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GameOverNoob   Canada. Sep 25 2013 23:10. Posts 961
In high school I tried opened a modeling agency. I was under the assumption that my business partner, who at the time was working for an existing agency, had a client he could sign. It was going well, and I got to hang out with models and experience trendy clubs for the first time but we executed poorly, attempting a game of smoke and mirrors, and he didn't sign. That was my first deal and I lost 200$.

When I was sixteen, I started a poker room downtown. I convinced my boss at the restaurant I was working for to partner with me for 800$. When i needed more he backed out. Woot! I managed to get the resources i needed from a dealer at a 5-10 game. And it worked out well! Too well. It wasn't even a few months before my main competitor closed down and the promoter came to work for me. Unfortunately that same promoter brought in some intimidating and shady businessmen to relieve me of my position. I had to "exit" after 6 months and got a royalty of 500$ a week and a job as a dealer. That's when my friend, the dealer with the resources (500$, a poker table and a car) was shot. Unrelated to the business. He was shot twice in the head while visiting his old college. Major depression followed for me. He was in a coma for months until he woke up miraculously and is now "ok". The Montreal casino opened up a poker room around this time and the club closed. I got involved with some less than admirable people and did some mildly bad business practices. After 6 months I got myself out of the trouble i was going to get into but life was a mess and i was depressed. Addiction followed. At 20 I got clean, moved back in with my parents and got a job working for a legit poker room outside the city. I introduced pot limit omaha to the club and then got promoted to a "sort of marketing position". The actual job was replaced by the owners son. I quit and back to feeling like shit. The last 3 years, i haven't done much. I likely won't get back into online poker. Now, i'm 24, i live at home with my brother, my parents, 2 dogs and what i think is a good attitute. When you have as much time as I've had to think, and you're interested in as many things as I am, it's easy to get flooded with options. I'm going to start a small business licensing technology for restaurants and working on becoming focused and energenic enough to go to school.

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NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 25 2013 23:19. Posts 4946

Dude, someone should make a movie about you

bye now 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Sep 25 2013 23:25. Posts 961

I'm going to start a business that might end up being licensing cloud tech for small businesses.

I have to get into the work force in some way or another. I'm open to suggestions.

I felt like sharing. I guess that's what blogs are for.

As to the business practices that I did with people I didn't like. They were legal loop hole legal... but highly immoral and it made me feel like absolute shit. And the people were the worst. A year later I watched some of them get arrested in a huge bust.


GameOverNoob   Canada. Sep 25 2013 23:26. Posts 961


@lehgoboyLast edit: 25/09/2013 23:50

GameOverNoob   Canada. Sep 25 2013 23:39. Posts 961

Like my life, for the last couple of years poker had been really boring. I'm actually even over the last 400 games or so.

@lehgoboyLast edit: 25/09/2013 23:50

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 26 2013 00:02. Posts 4946

Well you seem like you have the right attitude towards business. Entrepreneurialism is rather difficult for most people. And I think your idea for cloud tech sounds spot on, thats def where the industry is headed and there's tons of room in the small business sector that is being overlooked in favor of large business.

bye now 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Sep 26 2013 00:35. Posts 961

I would be stoked to do it and I've done a fair amount of the preparation work.

i'm going to start cold selling and then put up the money when i have my first client.


Achoo   Canada. Sep 26 2013 07:37. Posts 1454

Game Over, Noob.

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

casinocasino   Canada. Sep 26 2013 10:24. Posts 3343

Your main problem is you associate with yourself with the wrong people, you got the right attitude to succeed, but success is a lot more then just having the right attitude.

KeyleK_uk   United Kingdom. Sep 27 2013 04:42. Posts 1687

  On September 26 2013 09:24 casinocasino wrote:
Your main problem is you associate with yourself with the wrong people, you got the right attitude to succeed, but success is a lot more then just having the right attitude.

This a little..

Also thanks for sharing it was an interesting read. I know it obviously sounds stupid but damn your friend was 'lucky', I am glad he is better though.

poker is soooo much easier when you flop sets 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Sep 30 2013 20:39. Posts 961

Thanks! He's had to deal with alot obviously. He now plays 1-2 live full time. And he crushes plo tourneys.



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