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mnj   United States. Sep 22 2013 16:38. Posts 3848

surprised he's so popular. surprised ppl want to hear this

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NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 22 2013 16:54. Posts 4946

But it's true. Everyone is constantly absorbed with their cellphones. Even I do it. When I'm waiting for food to be ordered, waiting for a haircut, waiting to have my oil changed, taking a shit. I feel that doing nothing is simply too boring so I pull out my cellphone to read random bullshit on the internet. Why? Why cant I just stare into space, or observe my surroundings, or think about my past or my future, or contemplate the meaning of life, or any other number of things that require thinking instead of tuning out? I think Louis exaggerated the use of cellphones just to be humorous, but there's still an air of truth to the fact that everyone feels they must be doing something at all times, because doing "nothing" sucks. Especially true for narcissistic assholes who text and drive at the same time.

bye now 

Daut    United States. Sep 22 2013 17:09. Posts 8955

everyone loves him because what he says strikes inner cords in people. hes very good at vocalizing what other people feel/think about things in a fairly depressing but humorous way. and people love to listen to that kind of perspective on things instead of comedians who brag or bitch about specific groups of people.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

Gnarly   United States. Sep 22 2013 17:29. Posts 1723

I love doing nothing. It's so much fun.

Diversify or fossilize! 

mnj   United States. Sep 22 2013 19:42. Posts 3848

  On September 22 2013 16:09 Daut wrote:
everyone loves him because what he says strikes inner cords in people. hes very good at vocalizing what other people feel/think about things in a fairly depressing but humorous way. and people love to listen to that kind of perspective on things instead of comedians who brag or bitch about specific groups of people.

that's what i mean. most ppl are in a stupor and enjoy the rat race or smoke/mirrors. i'm surprised a guy who's content is heavily existential could enjoy so much success. #hope

QuirkyEric   Slovakia. Sep 22 2013 19:54. Posts 308 best

Je ti 31 let a umíš akorát klikat myší, vzpamatuj se -Daniel Havlík 

traxamillion   United States. Sep 22 2013 21:19. Posts 10468

The guy has a great show on fx

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 22 2013 21:22. Posts 4946

Louis actually described his method of comedy before. I think he attributed it to advice from George Carlin, that basically said to simply discuss life. Every day life is remarkably funny when you sit back and observe it from a spectators point of view. If you notice, all Louis does is just talk about normal every day shit. Driving to the laundromat, dropping his kids off at school, getting a slice of pizza to eat, putting money in the parking meter, etc.

bye now 

Carthac   United States. Sep 23 2013 01:02. Posts 1343

Louis CK on the origin of the word 'Nigger'

traxamillion   United States. Sep 23 2013 02:27. Posts 10468


el_tilon   Canada. Sep 23 2013 04:17. Posts 296

this guy is like Adal Ramones a comedian in Mexico


Ket    United Kingdom. Sep 23 2013 07:18. Posts 8665

Enjoyed that video quite a lot. I'm growing to increasingly mistrust smartphones for many many reasons as well.

lebowski   Greece. Sep 23 2013 07:24. Posts 9205

this guy is hilarious

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

Xervean   United States. Sep 23 2013 09:16. Posts 682

  On September 23 2013 06:18 Ket wrote:
Enjoyed that video quite a lot. I'm growing to increasingly mistrust smartphones for many many reasons as well.

Loco   Canada. Sep 23 2013 09:23. Posts 20967

"It is a well-known fact, that we can more easily bear up under evils which fall upon a great many people besides ourselves. As boredom seems to be an evil of this kind, people band together to offer it a common resistance. The love of life is at bottom only the fear of death; and, in the same way, the social impulse does not rest directly upon the love of society, but upon the fear of solitude; it is not alone the charm of being in others’ company that people seek, it is the dreary oppression of being alone — the monotony of their own consciousness — that they would avoid. They will do anything to escape it,— even tolerate bad companions, and put up with the feeling of constraint which all society involves, in this case a very burdensome one.

But if aversion to such society conquers the aversion to being alone, they become accustomed to solitude and hardened to its immediate effects. They no longer find solitude to be such a very bad thing, and settle down comfortably to it without any hankering after society;— and this, partly because it is only indirectly that they need others’ company, and partly because they have become accustomed to the benefits of being alone." - Schopenhauer

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Loco   Canada. Sep 23 2013 09:49. Posts 20967

"The only sadnesses that are dangerous and unhealthy are the ones that we carry around in public in order to drown them out with the noise; like diseases that are treated superficially and foolishly, they just withdraw and after a short interval break out again all the more terribly; and gather inside us and are life, are life that is unlived, rejected, lost, life that we can die of. If only it were possible for us to see farther than our knowledge reaches, and even a little beyond the outworks of our presentiment, perhaps we would bear our sadnesses with greater trust than we have in our joys." - R. M. Rilke

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Loco   Canada. Sep 23 2013 09:55. Posts 20967

  On September 22 2013 15:38 mnj wrote:

surprised he's so popular. surprised ppl want to hear this

It's always risky with this kind of humor, you are guaranteed to upset some people, but overall most people won't give you a bad time because you do make them laugh. That's the great thing about being a comic: you can say accurate stuff to people that would normally get you punched in the face by those in denial. If you look at Stanhope, he is a lot more abrasive and controversial than this, and he's very popular too.

Also most people will listen and laugh but don't really "take it in":

One of my favs:

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 23/09/2013 10:02

Stim_Abuser   United States. Sep 23 2013 16:55. Posts 7499

  On September 23 2013 00:02 Carthac wrote:
Louis CK on the origin of the word 'Nigger'

lol holy shit.

For anyone who doesn't know Patrice O'neal was a pretty well known black comic. God damn fucking Louis CK.

Hey Im slinging mad volume and fat stackin benjies I dont got time for spellin n shit - skinny pete 

YoMeR   United States. Sep 23 2013 18:05. Posts 12438

Louis CK has been one of my favorite comics for a long time.

eZ Life. 

proph y   United States. Sep 23 2013 20:54. Posts 15

So what is happiness?

Transcendence and Inspiration.

I was inspired to write all sorts of things. Lightbulbs and fireworks flashing all over the place. Then my laptop had issues and I had to shut it down and restart it. That was not very fun. Quite a vibe killer.

About Parents:

Imagine you find someone who you find qualities that you love in yourself in another but then also they have all these other qualities that actually balance out and improve on your own weaknesses. It's like your own 2 person band. Like as great as the beatles! Then it is decided to collaborate on this huge art project that everyone in your environments will see and judge for the rest of the environments you inhabit. Baby pictures. You are your own Picasso! but instead of some weird ass painting you have your own living, breathing work of art! And it even looks like you and can do shit besides sitting in an art gallery or in a pile of garbage somewhere! Holy Shit! Could it ever be shit in ones' own eyes? Could it ever be tasteful in the eyes of the envious?

On The Void:

Louis is right. There is a void. An all encompassing, never ending void (until it ends and you are unaware it even existed or unaware of anything ever except for nothing and everything... transcendence)

I'm lonely and no one understands me so then I....?

(fill in the blank lp)

Is the answer to engage in activities in which one would never even think to ask the question?

I can think of plenty that through evidence are pretty shit and through evidence are not a bad proposition. Don't feel like getting personal and listing some even though my intentions were to do so in a humorous way before my laptop decided to be an asshole. Am I an asshole for not taking better care of an inanimate object and then calling it an asshole?

I just like this thread and it got me thinking so felt like contributing.

Collaboration and stimulating conversations is something that usually works even in lesser forms of communication such as online message boards (not hating. Just saying this conversation would likely be much more fruitful and livin' if we were all in the moment sippin' on sangria on a patio in hawaii or something like that.)

Find some peace LP, even if it is only for a fleeting moment.


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