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2 dota questions

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mnj   United States. Sep 12 2013 19:44. Posts 3848
1) why abbadon over dazzle?

Abadon slow ~ dazzle slow
abadon heal is 1 person < dazzle multiple heal + dmg
apotic shield ~ shallow grave
* i know shield will debuff, but shallow grave can keep someone alive for 5 fucking seconds and only has 15 sec cd, so 10 secs between shallowgrave
aba ult < dazzle ult
*aba ult is just for himself. meanwhile dazzle ult can effing melt the enemy armour or increase his team.

lane harass: dazzle has one of the highest starting attack dmg and with decent ranged melee attacks, he can harass much better than aba

why is aba being picked over dazzle?

2) is the gold from last hitting random? or is it based on some formula?

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k4ir0s   Canada. Sep 12 2013 20:06. Posts 3478


I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

Arirang   Canada. Sep 13 2013 00:02. Posts 1673

They're two very different heroes picked for two very different reasons. But Abaddon is more robust whereas Dazzle only fits in very niche comps.

Abaddon's slow does suck, and it doesn't really add much value to the hero other than roshing faster in late game. But you don't pick him for that.

Abaddon's heal cost is super low, and very spammable. It has 700 range and has no travel time. It's easily the best single target heal in the game. While both Abaddon and Dazzle are heroes that require levels, Abaddon only concentrates on two skills and is generally effective from lvl3. Dazzle on the other hand is ass until lvl5, and by then, the early game is long over. You want your spells to matter in early game in a trilane. Abaddon can also allow a competitive dual lane to be viable which adds a lot of value (one of very few heroes that allows this).

Abaddon's shield has a completely different purpose than shallow grave, and is generally more robust. The debuff removal is huge, and it pretty much defines the spell. As CCs tend to scale well into late game, something that counters a CC is really powerful. It creates another layer of meta for fights where an opponent now have to think about the shield before pressing a button. And many aren't used to this way of thinking and will make mistakes.

Abaddon's ult removes debuffs and is basically second life. It's insurance that he will always be alive for a certain amount of time. And if his team is good, they won't make it free for you to kill Abaddon. He makes himself a threat, and makes it difficult for enemy to slay him.

Abaddon is one of those heroes that pretty much change how the game should be played just because he's in play (kind of like Tree), where a conventional strategy or playstyle just won't work anymore. For example, Batrider must completely change how he uses his ult because when Abaddon is in play, he can't just lasso a player and slay him easily. Abaddon will likely shield it off, wasting a valuable CD vs. a 6sec shield. You can't easily lasso Abaddon because his ult dispells everything on him, including lasso. So you've again, used a valuable CD not to secure a kill.

Dazzle does have quite the animation and damage, and a decent range. But a lot of the times, he can get blown up by conventional trilanes should he try to abuse his great auto, in the same way Witch Doctor suffers even though he has even better damage, range and animation. It comes down a lot to the hero's early game spells, which are ass.

I do not know the answer to your second question.

Arirang   Canada. Sep 13 2013 00:06. Posts 1673

did some googling and apparently it's random in a given range.

mnj   United States. Sep 13 2013 00:17. Posts 3848

sounds good ariari, love ur analysis. i didnt know shield will take off batrider. thats great though, since br lasso is too ridiculous.

in particular, the stuff about dual lanes is good, didnt know it cancels lasso-esque spells, and like the bit about changing the way the game is played.

as for the 2nd question, i saw dendi get 48 gold per melee creep like 4times in a row. it looked like there was 0 lag between last hit, and ally creep attack, and that he killed it at the earliest (and therefore most risky) moment. like if u do 50 dmg, he attacked the enemy creep at 50 hp, damn near syncrhonized with his own creeps autoattacks.

ive been experimenting today, trying to hit the enemy creep TRULY at the last possible moment, when they are at like 5-15 hp, and see if i got lower bounties, but couldn't focus that hardcore.

Arirang   Canada. Sep 13 2013 07:24. Posts 1673

um, i'm sure it doesn't matter at what HP a creep dies.

from like 50 to 70 damage, I think last hitting is a little random (meaning, you have some chance of missing cs, even if it's like ~5%), that may be why dendi was being extra careful with his last hits to reduce variance.

Into Infinity   United States. Sep 13 2013 09:16. Posts 1884

dazzle is a lot more level dependent, which sucks for supports in the current tri lane meta

gold is given in a random range from 40 something to 50 something

i think dazzle is a lot better as a solo mid tbh, his slow is one of the most annoying things in the game (7 second CD at level 4). big base damage and best attack animation. with medalion, maxed out Q and phase boots he can just run around the map getting super easy kills. and with farm he'll be able to get some decent HP items and not die in two hits.

TheHuHu3   United States. Sep 14 2013 20:38. Posts 5544

Abaddon is a game-changer in lots of low-to-mid level battles. His cooldowns on his spells are fairly low and low cost in mana.

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

TalentedTom    Canada. Sep 22 2013 20:16. Posts 20070

his shield cancels / dispels almost everything in the game

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