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Gnarly   United States. Sep 19 2013 00:56. Posts 1723
Yet again, I play very fucking well, have a chip lead of 4 to 1 on the second biggest stack, and then for a few hours, the stacks just keep getting passed back and forth. Best hand keeps losing. Saw someone fold aces, fucking ACES to a shove from someone who shoves with 85o. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FOLD FUCKING ACES?! I just don't get how someone thinks that folding aces with two blinds is a good fucking move.


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Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. Sep 19 2013 02:39. Posts 1723

Just found out the guy who folded the aces won first. When I busted out, there was only 9 blinds. They played for another 30 fucking minutes with 10 minute blinds.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Jelle   Belgium. Sep 19 2013 05:06. Posts 3476

sounds like you're playing in some juicy games


dogmeat   Czech Republic. Sep 19 2013 17:51. Posts 6374

ban baal 


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