such. I make my appearance, which was a little bit weird since I have never seen the inside of a courtroom before. I felt kinda guilty at first because the kid has been in jail for 2 weeks now just waiting for his hearing. He wasnt able to post bail so it's pretty obvious he's a life degen on the wrong path.

Anyway the room is packed with all walks of life and I'm first to be called. I enjoyed looking like a fish out of water, walking to the wrong podium, and otherwise obviously not knowing what to do with myself. The kid is escorted from behind closed doors in a prison jumpsuit and shackles.

The judge recounts the events as described in my criminal report and verifies everyone agrees on what happened. Then he turns to the kid and starts quizzing him on his criminal past, asking him if he's ever stolen anything before and so on. It was a pretty obvious setup but alas, this guy's in chains for a reason because he's clearly not too bright given the crime he committed. The kid basically describes himself as a saint, before the officer who arrested him cuts him off. Before the officer even gets a word out the judge cuts HIM off, and says "wait wait wait, let me have my fun". There was an audible chuckle in the audience behind me. At that moment the judge proceeds to tear his kid a new asshole, reminding him it's pretty stupid to lie about your past to a fucking JUDGE who has access to your entire life's story. The kid has been arrested several times before for related crimes and was actually on fucking parole when he robbed me.

The echo of giggles continues in the background, and even I find myself struggling not to grin out of fear of the judge considering it disrespectful. Anyway the judge pwns this kid into oblivion while he stutters trying to save his ass with feeble "I'm truly sorry for what I did" comments, gives him a max sentence of another 30 days in jail, then deports his ass back to his home state to suffer the consequences of his parole violation. Judge looks to me and says "Sorry but thats the max I can give him". I nod and thats it. The cop who arrested him escorts me out, jiving about the whole experience on the way. He said the kid was a fucking freak and started doing all sorts of weird shit in the squad car when they arrested him. I didnt bother to get in depth.

All in all I have to say the situation was oddly satisfying. I like to think of myself as a "just" person, an honest person, a good person. I dont do evil shit, I dont hurt others, I live by the golden rule, all that sort of stuff. I kept wanting to feel bad for the kid, to prove to myself I have some sort of empathy. But all I could feel was joy that he got fucked. I mean honestly I think the punishment fits the crime. The kid lied to me about the phone, lied to the cops when they interrogated him, then lied right to a judge's face. How stupid can you be? The kid is obviously just another dumb pathological dip shit who just isnt learning his lesson.

I dont know if he's ever served REAL prison time before, but I'd like to think 45 days is jail probably sucks hard enough that maybe he really will learn something from this. Prison is supposed to rehabilitate people. Most of the time it doesnt, but in this situation I think there's a chance. If I dropped charges and this kid got off after 2 weeks in jail, he'd probably consider this a win. 2 week stint for a $500 prize? Hey no problem right? Shit you could make a living like that. Whatever... I'm glad he's being punished, hope he learns something from it, and still feel oddly good about the whole experience.


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SolarM   Germany. Sep 10 2013 21:08. Posts 533

For some reason I feel sorry for the kid. How old is he?

GoTuNk   Chile. Sep 10 2013 22:18. Posts 2860

dont feel bad, criminals and other people who want to steal your posesions are your enemies (like socialist,conservatives and other people who want to raise your taxes or restrict your freedom to play poker online against fish or do cocaine (haven't done the latter ). Would you have the indencency to wrongfully take others property? I wouldn't.

nerdonpoker   . Sep 10 2013 23:26. Posts 414

u hired movers? just make ur friends do it

2c0ntent   Egypt. Sep 10 2013 23:32. Posts 1387

Jared Diamond's "The World Until Yesterday" discusses this punitive type of justice system compared to tribal systems which emphasis the mending of relationships and mindsets (re: New Guinea tribes). The petty revenge which is passed off for justice by our law system is more clear. I see that the Judge is infact in on it, to publically destroy someone who is uttering words of apology based on PAST -- PASSED -- behavior is to deny their human ability to become a new and evolved person, it sets them back, it is disgusting. Thank you for further illuminating me on the nature of the amazingly counter-productive behavior of human beings who are operating in what we call the modern Justice system.

These people are no better than little dogs, barking at those who take the lofty goal of ascending their former self. This judge is representative of Satan himself, lord of the underworld, suppressing appeals to kindness and efforts toward goodness of character.

+-Last edit: 10/09/2013 23:36

devon06atX   Canada. Sep 11 2013 00:58. Posts 5459

6 weeks of jail for a cell phone?

tax dollars well spent.

USA USA USA!!!!!!!

goose58   United States. Sep 11 2013 02:56. Posts 871

I've heard that jail is much worst than prison, due to the small living quarters and lack of freedom.

I do pity criminals because a lot of them have had rough lives, and obviously a lot of them aren't that bright.

Gnarly   United States. Sep 11 2013 05:56. Posts 1723

  prison is supposed to rehabilitate people

Nope. Prison is meant to punish people. Europe is known for going for more rehabilitation centers and etc. with no actual punishment over the american prison-industrial complex.

Diversify or fossilize! 

pinbaLL    Sweden. Sep 11 2013 06:35. Posts 7243

  On September 10 2013 23:58 devon06atX wrote:
6 weeks of jail for a cell phone?

tax dollars well spent.

USA USA USA!!!!!!!

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Sep 11 2013 09:07. Posts 5647

Nice to hear how it resolved.

srsly though turn in your gun plz, its burning-witches-at-stake level nutty to carry a gun

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 11 2013 13:21. Posts 4946

  On September 11 2013 08:07 Silver_nz wrote:
Nice to hear how it resolved.

srsly though turn in your gun plz, its burning-witches-at-stake level nutty to carry a gun

Tell it to this guy

bye now 

Gnarly   United States. Sep 11 2013 14:16. Posts 1723

  On September 11 2013 08:07 Silver_nz wrote:
Nice to hear how it resolved.

srsly though turn in your gun plz, its burning-witches-at-stake level nutty to carry a gun

Come down to Texas. We make it legal to kill a hooker that doesn't give the blowjob for ten minutes when she was paid to do so.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Sanity   United States. Sep 11 2013 17:55. Posts 1076

  On September 11 2013 08:07 Silver_nz wrote:
srsly though turn in your gun plz, its burning-witches-at-stake level nutty to carry a gun

The fact that people think this blows my mind.

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 11 2013 18:26. Posts 34261

  On September 11 2013 16:55 Sanity wrote:
Show nested quote +

The fact that people think this blows my mind.


There is a HUGE gap between thinking that outlawing guns is a good thing for society than thinking its just crazy to carry a gun LOL.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 11 2013 18:34. Posts 34261

how can even consider guilt for 6 weeks, id send that bitch 1 year to prison if it were up to me.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Holly23   United States. Sep 11 2013 20:47. Posts 150

  On September 10 2013 20:08 SolarM wrote:
For some reason I feel sorry for the kid. How old is he?

He is 24

nerdonpoker   . Sep 12 2013 14:37. Posts 414

Its probably good for him. Being in jail wakes people up fast. I barely lasted 14 hours was contemplating suicide.


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