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Epiphany thought process

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 26 2013 18:35. Posts 15163
Wow how'd I miss this?
I've been very results oriented recently not feeling like I'm moving forward, always got tilted by bad beats and took plays v players so personally. And I was bored/frustrated.

Since my long break I forgot one totally fundamental part of my thought process. When I was at my best I was influenced by "where the buffalo roam" series and my thought process was very much like that. Basically I'd think about the spot and consider what I want to do here with all my range ignoring my holding (in that series they have cards covered completely) and when I decided the cards just fell into that range, and I could move on when I made the decision
I guess that's totally standard for you guys but I somehow forgot or got lazier and lazier until I stopped doing that completely and just played my hands, putting more thought process on the villain his range, dynamic and how to play it with these two cards.

=>CONSIDER WHAT RANGE YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH, not the hand. Hand just falls into that range.
The time flies by when I think like this. No
time to think about beating bastards, when I go all in I made my decision and it's nor good or bad when I lose. When I do this, when the spot comes but I have different cards, I have already thought about it before which takes a lot of pressure of my brain

The session is done, and I can be 10 byins down but I wouldn't know nor care, the time flies just like ages ago before that thing called normal life with jobs, girlfriends and career trouble took the joy out of the boyish grind that I loved so much during the heyday of my poker career.

I know this sounds like bullshit to you guys and it probably is but today poker was more fun than it has been since I first interrupted my career, because of a "career"

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93% Sure!  

redrain0125   Canada. Sep 26 2013 19:26. Posts 5455

micros 4eva

Mortensen8   Chad. Sep 26 2013 20:26. Posts 1841

I really liked that series too. I think you should think about what to do with your range on boards, but only against good regs. Most of the time playing an exploitative style will be the most profitable.

Rear naked woke 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 26 2013 20:44. Posts 15163

Not rly GTO although it helps a ton if you want to play balanced - just think about what strategy you want to take in the spot against the guy and what hands it's good before you take your hand into consideration. You can play purely exploitative just think about more possibilities and your strategy first - they did that series with fish etc, I don't want to play balanced quite the opposite at these limits pretty much always. But it makes you think more before you act and you learn a lot faster than if you just look at the hand and do the most +ev thing then move on. I get influened way too much by bullshit when I do that and tend to snapact and be results oriented, and since I came back it's been pretty much pure autopilot for me.

If nothing else it does force you to think
That series will be outdated but I do remember it was one of the best I've seen

93% Sure! Last edit: 26/09/2013 20:47

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 26 2013 20:52. Posts 15163

and e.g. when reviewing a hand not thinking about "should I have played the JTo that way" but "was I right to take that strategy in v that guy in that spot (that included JTo)"
I was doing that when I was moving up quickly before I got a job/focused on finishing uni. Afterwards I stopped and I never moved up since.

93% Sure!  

Gnarly   United States. Sep 26 2013 21:40. Posts 1723

Where can I find this series? I'm about to look, maybe I can find it. However, I thought picking a range was one of the first steps towards becoming slightly better than a fish? Wouldn't playing looser in position, just that alone, be a range, albeit vague?

Diversify or fossilize! 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Sep 26 2013 22:32. Posts 5647

guys I think lemon might finally be getting it!
now lets see you analyze some hands

whamm!   Albania. Sep 26 2013 23:05. Posts 11625

Poker is dead. Lol

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 27 2013 08:21. Posts 15163

  On September 26 2013 20:40 Gnarly wrote:
Where can I find this series? I'm about to look, maybe I can find it. However, I thought picking a range was one of the first steps towards becoming slightly better than a fish? Wouldn't playing looser in position, just that alone, be a range, albeit vague?

It's on Deucescracked it's OOOLD like 2009-10? So the strategy itself probably a bit outdated like discussing defend range against a 3% 3bet reg , but the concept's great. They basically have covered cards the whole series and just talk bout what they'd do with all their hands in that spot, range v range.

Yeah that's one of the things, e.g. You are on the button you look at the blinds. Combined fold to steal is 50%. You do the math quickly, with minraise you need 57% FE so you decide you raise only hands with some sort of equity, either skewed towards suitedness/conectedness if they fold on flops or highcards if they are stations postflop - base on stats/reads.
Then you look at your hand and it just falls into one of the ranges, e.g you know 53s sucks stations and you fold but would fall into the raising range vs regs that can fold. You thought about the whole spot and just happened to have that hand so even if you lose e.g. on a river spot or AI in 3b pot you made a conscious decision and considered your strategy and range and don't care about the result.

I think over time I picked up the toxic thought process of everyone's retarded I want to play exploitative there's no point thinking much I just have to look at my 2 cards and play them if +ev - playing against micro players, like a micro player. Thing is your play will be the same most of the time, but you control yourself in many spots and think hands through a lot more and just can pure ignore results if you think in both his AND your own range.

93% Sure! Last edit: 27/09/2013 11:11


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